JOB TITLE:Enablement Team Head of Department/LOROS Safeguarding Lead
LOCATION:LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester
HOURS OF WORK:37.5 hours per week
RESPONSIBLE TO:Head of In-patient Services
Director of Care Services (for Safeguarding)
- To lead the Enablement Team and line manage thePhysiotherapist - Clinical Lead, Occupational Therapist – Clinical Lead, Social Workers, and Discharge Liaison Nurses and act as the Safeguarding Lead for LOROS.
- To support the provision of a high quality, value for money and effective service within available resources whilst contributing to the organisational investment plan to ensure effective service planning and development in line with service needs.
- To work as a clinical expert within their own area of expertise acting as a role model for other staff within the service.
- To ensure the provision of skilled care, advice, support and expertise for all patients referred to the Enablement Team.
The post holder will:
- Give direction and vision in the application of evidence based practice by supporting the implementation of clinical changes tocontinually improve service delivery.
- In collaboration with the different professional groups within the Enablement Team,ensure patient safety and clinical effectiveness at all times.
- Be responsible for a designated caseload within own area of expertise and facilitate appropriate clinical practice delegation and support for individual caseload management to other members of the team.
- Work alongside the clinical leads, provide support and supervision to staff acting as a resource and mentor to support professional development and practice.
- In collaboration with the Ward Manager support the discharge process encouraging multi-disciplinary working to ensure appropriate discharge planning for patients.
- Liaise with members of the multidisciplinary team and outside agencies both voluntary and public sector to ensure patients get the appropriate advice, support and access to services.
- Provide statistical and other requested information whilst maintaining accurate records
- Evaluate new methods and practices within the scope of the Enablement Team.
- Support the development and review of relevant clinical policies and guidelines associated with the Enablement Service.
- Act at all times in accordance with his/her relevant code of professional conduct and maintain effective registration.
- Be an independent practitioner working under the guidance and protocols of the appropriate Governing body.
The post holder will:
- Provide leadership and support to all staff within the service to support decision making, enhance their role and deliver integrated seamless services which improve the experience of patients and their families/carers.
- Manage and oversee the Enablement Team’s activity, annual leave, study leave and bank staff usage to ensure the efficient running of the team, taking into consideration caseload and available resources.
- Support the strategic direction of LOROS by pro-actively engaging with and contributing to relevant discussions/forums relating to service changes/developments at the hospice, ensuring clear communication to and from the Enablement Team.
- Foster a working environment that encourages best practice and innovation whilst maintaining the discipline necessary for effective service provision.
- Promote and help implement the most efficient and effective models of service delivery and establish new ways of working to meet the needs of patients both within LOROS and out in the Community
- Keep abreast of current issues and future developments that may affect the Enablement Service.
- Ensure that staff understand the purpose for and comply with systems for capturing accurate service activity data and access and utilise available data to support service management, delivery and development.
- Actively participate in the recruitment and lead on individual induction, annual appraisal and personal development of staff and volunteers within the service, in accordance with hospice policy to ensure they have the appropriate information and training to carry out their role.
- Actively contribute to and/or lead clinical or organisational audit and drive the achievement of action plans to secure continuous improvement.
- Critically review and evaluate the Enablement Team, developing, initiating and managing any change necessary to better meet the needs of the local population.
- Identify service deficiencies and advise on the effective use of resources for their improvement
- Participate in the business and strategic planning process in relation to the future development of the Enablement Service and complete appropriate business cases to support the need for any additional resources.
- Work at all times to maximise safety within the working environment, reporting any identified hazards and incidents and ensuring the completion of relevant risk assessments, investigation of incidents and implementation of risk reduction measures within required timeframes.
- Advise the Head of In-Patient Services of all complaints and concerns affecting clinical practice/service delivery and effectively undertake investigations to resolve and learn from complaints or incidents.
- Produce timely, accurate and meaningful reports related to the service as required by the Head of In-Patient Services, Clinical Governance Group and/or Senior Management Team.
- Effectively manage resources within the allocated budget ensuring the best value for money.
- Encourage positive team engagement across the different clinical departments and professional groups and foster an environment of partnership working both internally and externally to ensure positive outcomes for patients.
- Organise and prioritise workload, ensuring systems are in place within the service to enable work to be completed within allocated hours.
The post holder will:
- Be the organisational lead in respect of Adult and Children's Safeguarding, Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty providing support and advice to the Director of Care Services as required.
- Support the social workers in respect of safeguarding issues providing relevant guidance and advice.
- Lead on the review and revision of all relevant policies and procedures relating to Safeguarding, Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty.
- Develop and help implement a LOROS Safeguarding Strategy.
