JMM Classroom Observation Protocol

The purpose of JMM Classroom Observations is for teachers to support each other in developing their skills in the incredibly complex art and science of teaching. Those who are observed will have the opportunity to have their peers give them specific input on their instructional practices. Those who are observing will have the opportunity to see their colleagues sharing instructional practices.

JMM Classroom Observation Protocol sheet (this sheet)
JMM Instructional Purpose for Classroom Observation sheet
JMM Classroom Observer Note sheets
Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching / MMSD Instructional Smart Card


Email exchange and then brief meeting prior to the observation.
*The questions below should be pasted into an email.
**Please attach any handouts that will be used during the lesson or place them in your peer observer’s mailbox prior to the observation.
***Please fill in the Instructional Purpose Sheet prior to the Pre-Conference. The purpose of the Pre-Conference is to talk through the Instructional Purpose Sheet and Focus Question (if you chose one).

  1. Date and time (class period) of observation:
  2. Where would you like the observersto sit in the room? Would you prefer video / Skype?
  3. Will you introduce your observers to the class or not?
  4. On what would you like your observers to focus? (Focus question --optional)
  5. Preference for post-conference meeting within one week of observation (set a time and place):

Classroom Observation Protocol

Generally, a team of observers will be present in the classroom in a designated area. Upon request, we can set up video / Skype to reduce observer numbers in the classroom.
Using the template the observer will take observation notes on noticings and wonderings in teacher and student columns related to the teacher’s requested observation focus and the Danielson Framework for Teaching /MMSD Instructional Smart Cart questions during an entire class period. Please see JMM Classroom Observer Note Sheet.


During a face-to - face, pre-scheduled conference, the observer(s) will…

Process for Post-Conference

1. Go over the process and the protocol of using objective language to describe noticings and wonderings.

2. Read own notes and highlight key points with an eye to #3

3. Identify one key noticing that you would like to share, and ideally one that's tied to a wondering

4. Each observer shares their noticing and possibly wondering, allowing observee to respond, in turn, in approximately 3 minutes each time

5. Address observee’s focus question. Look at your notes in both columns that help answer this question and highlight. Report these findings and discuss. --10 minute discussion

6. If time, address Smart Card questions in the same manner.
7. Tie up: any further questions from observee.

8. Observee’s reflection on the experience and next steps, which they may detail on their Instructional Purpose Sheet.
9. Group learning on the process itself. Was this a goodpost-observationprocess to use?