JIMD Manuscript submission Checklist
Title Page (upload separately)
Manuscript title and short title mentioned
Full names of authors, qualifications, designations and institutional affiliation
Corresponding author’s name, email id and mobile number mentioned
Authors identity not revealed in paper except Title page
Word count for abstract and text mentioned
Number of tables, figures, graphs, images mentioned
Conflict of Interests and Source of funding/ Acknowledgements mentioned
Abstract (upload separately)
Structured abstract containing full title of manuscript
restriction of word limit for abstract as per manuscript type
Key words mentioned (3 – 6)
Manuscript (upload separately)
Presentation and format:
Manuscripts should be typewritten, 1.5 line spacing using Times New Roman font in A4 sized sheets in 12-font size having 1.5 lines spacing with one inch margin on all sides
The text material to be arranged in the following order: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if any), Conflict of Interests, References, Tables and Figures along with caption and legends.
References according to the journal's instructions, punctuation marks checked
Reference numbers in text to be mentioned as superscript; Vancouver style of referencing to be followed while making the reference list
Complete DOI (Digital Object Identifier) link with DOI number to be mentioned for each reference in reference list wherever available
Send the manuscript file without ‘Track Changes’
Language and Grammar:
The journal language is English
Mention the full term for each abbreviation at its first use in the title, abstract, keywords and text separately unless it is a standard unit of measure.
Numerals at the beginning of a sentence to be spelt out
Check the manuscript for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors
If a brand name for any equipment or product is cited, supply the manufacturer's name and address (city and state/country)
Tables, Figures, Graphs, Images:
Tables, figures and graphs should be self-explanatory and should not duplicate textual material.
Table, figure, graph and image numbers in Arabic letters (not Roman)
Tables with their legends should be provided at the end of the text after the references.
They should be cited at the relevant place in the text along with their number.
If a table, figure or graph has been published, acknowledge the original source;a credit line should appear in the legend for such figures.
Images in GIF, TIFF, JPEG, PNG format, pasted on Word document before upload;graphs and bar graphs should preferably be prepared using Microsoft Excel and submitted as Excel graph pasted on Word.
Patients privacy to be maintained (if permission is not taken)
Write the full term for each abbreviation used in the table as a footnote
Other documents (upload separately)
Institutional Ethics Committee Approval certificate (as per study requirements), Copyright Transfer Agreement Form duly signed, Permission letter for previously published material(tables, figures, graphs, images) which is included in the manuscript; all documents to be scanned and uploaded