Mohammad I. Malkawi, Ph.D.
1880 Bonnie Lane, #202
Hoffman Esates, IL 60194
I am looking for a faculty position in the department of Computer Engineering/Science. I have a strong education, research and industrial experience in the areas of high reliability, availability and performance. My expertise in computer engineering and architecture, teaching, computer operations management and mathematical/statistical modeling and data analysis enable me to contribute creatively to the teaching, research, and consulting community at the academic institution.
1-Ph.D. Computer Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 1986. Thesis title: "Compiler Directed Memory Management"
2-M.Sc. Computer Engineering, Yarmouk University 1983.
3-B.S: Computer Engineering, Tashkent Polytechnic Institute 1980.
- Problem Solving, Analysis and Design Methodologies
- Performance evaluation, tuning, and benchmarking
- Reliability and Availability Modeling, using tools such as MEADEP, ULTRASAN, SHARPE, SPNP
- Software and System Architecture
- Network Analysis and Design: COMNET III, TCP/IP, Ethernet, ATM
- Training and Education
- Special purpose course development and online training
- OS: Windows NT, 2000,XP, VxWorks
- Microsoft Office Applications
- Programming Languages: C/C++, PASCAL,FORTRAN
- Languages: English, Arabic, Russian.
- Excellent communications skills
2002- Current: VP of Research, Development and IT. Roles include:
- Research and Development of :
- Frequency Interference and Intermodulation Tool (Intermod 60 ®) with Ultra High Performance
- Specialized search algorithms for high order ( >3) interference schemes
- Maximum Permissible Electromagnetic Emission (PME) Measurement tool
- Patent disclosure for several algorithms used in the development of Intermod 60®
1999-2002 Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Motorola Inc.
High Availability Platform (HAP). Roles include:
- Drive Motorola’s 5 NINES initiative
- Development of Motorola’s Availability Work Products (AWP) and ROAM framework (Reliability, Operability, Availability, Maintainability)
- Failure Scenario Analysis: Fault/Failure detection, isolation, containment and recovery
- Availability and Reliability Modeling
- Performance Modeling and Benchmarking: for UMTS, SDU, GoAhead, Chorus, VxWorks and High Availability Platforms
- Overload Control
- Develop system requirement specifications (SRS) for High Availability Common Platform features
- Develop system architecture specifications (SAS) for High Availability Common Platform features
- Stress and Accelerated Life testing for High Availability Software Systems
- Memory management: memory leak and corruption resolution
- Group management for performance and availability modeling
Jordan University of Sciences & Technology
1992-1998: Assistant Professor,. Roles include:
- Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses
- Conducting research
- Writing proposals for funding. Secured several funds
- Jordanian National Funds for Science (25,000)
- UNESCO support for Internet Based Education ($60,000)
- University funds for research and development ($20,000)
- Supervising master and PhD candidates
- Developing curricula for computer engineering, software engineering and reliability and availability engineering
- Representing computer engineering department in several university committees.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
1986-1992: Assistant Professor,. Roles include:
- Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses
- Conducting research
- Writing proposals for funding. Secured several funds
- National Science Foundation ($65,000)
- Office of Naval Research ($45,000)
- University fund for graduate research ($20,000)
- Supervising master and PhD candidates
- Developing curricula for computer engineering, software engineering and reliability and availability engineering
- Representing computer engineering department in several university committees.
Information Technology Center at Jordan University of Science and Technology
1993-1996: Director of IT Center. Roles include
- Supervise the development and implementation of university software packages
- Human resources; registration; payroll, library loan system; inventory
- Supervise the implementation and maintenance of university wide network system
- Provide support for faculty and student personal computers and labs
- Write requirements and specifications for computer equipments and software
- Write request for proposals and evaluate vendor bids
High Availability and Performance Group at Motorola
1999-2000: Roles include
- Manage a group of 10 engineers responsible for
- Development of availability models
- Development of performance benchmarks for SUN-CHORUS OS
- Development of performance benchmarks for GoAhead High Availability system
- Development of accelerated life testing fro software systems
Jordan Petroleum Refinery Corporation
1995-1998: Roles include:
- Provide system analysis for business applications
- Develop software, hardware and networking requirement specifications
- Develop documents for request for proposal
- Evaluate vendor bids
- Supervise the implementation of hardware, network and software solutions (provided by IBM, JD Edwards, and Microsoft)
Jordan Electric Company
1997-1999: Roles include:
- Troubleshoot performance degradation problems in major business applications (based on ORACLE)
- Provide recommendation for software systems upgrade and improvement
Developed and taught numerous courses in computer science/engineering:
- Compiler Systems (U/G)
- Computer Architecture (U/G)
- Fault tolerance (G)
- Programming languages (C, C++, Pascal, Fortran, Assembly)
- Operating systems (U/G)
- Software engineering (U/G)
- Systems programming (U)
- Parallel and distributed systems (G)
- Digital logic design. (U)
- Switching Theory (U)
- Formal Language and Automata Theory (G)
Developed and taught numerous workshops, seminars and tutorials:
- Multimedia systems
- Electronic commerce
- Networked computing
- Image processing
- Distributed systems
- ATM Networks
Supervised and participated in several funded research projects:
- Distributed Virtual Memory Multicomputer System.
