JMLP Forum Information

Account Management

How do I create an account?

The James Madison Legacy Project platform is for the use of JMLP coordinators, mentors, and teachers throughout the country. To use the platform, you first need to create an account. You then need an enrollment key to access various areas of the site.

There are two ways to create an account on the site:

1.) Automatic Account Creation - Click the "Log in" link in the top right corner of the site. Then, click either the "Log in with Google" or "Log in with Facebook" button and enter your login information for one of these sites. This will automatically create your JMLP account, and you will be redirected back to the JMLP site.

Note: If you create an account with Google or Facebook, you must use the appropriate login button for all future logins. The username and password boxes will not log you in.

If you do not have a Google or Facebook account (or prefer not to log in with one of these), use the second method to create an account:

2.) Manual Account Creation - E-mail your first name, last name, and email address to . We will create your account and send you the appropriate login information within several business days. Then, click the "Log in" link in the top right corner of the site. Enter your username and password in the boxes provided.

Note: If you originally created your account using Google or Facebook, but would like to switch to a manual account, please send your first name, last name, and e-mail address to and we will assist you.

Using the Forum

What is the forum?

The JMLP site includes forums for teachers, mentors, and coordinators. These forums are a space for discussion relating to the JMLP program, including the content and methodology of civics/government classroom instruction and professional development.

Forums are divided into subcategories based on grade (middle or high school), We the People unit number, and topic. There are also sections for general questions and technical assistance.

How do I join the forum?

Teachers who have begun the JMLP professional development program are invited to join the teacher forum.To access the forum, you will need to be logged in. Next, you will need to use the enrollment keyTC12016.

You may also contact the forum moderator, Patience LeBlanc () for assistance.