JHMS School-wide Literacy Activities
1st Quarter
- Book Challenge-Students are asked to read at least 5 books betweenAugust 23rd – October 14th. Focus Book Topic: (1) Grace/Courtesy, Friendship, citizenship, (4) Books of Choice
Drop Everything And Read (DEAR Time)-daily designated time for reading at the end of each day. Reading logsshould be kept by each student at home and school.
- Writing Assignment- Students will write a personal narrativeon topic “How I Contribute to My Community” by October 14th.
Personal Narrative - How I contribute to My Community
- Parent Week-All parents are asked to schedule a time with your child’s teacher to read a book to the class or to donate a book to your child’s classroom library during the week October 3-7, 2016
- Quarterly Culminating Activity-On October 20, 2016, students who read 5 books and display the titles in the hallway will be able to attend a Movie Day Café in JHMS multi-purpose room
2nd Quarter
- Book Challenge: (5 books)/Focus Book Topic: STEM
- Writing To Inform - STEM
- Parent Week: January 9-13, 2017
- Culminating Activity: January 13, 2017 TBA
3rd Quarter
- Book Challenge: (Read 5 books)/ Focus Book Topic: Environmental
- Writing Assignment- Persuasive Writing Topic: “Why Conservation is Important”.
- Parent Week: Please schedule time to Read or Donate a book on March 20-24, 2017
- Culminating Activity: March 17, 2017 TBA
- Book Challenge: (Read 5 books)/ Focus Book Topic: Presentation and Publication
- Writing Assignment: TBA
- Parent Week: May 30- June 2, 2017
- Culminating Activity: May 26, 2017 TBA
Excerpt from PGCPS Strategic Plan:
Emphasis on Literacy
Across the nation, Common Core State Standards are bringing literacy and math shifts to the classroom. We know that literacy is the foundation for all student success – whether in early learning and school readiness, elementary school reading and math, achievement on national and standardized tests, or graduating college and/or career ready. Therefore, our strategic approach places particular emphasis on Literacy – across all five focus areas – as a means of ensuring Outstanding Student Achievement for All
Students. Given its broad connotation, we have carefully defined literacy as “the ability to read, write, speak, listen, and use numeracy.
Our focus on literacy emphasizes the ability to:
1. Report, evaluate, gather, synthesize, and comprehend information and ideas
2. Conduct original research in order to
answer questions or solve problems
3. Analyze and create print and non-print texts in media forms
4. Use numbers to process information, solve problems, and interpret data
A Special Note to Parents: We appreciate your continued support as we move towards our goal of OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT FOR ALL STUDENTS. Thank you in advance for your valued participation in our School-wide Literacy Activities outlined above. JHMS Literacy Team