Job Details & Department Information



This temporary post becomes available from 1 September 2015 to cover the maternity leave of a member of staff. The post offers excellent prospects for a committed and enthusiastic candidate to work in a highly effective and very successful Science Department.

We are looking to appoint an outstanding teacher to join the department. It would be preferable for the successful candidate to be able to teach general Science at KS3 and Chemistry to GCSE. A Level teaching is available but is not essential. They should be someone who can continue to inspire, enthuse and bring out the best in all our students.

All teachers are expected to act as form tutors and to assist with the extra-curricular activities of the school and the teaching of associated subjects.

The school’s Pay Policy recognises salary portability and will honour an applicant’s existing salary progression.


Science is a large department with 13 members of teaching staff and 5 Technicians. The department has recently benefitted from some renovated labs and prep rooms.


At present, the Sciences at GCSE are taught as separate subjects. Staff are committed to maximising student achievement and examination results in the department are excellent. Each year a number of students are successful in gaining top grades. Uptake at A Level is extremely healthy with many students pursuing Science-related courses at university.

Years 7 and 8: Students are following a coordinated course (that has been written by the department), with a very strong emphasis on learning skills, essential Science investigatory and problem solving skills, as well as meeting statutory requirements for KS3 in terms of content. Students are taught KS3 and Core GCSE Science with 7 hourly lessons in a fortnight.

Years 9-11: All students follow a course that leads to Separate Science iGCSEs, following EDEXCEL Level 1/2 Certificate (iGCSE) and taught in 8 sets.

GCSE Astronomy is also offered in the options, and uptake is very strong.

AS/A Level

AS/A2 Chemistry: OCR (Spec A)

AS/A2 Biology : OCR

AS/A2 Physics: AQA

Uptake is strong, especially in Biology and Chemistry. AS groups have 9 periods per fortnight shared between two teachers and A2 groups have 8 periods per fortnight.

Science teachers can also assist in the delivery of the Sixth Form Enrichment.


The department is very well resourced and there are 12 fully equipped laboratories in the Science Block (4 Biology, 4 Chemistry, 4 Physics), with 5 Prep Room areas, and two departmental study/staff rooms. All laboratories are equipped with interactive whiteboards.

The department has 3 trolleys of laptop computers for student use, all wirelessly linked to the curriculum network. The main Science lobby area also has workstations for private student study.

Science has been well equipped over the last few years and storage provision is well organised by the experienced Technicians. ICT is used extensively by the students and all teachers are provided with a laptop.

In the school grounds is an excellent environmental reserve with a large pond that is used extensively for Biology. The Department has also begun cultivation of its own organic vegetable garden and hopes to expand this along with the other extra-curricular activities we run.


Ø  The Parkstone Science Department regularly sends students to Oxford and Cambridge, Medical/Veterinary Schools and a variety of Pure and Applied Science courses at Universities. The Science Department is seen as a strength in the school.

Ø  We have strong links with our local universities and students regularly benefit from workshops and visits to Southampton, Portsmouth and Exeter Universities.

Ø  The Physics Department works with students on Engineering Projects such as Greenpower and the Engineering Education Scheme, and Crest Gold Awards have been issued in the last few years.

Ø  There is an active body of Science Prefects in Year 12 and 13 who undertake a variety of roles including mentoring, organising discussion groups and helping on Open Evenings.

Ø  Within Science, there is a rigorous monitoring system in place to ensure students fulfil their potential.

Ø  All staff have had extensive professional development which enhances their teaching and managerial skills.

Ø  The Science Department has taken trips abroad which include Futuroscope in France, EPCOT and NASA in America, the Grand Canyon area of the USA and The Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

Ø  The department is proud of its cross-curricular links, especially with History, Mathematics, Art and Technology. As well as contributing to school trips and visits with these departments, several cross-curriculum themed days (Darwin Day, Green Day) have been jointly planned and extremely successful.

Ø  The Science Department, including the Technicians, are a friendly team who organise out-of-school social events as well as sharing cakes on Tuesday break!

CLOSING DATE: 9.00 am on Wednesday 13 May 2015

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