Inclusion Leader Job description


The duties outlined in this job description are in addition to those covered by the latest School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document. It may be modified by the Headteacher, with your agreement, to reflect or anticipate changes in the job commensurate with the salary and job title.

Principal Purpose

To lead, co-ordinate and oversee the day-to-day operation of the school’s Inclusion Policy to bring about improved standards of achievement for all pupils. To track and ensure effective provision for vulnerable groups of children.

Teaching and Learning

  1. Research, identify and adopt the most effective teaching approaches for pupils with SEN/Vulnerable groups.
  2. Monitor teaching and learning activities to meet the needs of pupils with SEN/Vulnerable groups.
  3. Liaise with other teachers and classroom assistants to ensure that the children with SEN/Vulnerable groups are receiving regular and effective support.
  4. Liaise with other schools to ensure continuity and support and learning when receiving or transferring pupils with SEN/ Vulnerable groups.

Recording and Assessment

  1. Set targets/ support programmes for raising achievement among all pupils, including those with SEN/Vulnerable groups.
  2. Collect and interpret assessment data.
  3. Set up systems for identifying, assessing and reviewing SEN/ Vulnerable groups.
  4. Update the Headteacher and Governing Body on the effectiveness of provision for pupils with SEN/ Vulnerable groups.
  5. Develop staff’s understanding of learning needs and the importance of raising achievement among pupils. Foster high, realistic expectations of children’s progress.
  6. Attend consultation evenings and keep parents informed about their child’s progress.
  7. Initiate and coordinate support from outside agencies and maintain complete and accurate records.
  8. Maintain and oversee all records on all pupils with SEN/ Vulnerable groups.


  1. Encourage all members of staff to recognise and fulfil their statutory responsibilities to pupils with SEN/ Vulnerable groups.
  2. Provide training opportunities for classroom assistants and other teachers to learn about SEN/ Vulnerable groups.
  3. Act as the immediate line manager for SENCO assistant, Play Therapy worker and SEN TAs.
  4. Disseminate good practice for SEN/ Vulnerable groups across the school.
  5. Identify resources needed to meet the needs of pupils with SEN/ Vulnerable groups and advise the Headteacher of priorities for expenditure.
  6. To contribute to the strategic planning for SEN/ Vulnerable groups within the school.
  7. Undertake relevant research, national inspection evidence and legislation, including the SEN Code of Practice/ provision of SEN standards and equal opportunities legislation and how these apply to pupils with statements as well as those without.

Responsibilities and Roles of Member of Senior Leadership Team

  • Assist the Headteacher and other members of the Senior Leadership Team in defining a strategic vision for the school.
  • Carry out pastoral responsibilities throughout the school, so as to maintain high standards of behaviour and positive attitudes amongst pupils.
  • Assist the Headteacher in identifying priorities for school improvement in all aspects of the work of the school.
  • Assist with on-going, rigorous self evaluation which leads to a raising of standards
  • Assist the Headteacher in monitoring, evaluating and reviewing progress in attaining the targets in the school improvement plan and post-Ofsted action plan.
  • Assist the Headteacher in analysing standards achieved in teaching and learning for SEN/ Vulnerable groups and in setting new targets for improvement.
  • Follow workplace arrangements in the school Health and Safety Policy.
  • Understand and act on Child Protection procedures.
  • Safeguard the well-being of all children in your care.


Headteacher……………………………………………….Date …. /…./….

(On behalf of the Governing Body)