- Compiler Based Estimation of Memory Requirements for High Performance Computing.
- Investigation of Process Migration & Load Balancing in a Distributed Virtual Memory Multicomputer System.
- Investigation of Deadlock in Distributed and Networked Applications.
- INTERNET Based Electronic Commerce Applications.
- Digital Electronic Library System
- Internet Based Multimedia Education in Engineering and Computer Science
- Investigation of Ultra High Speed Algorithms for Intermodulation and Interference in Wireless Infrastructure
- Investigation of overload management algorithms in CDMA and UMTS wireless infrastructure
Supervised Ph.D. thesis projects
- Distributed Virtual Memory in Distributed Memory Multicomputer Systems
- Compilation Techniques for Massively Parallel Systems
- Performance Evaluation of Load Balancing Algorithms
Supervised MS thesis projects
- The Design of a Load Balancing Simulator
- Dynamic Simulation of Graph Coloring Based Load Balancing Algorithm
- A Priority Based Register Allocation Scheme
- Implementation of Memory Directives in a C Compiler in UNIX Environment
- Distributed Working Sets in Distributed Memory Systems
- Source Level Analysis of Numerical Programs for Load Characterization in distributed systems.
- Dynamic Simulation of Distributed Memory Multicomputer Systems on MIPS Architecture.
- Investigation of the Characteristics of Folded Hypercube Systems
- Paging Traffic Analysis in ATM Based Distributed Virtual Memory Multicomputer Systems
- Enhanced Global Page Replacement and Page Out Policies in distributed and non-uniform memory access systems
- Implementation of Distributed Database Applications in DVM
- Improved Process Migration Techniques in DVM Systems
- Distributed Sorting Algorithm in Distributed Hypercube Systems
- Distributed Deadlock Detection and Resolution in DVM Systems
- Deadlock Detection and Resolution in very Large Distributed Database Systems
- Security Measures at the Cell Level in ATM Based Networks.
Research Interests
- Telecommunication Network Infrastructure: Performance, High Availability, and Overload Control
- Frequency Interference and Intermodulation
- Memory systems, Shared memory, Distributed memory, Non-uniform memory access; memory leak; memory corruption.
- Distributed systems: load balancing, process migration, distributed algorithms
- Performance Evaluation: simulation, benchmarking, load characterization
REFERENCES – Principle
1)Dr. Lawrence Votta
Sun Distinguished Engineer, CS Customer Advocacy & Reliability Engineering
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
901 San Antonio Road, MPK18-216
Palo Alto, CA 94303
(650) 786-7514,
2)Brian Moore
Senior Member of Technical Staff
High Availability Platform Development, GTSS, Motorola, Inc.
1501 W. Shure Drive, 5060
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
3)Professor J. Patel
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1308 W. Main St.
Urbana, Ill. 61801
4)Professor R. Iyer
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1308 W. Main St.
Urbana, Ill. 61801
5)Dr. K. Vairavan,
Chairman Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
P.O. Box 784
Milwaukee, WI. 53201
414-229-5357, 414-229-5183,
6)William Schwartz, Director of Engineering
High Availability Platform Development, GTSS, Motorola, Inc.
1501 W. Shure Drive, 5060
Arlington Heights, IL 60004;
7)Dr. H. Hosseini
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
P.O. Box 784, Milwaukee, WI. 53201
414-229-5184, 414-229-6958,
8)Dr. W. Abusufah
Information Technology Center
Jordan Petroleum Refinery Inc.
