Personal Information


Address / City / State / Zip
Phone Number / Email Address
Are you legally eligible to work in the US?
Yes No / Are you a Veteran?
Yes No
If selected for employment are you willing to submit to a backgroundcheck?

Yes No

Position you are applying for?VAP or PAP? / List all that apply and separate with commas.
Title / Position
Agent / full-time
Animation artist / freelance
Beta / freelance
BG Artist / freelance
Music Composer / freelance
Script Writer / freelance
Staff / full-time
Storyboard Artist / freelance
Storyboard Director / full-time
Writer / freelance
Webpage designer / freelance
voice actor [not avaiable] / freelance
voice actor director / full-time
Contract Plan
For Freelance Employee applicants, whatplan do you wish to register on your contract? VAP [Volunteer Agreement Plan] or PAP [Package Agreement Plan]? / For Full-Time Employee applicants, what do you wish to register on your contract? Part-Time or Full-Time? Please note at this time we cannot support Part-Time or Full-Time but when we can, we will use this application as a means to apply the applicant’s choices, so they can receive full benefits in the future.

VAP Yes No

PAP Yes No

Part-Time Yes No

Full-Time Yes No

How can the company benefit from your employment?

Based on the titles you selected, please provide a brief explanation about your experience in the fields that you are studying (if you are a student) or have studied as a student. If you are not a student and have previously worked or in the process of working for companies, groups, organizations, etc. state what qualifies you for the titles you selected.

How did you hear about Anointed Works?

What is your relationship status with God? Good, okay, could be better, bad, horrible, etc. Are you saved? Back sliden? Confused or unsure? Ill-regardless of your status, please explain what type of relationship you have with God, how you view it personally and what you’re seeking to do to with it. Your answer to this question will not affect the hiring process. It merely gives AW an idea of where you are spiritually and helps us understand where you are coming from.

Employment History
Employer (1) / Job Title / Dates Employed
Work Phone / Starting Pay Rate / Ending Pay Rate
Address / City / State / Zip
Employer (2) / Job Title / Dates Employed
Work Phone / Starting Pay Rate / Ending Pay Rate
Address / City / State / Zip
Employer (3) / Job Title / Dates Employed
Work Phone / Starting Pay Rate / Ending Pay Rate
Address / City / State / Zip
Employer (4) / Job Title / Dates Employed
Work Phone / Starting Pay Rate / Ending Pay Rate
Address / City / State / Zip
Employer (5) / Job Title / Dates Employed
Work Phone / Starting Pay Rate / Ending Pay Rate
Address / City / State / Zip
Signature Disclaimer
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my employment being terminated.
Name (Please Print) / Signature

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