13th International Catholic Deaf Association (ICDA)

Canadian Section Conference

August 10th - 13th, 2016

St. Benedict’s Retreat and Conference Centre

West St. Paul, Manitoba, CANADA


Registration Form

(One registration form per person)

Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______Province: ______Postal Code: ______Phone number: ______

Text: ______E-MAIL ADDRESS: ______

Member ( ) ICDA Chapter #: ______Chapter Location: ______

Officer ( )Moderator ( )Delegate ( )Non-Member/Visitor ( ) Pastoral Worker ( )


Combo Rate (Includes Registration Fee, Workshops, Welcome Reception, Banquet, & ICDA T-shirt – Please indicate your size
(S) (M) (L) (XL) (XXL add $5.00) / Member / Non-Member
Early Bird – February 1st, 2016 – May 31st, 2016 / $ 145.00 / $ 155.00
June 1, 2016 – August 1, 2016 / $ 155.00 / $ 165.00


Individual Rate (February 1st - August 1st , 2016) / Select (s)
Registration Fee ** Includes Workshops, General Meetings, and Program Book / $ 60.00
Welcome Reception at St. Benedict’s ** - August 10th at 7 PM / $ 30.00
Banquet at Deaf Centre Manitoba ** - August 13th at 7 PM / $ 50.00

For sale white T-shirt with ICDA logo (If want to have extra T-shirt(s), how many, what size?)

Payment due:July1st,2016

Size / S $ 20.00 / M $ 20.00 / L $ 20.00 / XL $ 20.00 / XXL $ 25.00

Total - $ ______

Meals(Adults and Children both pay in full)

Breakfast Buffet ($13 per day)X days / $ / Thurs / Fri / Sat / Sun
Lunch Buffet ($ 16 per day) X days / $ / Thurs / Fri / Sat
Supper Buffet ($ 19 per day) X days / $ / Wed / Thurs / Fri

Accommodation:St. Benedict’s Retreat and Conference Centre

Shared Room (two single beds)(Showers, toilets, and sinks across the hall)

$ 55.00 (per person) X ______nights = $ ______Room mate’s name ______

$ 110.00 (one person with two single beds) X ______nights = $ ______

Couple Room (one double bed, private bathroom)(a couple)

$ 100.00 (two persons) X ______nights = $ ______

Note: After May 31st, 2016, room may not be guaranteed.

“First Come First Serve” *Children and Teens pay full accommodations*

Meals: $ ______

Accommodation: $ ______

Total: $ ______


How will you arrive here?Plane ( )Car ( )Bus ( )

Flight number: ______Arrival Date ______Time ______

Flight number: ______Departure Date: ______Time ______

We will arrange transportation from Airport to St. Benedict’s.

12:00 Noon ( ) 4:00 PM ( ) 8:00 PM ( )

From Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport to 225 Masters Avenue, West St. Paul, MB

(St. Benedict’s Conference & Retreat Centre) around 30 minutes

Optional: Thursday, August 11, 2016 (Tentative time: 5-10 pm)

VIP World Tours – Folklorama - $ 60.00per person (Everyone is welcome to join us – family/friends)

Folklorama’s VIP Tours are a two pavilion, all-inclusive and easy access group tour experience that includes:

  • Air-conditioned transportation between pavilions
  • Admission two pavilions
  • Bypassing line-ups
  • Reserved seating with table service
  • First Pavilion- different beverage, different alcoholic cultural and appetizer and Second Pavilion- real meal, domestic alcoholic
  • World-class entertainment
  • Guided cultural display tours
  • Interpreter provided

(Please note: There are pavilions that do not serve alcoholic beverages. On tours that visit those pavilions, you will still be provided with both a cultural & domestic alcoholic beverage, but in a different order than described above.) You can check on website -

$ 60.00 per person X ______= $ ______


Combo Rate / $
Individual Rate / $
ICDA T-shirt / $
Meals / $
Accommodation / $
VIP Folklorama Tour / $
Total / $

Cheque or money order (CAD currency only) payable to:

Manitoba Catholic Church of the Deaf

Mail form and payment to:

13th ICDA-Canadian Section 2016

C/o Elena Martin, a.m.o.

MB Catholic Church of the Deaf

234 - 285 Pembina Hwy

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Canada R3L 2E1

Note: Registration fees are non-refundable.

For more information required, please contact:

Elena Perez Martin, a.m.o.,
Pastoral Asst./Coordinator
Voice/Text: 204-898-4758
E-mail address:
Subject: ICDA 2016 requirements
/ Chairperson:
Mari-Len Martin Andrabado
E-mail address:
Subject: ICDA 2016 requirements
/ Committees:
Liette Levesque Gervais
and Sheila Montney
E-mail address:

Subject: ICDA 2016 requirements

13th International Catholic Deaf Association

Canadian Section - Conference 2016

St. Benedict’s Retreat and Conference Centre

West St. Paul, Manitoba, Canada – August 10-13, 2016

“Open our hearts, Welcome Holy Spirit”

***Tentative Schedule***

Date/Time / Tues.,
Aug. 9 / Wed.,
Aug. 10 / Thur.,
Aug. 11 / Fri.,
Aug. 12 / Sat.,
Aug. 13 / Sun.,
Aug. 14
8 AM / Arrival
ICDA Executives / Guests Arrival
ICDA Board
Pre-Meeting / Breakfast / Breakfast / Breakfast / Breakfast
9 AM / Workshop with
Fr. Paul Z.
Break Time
(15 mins) / Workshop with
Fr. Paul Z.
Break Time
(15 mins) / Pastoral Worker Meeting
Break Time
(15 mins) / Departure
See you all Summer 2018
Toronto, Ontario
10 AM
11 AM
12 NN / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
1 PM / OMD Meeting
Break Time
(15 mins)
Mass / General Meeting
Break Time
(15 mins)
Mass / ICDA Board
2 PM
3 PM / Registration
at St. Benedict’s / Getting ready for Mass and Banquet at DCM
4 PM / Going to DCM
5 PM / Supper / (Optional)
(5-10 pm) / Supper / Mass with
Archbishop of Winnipeg
6 PM / Free Time / Spiritual
Workshop with Fr. Paul Z. / Theme
Hawaiian Night
(Hawaiian Attire)
7 PM / Welcome Reception
Short Presentation with
Fr. Matthew
ICDA Rome 2015/
WYD Poland 2016
8 PM
9 PM / Confession