Video Guide Level P1 Focus on Imperatives

/ Universidad Estatal a Distancia
Vicerrectoría Académica
Dirección de Extensión Universitaria
Language Center - English Program /

Job Interview Dos and Don'ts


In pairs o small groups, discuss the following questions.

a.  How you ever had a job interview? How many? How did they go?

b.  What do you think is important to do and not to do during a job interview?

c.  What do you think are some frequently-asked questions in a job interview?


Read the definition of the words and then try to explain it by using your own words or an example

1. Dress for Success: maintaining a professional look will give you a competitive edge and help you make a positive first impression

2. Bone crushing: powerful or constricting enough to crush one's bones; a bone-crushing handshake.

3. To handle: To have the ability to deal with a situation I don’t know if I can handle the job

4. Forefinger: The index finger or finger next to the thumb.

5. Summary: a brief statement that presents the main points in a concise form 6. Resume: a summary of your academic and work history –Curriculum Vitae 7. Weakness: A personal defect or failing 8. Actually - used to imply that one would expect the fact to be the opposite of that stated; surprisingly, In fact.


Look at the imperatives in the box and circle the ones are mentioned in the video.

dress apply keep wear don´t forget bring ask
massage turn on make come stand up
don´t wear add avoid play sit down give
call focus apologize don´t let turn off greet

Listen again and fill the blanks with the correct imperatives in the box.

1.  _____ appropriately for your interview, if you are a man ______a suit it can never go wrong a navy blue or chocolate gray a white shirt and a nice tie.

2.  If you are a woman ______sure you wear a suit in the interview either a skirt suit or a pant suit is fine. ______jewelry, light colors or too much make up.

3.  ______a firm but not bone crushing handshake.

4.  ______to make eye contact and to smile.

5.  ______on areas that can be improved upon and over time.

Things to remember

6.  ______and ______your interviewer.

7.  ______your interviewer´s business card.

8.  ______your cellphone


1. What would you recommend a person who is going to have a job interview?

2. What are some DOS and DONT´S for a job interview?

3. What do you think about the tips in the video? Do all of them apply to our context?

4. What other tips would you mention?

5. Did you find this video helpful? Why?


Andreina Morales