Jo Wana Cavins
North DakotaStateUniversity, , 701-231-8768
English Department, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota
Senior lecturer, August 2005-present. Lecturer, full time, September 1982-2005,
- Teach four classes each semester
- English instructor for NDSU’s Caring Community of Leaders and Problem Solvers (CCLP), Fall 2004-present
- Department committees:
- Teaching Evaluation, 1988-91, 2004 to present.
- First Year English, 1993-96, 2001-04.
- Computer Resources, 2001-04.
- Vertical Curriculum, 2005-present.
- Summer adviser during new student orientation 1997-1999
- Helped develop Introduction to Literature: English 130 as a team-taught course.
- With Julie Bergman, wrote the application for General Education approval for English 130 (now 220).
- Courses taught in the NDSU English Department during the past academic year include the following:
- English 320: Practical Writing. Emphasizes business communication, including letter of application resume, proposal report, recommendation report, and instructions.
- English 220: Introduction to Literature. Emphasizes vocabulary and practice of reading and discussing short fiction, poetry, novels, and drama.
- English 215: Writing for Work. Emphasis business and work writing, including letters, short reports, resume, memo.
- English 110: College Composition I. Writing assignment genres range from personal narrative to informative essay requiring research.
- English 120: College Composition II. Writing assignment genres emphasize use of library and field research, persuasion and argumentation.
- I will teach English 215: Business Writing for the first time spring 2005.
Other classes taught at NDSU:
Distance and Continuing Education,
- English 220: Introduction to Literature, fall 2005, spring 2006
Sixteen students last fall; currently twenty-nine students enrolled
University Studies,
- University 199: Skills for Freshman Success, fall 1997, fall 2001, fall 2005
- Course introduces students to the NDSU campus, computers, and library; reinforces study skills and encourages students to become active in campus life.
- Includes supervising a junior or senior student mentor.
- University Studies 489: Capstone Experience, fall 2002, spring 2003, fall 2004
- Guided graduating seniors through writing a reflective paper required in last semester before graduation.
1979-1982 Enrolled in Doctoral Program at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Passed MA qualifying exam, summer 1980. Completed sufficient course work for MA but because I had enrolled directly in the doctoral program, did not complete Plan B papers to earn the MA.
1979 Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, English major. University of Evansville,
Evansville, Indiana. Graduated with honors. Named Outstanding Senior English Major.
- College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award, 2005
- National Council of Teachers of English, member
- Delta Kappa Gamma International, an organization for key women educators
- Membership by invitation since May 1999.
- Editor of Beta Bits newsletter 2000-2004.
- Co-secretary 2004 to present.
- State membership committee, 2005 to present.
“I Suppose That’s Your Lecturer in the Woodchipper.” Panel member for “Going Through the Woodchipper in Fargo.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, March 2006.
Fricker, Linda and Jo Wana Cavins. CCLP English 110/120 NDSU 2005-2006. Published on
campus for instructors and students in the NDSU Learning Community: Caring Community of
Leaders and Problem-solvers.
Linda Fricker, Jo Wana Cavins, and Maureen Scott, English Department Workshop on CCLP
electronic portfolios, spring 2005
Linda Fricker, Jo Wana Cavins, and Maureen Scott, Delta Kappa Gamma summer workshop
session on CCLP service-learning project, summer 2005
Shaw, Richard M., Julie Bergman, Jo Wana Cavins, Linda Cravens Fricker. Our Lives, Our Worlds.Fort Worth: HarcourtBraceCollege Publishers, July 2000.
- Reader for first-year college composition courses published for national distribution.
- Created camera-ready copy for instructor’s manual.
Shaw, Richard M., Julie Bergman, Jo Wana Cavins, Linda Cravens Fricker. Ourselves and Our Lives. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Custom Publishing, 1997, revised edition 1998.
Ourselves and Our World. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Custom Publishing, 1997, revised edition 1998. (Custom published texts for first-year composition classes at NDSU, fall 1997-Spring 2000.)
Fricker, Linda Cravens, and Jo Wana Cavins. Writing, Reading, and Reasoning, 3rd ed. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Custom Publishing, 1998.
(Text required for all first-year composition classes at NDSU.)
Claire Legowski, Jo Wana Cavins, Richard M. Shaw. Perspectives: Writing Reading, and
Reasoning. HarperCollins Custom Books, 1995.
“Paragraphing” and “Introductions and Conclusions” chapters of Perspectives on Writing and Reading by Claire Legowski and Helen Correll. HarperCollins Custom Books, 1993.
- Conference on College Composition and Communication, spring 2006, attendee
- Best Teaching Practices for Enhanced Learning, fall 2005, attendee
- Karl Smith Workshops on Problem-based learning, spring 2005, participant
- Faculty development book group on Richard J. Light’s Making the Most of College: Students Speak Their Minds, fall 2004
- Completed online course on Human Participants Protection Education for Research Teams, October 2004
- On-line Professional Development course: Multiple Intelligences, spring 2004
- On-line Professional Development course: Student Portfolios, spring 2003
- FIEL Fellow for Bush Problem-Based Learning Project, NDSU, 2002-03
- NDSU Conference on World Literature/Great Plains Alliance for Computers and Writing, 2002, moderator
- “Creating a Coherent Professional Writing Curriculum” summer 2001, attendee
- PBL workshops, NDSU, Summer and Fall 2001, participant
- Prentice Hall Symposium on Education, Minneapolis, MN, November 1996, attendee
- Attended week-long NDSU English Department Macintosh Workshop, summer 1991