JKPS Friends Meeting 25/4/16
- Gardening:
- All soil is gone and has been used.
- Planting has been done in the reception play area.
- The black board needs to be painted.
- Mud kitchen will be built on Thursday, April 28th.
- Water capture is available and just needs to be connected. We need to ask Zak to contact Southwark to see if they offer this for a reduced cost/free.
- Cake Sale – Friday, May 6th hosted by Year 1
- Money from cake sale will go to subsidise Dinosaur workshop.
- We will ask Claire if we can pledge £300 and then try to make this on the cake sale (if not more).
- Free Film Festival – Saturday, May 7th
- The alcohol license has been received.
- 3 Kegs of beer have been ordered from Canopy.
- Audrey is sourcing the wine.
- Amy will coordinate a trip to buy paper goods for Film festival with leftovers being used for Summer Fair
- Costs:
- Film License: £90
- 2 Portable Toilets: £300
- Refreshments: Initial cost only
- BBQ Grill: already agreed £250
- Refreshments: Amy and Andy will steer the food both with extra hands to help the initial rush.
- Brats with toppings and bread from Christopher’s
- Popcorn
- Beer and Wine
- No non-alcoholic drinks
- Volunteers for evening:
- The film festival will send a crew of 6 for set up of the equipment and fundraising.
- They have tape to help us mark out the pathways.
- We need 6 stewards minimum
- We need about 10 people to help with the bar and food. This is at the busiest times (doors opening until about 8:30) Once the movie starts, we should be fine with less on the food and possibly the bar.
- We will need stewards there from 7PM.
- If you have torches, please bring them.
- There will always have to be someone near the gate.
- We will need volunteers to come early Monday morning to help make sure the grounds are clean as we’ll be cleaning in the dark.
- Misc.:
- We are hoping for 250 people, but it we should expect 150-200.
- Amy to put together food Hamper for the neighbours.
- We may be able to play Claudia’s short about the Green Space before/after the film.
- Katherine will complete the Risk Assessment.
- It has been agreed that Katherine will set up a new email account moving forward as we’re having trouble with Google Mail. The initial costs will be £20 plus a monthly fee of £10.
- Summer Fair: Saturday, June 18th 12-5PM
- Theme has been agreed as JKPS Tiger Tea Party
- We will ask each year to take responsibility for a something or someplace.
- We will send a note of the ideas that we have and ask the classes to choose or to suggest a different idea. These are the list of ideas so far:
- Stuffing Tiger Tails
- Tiger Masks
- Painting Tigers: Ask Julia to draw an outline of a tiger. We can then copy it and have children paint/colour it in.
- Create a lovely tea shop with cakes by the garage
- Tiger Suit
- If Judith Kerr can attend, we would like her to do story telling in the Tea Tent.
- Fundraising:
- Tea Towels/Reusable bags with tiger portraits done by the kids.
- Hats with JKPS Logos
- Other booths:
- St. Gabriel’s College Steel Band has been approached and we’re awaiting confirmation.
- Southwark Kids Brass band is another one to contact
- Our Choir and Drumming club could be offered places
- Other children/groups who wanted to perform could be given slots as well.
- Tales of Half Moon Lane would like to do a book table
- Contact Football Magic to do football on the new pitch (Maybe ask Coach Ollie to join and help)
- Tombola – Possibly?
- Bouncy Castle – possibly for free. See what other booths we have on the day.
- We should sell tokens ahead of time and on the day. They should be bigger and say JKPS on them. Audrey to query.
- Food:
- Regular Brats and Sausages
- Waffles – Need to find and PAC test waffle makers.
- Ice Cream – from the Ice Cream bicycle.
- Teas and Cakes
- Popcorn
- Quiz Night: Thursday, July 7th
- Held at the school in the lower hall.
- Capacity should be 100, but we should check.
- We will go in teams of 6
- We will need to move the larger tables and chairs from upstairs.
- Cash Bar, Audrey to sort wine, we will need to sort beer.
- Eleanor and Amy to coordinate kitchen and food.
- Interns:
- Amy to query whether lunches can be accommodated by the Caterers for free.
- Welcome pack for interns to be created by Amy with help from other interns.
- Could we suggest an exit interview for interns as well as the parents hosting them?
- Create a “wish list” for interns to see how we can better welcome and communicate with them before/when they arrive.
- Washing Machine:
- Reception has a washing machine
- Zak is working on where it can go in the school.
- We need to know what things are needed for installation.