5. Viana, J

Joana Viana, Ph.D.

Exeter University Medical School, UK, EX2 5DW

+44 (0) 01392408162

Nationality: Portuguese


My current research focusses on investigating the epigenomic, transcriptomic and regulatory changes associated with genetic burden and environmental risk factors in diseases of the central nervous system. After completion of a Bachelor’s degree in Cell and Molecular Biology from Universidade Nova de Lisboa in 2011 and a Master’s degree in Neuroscience from King’s College London, I was awarded a 3 year scholarship by the University of Exeter to undertake a PhD in Epigenetics. The focus of my PhD was to study regulatory genomic changes associated with schizophrenia and in response to antipsychotic medications. The research developed during my PhD resulted in several peer-reviewed publications in high impact journals. During this time I used a number of cutting-edge methodologies and developed a wide skillset, including both diverse laboratory and bioinformatics techniques and I have generated all the data myself. This includes zebrafish exposure experiments and zebrafish sample collection, preparation of post-mortem human brain samples, extraction of nucleic acids from human and animal samples, generation of microarray data, generation of sequencing libraries and various sequencing methods. I also undertook all the data analysis and bioinformatics myself.

Currently my work focuses on exploring the epigenomic mechanisms underlying mental health as part of the European Union-funded MATRICS project. During my current research position I am continuing to develop my skills in the generation of diverse sequencing libraries and the data analyses of various sequencing methods. In the future I would like to expand my research to other neurological and psychiatric phenotypes and apply my extensive laboratory and data analysis skills to different types of genomics data. My research aim is to explore relationships between genetic variation, gene regulation and the environment across development in the healthy aging brain and in the context of different neurological phenotypes.

In addition to my research activities I am continuously developing my teaching skills; during my PhD and current position I have teached in several different programme modules at the University of Exeter. I also have an interest in participating in public engagement and I have taken part in several public engagement events.


2013-2016 / PhD in Medical Studies
Thesis title: Methylomic and transcriptomic profiling of the schizophrenia brain.
Supervisors: Prof Jonathan Mill, Dr Eduarda Santos. / University of Exeter, UK
2011 – 2012 / MSc Neuroscience (Pass with Merit)
Specialised in Behavioural Genetics. / King’s College London, UK
2011 – 2011 / BSc Cell and Molecular Biology (16/20, 2.1 equivalent) / Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal


Jul 2017 – Jan 2018 / Secondee. Centre for Biomedical Modelling and Analysis, University of Exeter, UK.
Research Summary: Mathematical modelling of pattern formation in the vertebrate neural plate
Mentors: Dr Ben Evans, Dr Steffen Scholpp, Dr Kyle Wedgwood and Dr Peter Ashwin
Aug 2016 - Present / Associate Research Fellow. Complex Disease Epigenetics Group, Medical School, University of Exeter, UK.
Research Summary: Investigating epigenomic variation in mental health as part of the Work Package 5 of the European Union-funded MATRICS project.
Mentor: Professor Jonathan Mill, Professor of Epigenetics, University of Exeter.
Aug 2012 – Jan 2013 / Research Technician. Complex of Common Disease Group, Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK.
Sept 2010 – Aug 2011 / Volunteer Research Technician. Microbiology Analysis Laboratory, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.
Sept 2009 – Aug 2010 / Undergraduate researcher. Chemistry Department (REQUIMTE), School of Science and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.
Research Summary: Developing techniques to quantify proteinaceous binders in paintings and polychromed works of art.
Supervisors: Dr Irina Sandu, Dr Ana Cecília Roque.


Molecular biology
·  DNA methylation profiling: Illumina microarray technology, Qiagen Pyrosequencer, Sequenom MassArray system and Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (including library preparation)
·  RNA/cDNA libraries preparation
·  Quantitative RT-PCR
·  Nucleic acid extraction from post-mortem tissue and bacterial cultures, purification, quantification and amplification
·  Bacterial cell culturing
·  High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
·  Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
·  Fluorescence Microscopy / Bioinformatics and statistical analysis
·  R programming language
·  Statistical analysis
·  Unix programming language
·  Familiar with Pyton
·  Familiar with Perl
·  Microarray data analysis
·  RNA-seq data analysis
·  Whole genome sequencing data analysis
·  Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing data analysis
·  Biological databases
·  Microsoft office programs
·  Endnote
Animal work
·  Training for personal working under the Animal (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, Modules 1,2 and 3
·  Experience working with adult zebrafish


Peer-reviewed articles

Viana J, Hannon E, Dempster E, Pidsley R, Macdonald R, Knox O, Spiers H, Troakes C, Al-Saraj S, Turecki G, Schalkwyk LC and Mill J. (2017) Schizophrenia-associated methylomic variation: molecular signatures of disease and polygenic risk burden across multiple brain regions. Human Molecular Genetics 26 (1): 210-225.