- In collaboration with the social workers within the team, provide expert advice to staff in relation to Safeguarding, Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty issues, providing advice on individual cases as required.
- Deliver the safeguarding element of the staff induction programme.
- Regularly review and update the mandatory safeguarding e-learning training to ensure it meets statutory requirements and incorporates all relevant organisational policies and procedures.
- Ensure volunteers receive an appropriate level of training and support in relation to safeguarding, relevant to their role.
- Support the Head of In-Patient Services and Head of Community and Day Care Services in ensuring clinical staff receive the relevant training at the appropriate level to undertake their role, liaising with outside agency to help deliver this as required.
- Support the implementation of other requirements for safeguarding, which are relevant to staff and volunteers at LOROS, as set out in the Adult and Children's Safeguarding Competency Frameworks.
- Complete the annual Self Assessment for Adult and Children's Safeguarding for the CCG Quality Schedule and attend relevant meetings with the LLR leads for safeguarding ensuring any necessary actions are implemented.
- Attend the LLR Safeguarding Network meetings and any other relevant safeguarding forums on behalf of LOROS and ensure information is fed back and any required actions implemented locally.
- Attend relevant study/training days in relation to Adult and Children's Safeguarding, Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty to support own personal development and ensure the organisation is informed of areas of good practice and any new initiatives.
The post holder will:
- Support team members in undertaking appropriate mandatory and essential for role training and in fulfilling their annual objectives and personal development plans.
- Demonstrate responsibility for own professional growth by ensuring ongoing personal and professional development.
The post holder will:
- Encourage the team to develop and implement research outcomes and audit to demonstrate clinical effectiveness, evidence based healthcare and cost effectiveness, within the framework of Clinical Governance.
- Participate in clinical audit practice including the encouragement and development of clinical interest audits within Enablement Services.
- Facilitate change within the service as a result of research and audit.
- Participate in defining, developing and implementing Nationaland Local Quality/Professional Standards.
All staff are subject to Equal Opportunities Legislation, the Data Protection Act and LOROS Confidentiality Policy.
To carry out and comply with the prevention and control of infection as per LOROS policies and procedures.
All staff are subject to LOROS policies, procedures and conditions of service, with reference to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
Co-operate with their employer as far as is necessary to meet the requirements of the legislation.
All staff should be aware of and aim to contribute to LOROS’ Vision and Mission and also strive to exhibit the Values & Behaviours at all times (see attached document).
The contents of this job description are not exhaustive and may be amended in accordance with the needs of the service after discussion with the post holder whose agreement will not be unreasonably withheld.
Signed…………………………………………………… Date…………………………………………
Signed…………………………………………………… Date ……………………………………….
Line Manager
(Our long term aspiration for our society)
Everyone with an incurable illness has the right to excellent care. This should value and respect their uniqueness and their own choices. People should be enabled to live and die with dignity and with appropriate and compassionate support for them and their loved ones.
(Our goals and activities in working towards our Vision)
LOROS is a charity whose aim is to enhance the quality of life of adult patients with cancer, progressive neurological conditions and end-stage organ failure for whom curative treatment is no longer possible. Patients are treated at the hospice and in the community based upon clinical need, regardless of background and the ability to pay.
LOROS specialises in holistic, multidisciplinary care, focused on the whole person and including family and carers. The care given takes into account the patients’ physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs as well as their own choices. Family members are supported in adjusting to loss and bereavement.
LOROS contributes to the education and training of its own and other health and social care professionals and of volunteers. The charity is also committed to research in order to improve the understanding and practice of palliative care.
(How we will strive to be)
No. of individuals receiving patient care from LOROS pa>2,500
Of whom admitted to Inpatient Ward550
(approx ½ subsequently discharged)
No. of beds in Inpatient Ward31
Average length of stay (days)12
No. of participants in LOROS educational activities pa2,000
No. of employees320
No. of regular volunteers>1,000
Expenditure on patient care pa £7.5 million
Minimum amount of income to be raised pa£4.5 million
Portion of expenditure covered by NHS1/3rd
Proportion of charity costs directed to care services90%
Cost per hour of running the charity£850
Cost per Bed/Day including “overheads” (85% occupancy)£500
Cost per attendance for Day Therapy£150
Cost of a Community Nurse Specialist visit£100
No. of LOROS shops25
No. of LOROS lottery members22,000
Year LOROS registered as a charity1977
First patient at Groby Road HospiceSept 1985
LOROS is a registered charity and also a company limited by guarantee which is governed by a Board of up to 15 unpaid voluntary Trustees. It is regulated by the Charity Commission, Companies House and the Care Quality Commission.
All money raised is spent locally in Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland.
P:\PERSONNEL\Job Descriptions\Enablement\Enablement HoD-Safeguarding Lead - November 2014.doc