Executive Director
Job Title: Grace Covenant Ministries Executive Director
Job Location: Jackson County Kentucky--encompassing the communities of Annville,Gray Hawk and McKee
Organization Information: Grace Covenant Ministries is a newly formed non-profit organization of three Reformed Church in America congregations and a historic regional campus previously known as Annville Institute/JacksonCounty Ministries. Those associated with the new organization value, and will continue to build on, the work done in this region by the Reformed Church in America for over one-hundred years.Through the church'sCollegiate Consistory and Annville Institute's Board of Directors,Grace CovenantMinistries strives to impactabroken and hurting world with the Christ of redeeming love. Together, through unity of purpose and programs, each in their ownuniquewayis making a difference in the lives of local area people.Through a broad base of support and involvement, locally and nationally, Grace Covenant Ministriesis not only a vehicle for effective and creative ministry, but also an exciting place to work.
Job Description: As Executive Director, you will be responsible to lead and manage Grace CovenantMinistries according to the direction set by its Collegiate Consistory and the Annville Institute Board of Directors. Your major duties and responsibilities will be to:
- Providestrategic and visionary leadership that will influence and motivate others to achieve results that enhance the work of ministry;
- Administer and manageall funds, designated for Annville Institute, through sound bookkeeping and accounting practices according to the approved budget(s);
- Plan and manage programs and operational strategies that move the organization forward and enables it to become effective and efficient in fulfilling its vision and achieving its goals;
- Develop and implement human resource policies and procedures which will ensure a safe, non-coercive and caring environment;and
- Communicate with all stakeholders to keep them informed and up-to-date on all aspects of the ministry.
A more complete and detailed job description is available online at: ______
Job Qualifications and Skill Requirements:
Education: Degree in Business Administration (MBA preferred) or related field of Christian Non-Profit Ministries, including theological education.
Experience: Minimum of three to five years of proven results in building a ministry and/ororganization, and achieving results.
ChristianFaith: Adherence toReformed theology, and respect for Annville Institute and regional history.
Compensation: $32,905.00 --- Salary
$10.440.00 --- Family Health Insurance
$2,632.00 ----- Up to an 8% match for annuity
$9,600.00 ----- Value of on campus housing
$55,577.00 -- Total package with four weeks paid vacation
Application Process and Deadline:
If you are interested in this opportunity please submit a resume, including a cover letter, educational degrees and training, experiences and three (3) references to: or via postal mail to: Search Committee, P.0. Box 340, Annville, KY 40402no later than November 15, 2015.
Contact Information: Name: Keith Bingham
Phone: 1 606 438 1608