Hannon E, Dempster E, Viana J, Burrage J, Smith AR, Macdonald R, St Clair D, Mustard C, Breen G, Therman S, Kaprio J, Toulopoulou T, Hulshoff Pol HE, Bohlken MM, Kahn RS, Nenadic I, Hultman CM, Murray RM, Collier DA, Bass N, Gurling H, McQuillin A, Schalkwyk L, Mill J. (2016) An integrated genetic-epigenetic analysis of schizophrenia: evidence for co-localization of genetic associations and differential DNA methylation. Genome Biology 17(1):176.

Kumsta R*, Marzi S*, Viana J, Rutter M, Sonuga-Barke R and Mill J. (2016) Severe psychosocial deprivation in early childhood is associated with hypermethylation across a region of the CYP2E1 gene. Translational Psychiatry 6(6):e830.

Laing LV, Viana J, Dempster E, Trznadel M, Trunkfield L, Uren Webster TM, van Aerle R, Paull GC, Wilson R, Mill J and Santos EM. (2016) Bisphenol A causes reproductive toxicity and changes in epigenetic signalling pathways in mature zebrafish. Epigenetics 11(7):526-38.

Hannon E, Spiers H, Viana J, Pidsley R, Burrage J, Murphy T, Troakes C, Turecki G, O’Donovan MC, Schalkwyk L, Bray N, Mill J. (2016) Methylation QTLs in the developing brain and their enrichment in schizophrenia risk loci. Nature Neuroscience 19:48–54.

Fisher HL*, Murphy TM*, Arseneault L, Caspi A, Moffitt TE, Viana J, Hannon E, Pidsley R, Burrage J, Dempster EL, Wong CC, Pariante CM, and Mill J. (2015) Methylomic Analysis of Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Childhood Psychotic Symptoms. Epigenetics 10(11):1014-23.

Pidsley R, Viana J, Hannon E, Spiers H, Troakes C, Al-Sarraj S, Mechawar N, Turecki G, Schalkwyk L, Bray N, Mill J. (2014) Methylomic profiling of human brain tissue supports a neurodevelopmental origin for schizophrenia. Genome Biology 15(10):483.

Viana J*, Pidsley R*, Troakes C, Spiers H, Wong CCY, Al-Sarraj S, Craig I, Schalkwyk L, Mill J. (2014) Epigenomic and Transcriptomic Signatures of a Klinefelter's Syndrome (47,XXY) Karyotype in the Brain. Epigenetics 9(4):587-99.

Dempster E, Viana J, Pidsley R, Mill J. (2013) Epigenetic studies of schizophrenia: progress, predicaments and promises for the future. Schizophrenia Bulletin 39(1):11-16.

Pidsley R, Fernandes C, Viana J, Paya-Cano JL, Liu L, Smith R, Schalkwyk LC*, Mill J*. (2012) DNA methylation at the Igf2/H19 imprinting control region is associated with cerebellum mass in outbred mice. Molecular brain 5:42.

Sandu ICA, Roque AC, Matteini P, Schäfer S, Agati G, Correia CR, Viana JFFP (2011) Fluorescence recognition of proteinaceous binders in works of art by a novel integrated system of investigation. Microscopy research and technique 324:316–324.

Selected Peer-reviewed presentations/abstracts

Schizophrenia-associated methylomic variation: molecular signatures of disease and polygenic risk burden across multiple brain regions. Poster presentation at the Mental Health Science Meeting. London, UK. 2nd-3rd February 2017.

Schizophrenia-associated methylomic variation: molecular signatures of disease and polygenic risk burden across multiple brain regions. Poster presentation at the Epigenomics of Common Diseases conference. Cambridge, UK. 1st-4th November 2016.

Epigenomic and transcriptomic signatures of a Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY) karyotype in the brain. Oral presentation as an invited speaker at the 2nd International Workshop on Klinefelter Syndrome. Münster, Germany. 10th – 12th March 2016.

Schizophrenia-associated methylomic variation: molecular signatures of disease and polygenic risk burden across multiple brain regions. Oral and poster presentation at the Epigenomics 2016 conference. Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, USA. 31st January – 5th February 2016.

Investigating epigenomic regulation in schizophrenia. Poster presentation at the 2015 World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 16th - 20th October 2015.

Behavioural and transcriptomic correlates with clozapine response in zebrafish. Poster presentation at the 14th Annual Pharmacogenetics in Psychiatry. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 15th October 2015.