Amman, Jordan
9)Dr. M. Khasawneh
Department of Electrical Engineering
Jordan University of Science and Technology
1.Mohammad Malkawi "Evaluation of Distributed Algorithms for Process Migration in Distributed Virtual Memory Systems", submitted to the Journal of Parallel & Distributed Systems
2.Mohammad Malkawi "Distributed Dead Lock detection and resolution in Distributed Systems", submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
3.Mohammad Malkawi, Larry Votta, and Steve Matz “Analysis of Failure and Recovery Rates in a Wireless Telecommunications System”, International Performance and Dependability Symposium, June 23-27, 2002,Bethesda, Md, pp. 570-581
4.Greg Ignatius, Brian Moore, Mohammad Malkawi, Larry Votta “Availability Work Products – A Strategic Approach”, IEEE Signal Processing Society 5thWSES InternationalConference, Crete, July 2001.
5.Mohammad Malkawi "Distributed Virtual Memory Multicomputer Systems" PDPTA, Las Vegas, July 1998.
6.Mohammad Malkawi "Infrastructure for Distributed Multimedia Applications "European-Mediterranean (EUROMED) International Conference, Malta, April 1998.
7.Mohammad Malkawi "Infrastructure for Electronic Commerce Applications"; EUROMED Int. Conference on Electronic Commerce, Greece, July 1997.
8.Mohammad Malkawi "Digital Electronic Library in the Arab World", UNESCO Int. Conference, Tunis, May, 1997.
9.Mohammad Malkawi "Distributed Sorting Algorithms in Hypercube Systems"; IASTED, Int. Conference on Parallel Distributed Systems, Oct. 1997.
10.Mohammad Malkawi, Mahmoud Abaza "Performance Evaluation of Page Replacement and Page Out Policies in Distributed Virtual Memory Systems," 4th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Systems, December 1992.
11.Mohammad Malkawi "Estimation of Memory Requirements of Numerical Programs at Compile Time," 5th Int. Conference of Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 1992.
12. Mohammad Malkawi, Mahmoud Abaza "Process Migration in Distributed Virtual Memory Systems," 26th Hawaii Int. Conference on System Sciences, 1993.
13.Mohammad Malkawi, Mahmoud Abaza "Empirical Results on the Dynamic Behavior of a Distributed Virtual Memory System", ISMM 5th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, 1992.
14.S. Husseini, Mohammad Malkawi, K. Vairavan "Distributed Algorithms for Edge Coloring of Graphs," 5th ISMM Int. Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, 1992
15.Mohammad Malkawi, Mahmoud Abaza "Paging Behavior in Distributed Virtual Memory Systems," 21st Int. Conference on Parallel Processing, 1992.
16.Mohammad Malkawi, Mahmoud Abaza "Dynamic Page Distribution in Distributed Virtual Memory Systems," 4th ISMM/IASTED Int. Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1991.
17.S. Husseini, Mohammad Malkawi, K. Vairavan "Analysis of a Graph Coloring Based Distributed Load Balancing Algorithm”, Journal of Parallel & Distributed Systems, volume 10, 1990.
18.S. Husseini, Mohammad Malkawi, K. Vairavan "Graph Coloring Based Distributed Load Balancing Algorithm and Its Performance Evaluation," 4th Annual Symposium on Parallel Processing, 1990.
19.S. Husseini, Mohammad Malkawi, K. Vairavan "System Theory Modeling and Performance Analysis of a Distributed Load Balancing Algorithm," 32nd Midwest Symp. On Circuits and Systems, 1989.
20.S. Husseini, Mohammad Malkawi, K. Vairavan "Distributed Algorithms for Load Balancing in Very Large Homogeneous Systems," Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1987.
21.Mohammad Malkawi, Janek Patel "Performance Measurement of Paging Behavior in Multiprogramming Systems," 13th Annual Int. Conference on Computer Architecture, 1986.
22.Mohammad Malkawi, Janek Patel "Compiler Directed Memory Management Policy for Numerical Programs," ACM SIGOPS 10th Symposium on OS Principles, 1985.
23.Walid Abusufah and Mohammad Malkawi “Identifying Two Program Categories for Memory Management Purposes”, IEEE 8th Int. COMPSAC Conference, 1984.
24.Walid Abusufah and Mohammad Malkawi “Experimental Results on the Paging Behavior of Numerical Programs,” 6th Int. Conference on Software Engineering, 1982.
Malkawi February 2002