Academy of Trades and Technology
Wednesday June 14, 2017
5:00 pm
Conference Room
2551 Karsten Ct. SE
Suite D, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Ph: (505) 765-5517Fax: (505) 765-5925
- Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by Bruce.
- Roll Call
The board members in attendance are: Henry Lackey, Harold Field, Bruce Bixby, Alfred Martinez, KarenSanchez-Griego, Angelica, Padilla, and Rick Padilla; visitors: Fern Pokagon
- Adoption of June 14th, 2017 Regular Governing Council Meeting Agenda (Discussion/Action)
The agenda was approved by the board and adopted.
- Approval of May 15th, 2017 Board Minutes (Discussion/Action)
After receiving and reviewing the last meeting minutes, the board approved and adopted the minutes.
- OPEN Community Forum
- CEO/Principal’s Report, (Dr. Karen Sanchez-GriegoEd.D)
- Renewal Application (Discussion/Action)
Dr. Griegoinformed the board that she will continue to report to the board through the summer months. She mentioned that there are requirements that are being worked for renewal. Discussion was made concerning the application for renewal and the details needed to help with the application process. Discussion was made concerning connections of staff members.
- School Policies (Discussion/Action)
Dr. Griego distributed the Grievance Policy and Related Procedures. The board agreed to look at the procedure and will take action at the next meeting.
- Contract School Lawyer (Discussion/Action)
Dr. Griego presented the contract with Matthews Fox and the board approved the contract unanimously.
- Attendance Report
Dr. Griego distributed the May Attendance Report and discussion was made. There was concern expressed about students that are late and not accounted for during the class time. Dr. Griego mentioned discipline is being made with the teachers.
Henry directed Dr. Griegoand Alfred to include her reports with future minutes.
Bruce informed the board he will need to leave but asked a question to Dr. Griego about any vacancies. Dr. Griego responded of the current candidates for hire.
- Financial Report, Chief Financial Officer (Alfred Martinez)
Alfred distributed the Budget Summary and gave May 31, 2017 report. He also mentioned the carryover will need to be amended at the beginning of the school year. Harold added that there were journal entries that were approved in the Finance Committee meeting. He also mentioned that the balances and bars are in check.
Alfred asked for approval each bar. The board motioned and seconded each bar for approval. Motion carries for approval,
Alfred distributed Resolution Number 2017-0001 for review and approval. Discussion was made and request was made. Motion was made by Angelica Padilla and Rick Padilla, the board unanimously approved the resolution.
NOTE: President Lackey and Angelica arrived for the meeting.
- President’s Report, (Henry Lackey)
President Lackey had no report, however, he requested of Dr. Griego and Alfred to join him to attend a management course (personnel) and sometime in the near future. It was decided that he and Dr. Griego look into this request. The board was reminded of the upcoming retreat in July. They agreed on July 15, 2017 for the retreat which is to be held at the Padilla’s residence. President Lackey expressed a need for a retreat with the Academy staff and he mentioned the positive outcome for past retreats. Dr. Griegoagreed to look into possible locations.
- Table Items
President Lackey informed the board all other agenda items would be tabled to next meeting.
- Adjournment
A motion was made and seconded for adjournment at 5:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Fern Pokagon
All Meetings are conducted in Accordance with Applicable State of New Mexico Open Meeting Act, NMA Fifth edition N2005.
This agenda was posted at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.
Administrator: ______Date:______