Investigating epigenomic regulation in schizophrenia. Poster presentation at the Epigenomics of Common Diseases conference. Cambridge, UK. 28th-31st October 2014.

Investigating epigenomic regulation in schizophrenia. Oral presentation at the Epigenetic plasticity: Implications in neural (dys)function conference. Braga, Portugal. 22nd-25th October 2014.

Molecular mechanisms of schizophrenia. Poster presentation at the University of Exeter Postgraduate Research Showcase 2014, Exeter. 28th-30th April 2014. (Awarded best poster - science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM))

Molecular signatures of a 47,XXY karyotype in the brain. Poster presentation at the Epigenomics of Common Diseases conference, Cambridge, UK. 7th-10th November 2013.


2009 – 2010 / FCT-MCTS “Integration in Research” Grant
Role: Undergraduate researcher.
Agency: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal).
Aim: To develop the research project “The biochemistry of art” at the Chemistry Department (REQUIMTE), School of Science and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal). Supervisors: Dr Irina Sandu, Dr Ana Cecília Roque.
Amount: 1,680€


2017 / Travel bursary awarded by the MQ charity to attend the Mental Health Science Meeting. London, UK. 2nd-3rd February 2017.
2016 / Travel bursary awarded by the Wellcome Trust Foundation to attend the Epigenomics of Common Diseases conference, Cambridge, UK, 1st-4th November 2016.
2014 / Best poster - Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM). University of Exeter Postgraduate Research Showcase 2014.
2014 / Travel bursary awarded by the Wellcome Trust Foundation to attend the Epigenomics of Common Diseases conference, Cambridge, UK, 28th-31st October 2014.


2017 / I delivered a workshop on Epigenetics laboratory techniques, invigilated the SAQ examination assessment, facilitated small group presentation sessions, was an online tutor for the module and marked some of the essays for the (HPDM049) Epigenetics module for the MSc/PgDip/PgCert Genomic Medicine, Medical School, University of Exeter, UK.
2016 / Undergraduate Structured Small Group Learning (SSGL) facilitator for the Integrated Clinical Sciences 1 module, BSc Medical Sciences degree, Medical School, University of Exeter, UK. Structured Small Group Learning (SSGL) facilitator.
2015 / Online tutor for the HPDM036 "Omics" Techniques and their Application to Genomic Medicine, MSc Genomics Medicine, Medical School, University of Exeter, UK.
2014 - 2015 / Undergraduate Laboratory demonstrator for the BIO1334 Genetics, BIO1339 Cells and BIO2088 Advanced Cell Biology modules, School of Biosciences, University of Exeter, UK.
Undergraduate Tutor for the BIO1333 Statistics tutorial module, School of Biosciences, University of Exeter, UK.
2013 - 2014 / Undergraduate Laboratory demonstrator for the BIO1334 Genetics and BIO1339 Cell Biology modules, School of Biosciences, University of Exeter, UK.
Teaching training
2015 / Learning and Teaching in Higher Education stage 1 course, University of Exeter, UK
Leadership roles
2017-2018 / In February 2017 I was nominated by my peers as the Junior Scientist Group Representative for the European Union-funded MATRICS Consortium.
Journal Reviewer
2016 / Peer-reviewed an article for the scientific journal Bipolar Disorders (Impact Factor: 4.888).
Public Engagement
2017 / Demonstrator for the ‘Men in White 2017’ event. This annual event showcases a range of scientific activities with year nine students from local schools.
2015 / Volunteer to discuss my research with 10 year students as part of the Britain Needs Scientists event in National Science and Engineering Week 2015, University of Exeter, UK.
2009-2010 / Laboratory demonstrator at the EXPO-FCT 2009 and 2010 events. This is an annual open day for high school students at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.


2015 / Introduction to RNA-Seq Data Analysis workshop. Edinburgh Genomics, University of Edinburgh, UK
2013 / Unix and Perl workshop. Wellcome Trust ISSF Biomedical Informatics Hub. University of Exeter, UK.
2013 / Training for personal working under the Animal (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, Modules 1,2 and 3. Certified by the Scottish Accreditation Board. School of Biosciences, University of Exeter, UK.
2013 / Statistics Workshop for Postgraduate Research Students. University of Exeter Medical School, UK.
2012 / Human Tissue Training event. Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, UK.
2012 / Biostatistics course: Introduction to STATA. Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, UK.


Portuguese / Native speaker
English / IELTS - International English Language Testing System (30th July 2011)
Listening – 8; Reading – 8; Listening: 8 Reading: 8 Writing: 6.5 Speaking: 7.5 Overall band: 7.5
Overall Band - 7.5
Spanish / DELE - Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language, Superior Level (C2), conferred by Instituto Cervantes in the name of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education.


Available on request.