JFK PTA Committee Next Meeting: 5/14/2014 6:30pm

Full Membership4/9/2014

Karen Seery, Wes Seery, Jeff Gruslin, Heather Ohlson, Robyn Tiano, Josh Palmer, Cheryl Hobart, Amanda Campbell, Heather Gulnick,

Absent: Dr Perez, Hope, Carol

Call to Order: 6:37pm

Approval of Minutes:

Approval of March minutes

Motion: Karen Second: Robyn Vote: Unanimous

Treasures Report/Budget:Wes

  • Balance of 3/14 5107.71
  • PTA bill received and dues came in. Discussion of membership deadline to make sure cost reflects current membership without last minute members who could skew what the State PTA expects from us as a local PTA group in regard to fees.
  • Received: Insurance for the 2014-2015 PTA starting June 1st.
  • Discussion of how insurance would be handled if JFK had a PTO.
  • Discussion of how balance sheet and books for the PTA are maintained. Important to have clear documentation due to historical confusion.
  • PTA received two bounced checks from fundraisers. Letters will be sent to the people who sent bounced checks that they would be responsible for the cost plus the bank processing fee. Their orders would need to be purchased in cash.
  • Gertrude Hawk fundraiser generated $5869.25 which the PTA gets 50% of.
  • Square 1 generated $388 which the PTA gets 30% of.
  • Currently, the PTA is dedicated to paying for: field trips, Filed Day, Graduation, Year Books (for all students. Staff may purchase), and First Day in September.
  • Wes will be meeting with Hope who was not present.

Field Trip fund requests: Wes

  • Wes stated he was disappointed no school representative was present at this meeting to discuss the PTA policy for field trip requests. (This matter was originally stated in the 12/13 PTA minutes with correspondence to all teachers sent. Carol also distributed the Request Forms at that time.)
  • $300 per class has been allotted.
  • Request needed for funds. If teachers need funds, they need to submit the request forms. (Other schools within the district keep similar documentation recordkeeping purposes.) Carol had emailed all staff this process around the holidays. More request forms can be/have been provided.
  • The need for this “paper trail” is due to the fact that the last PTA overdrew the bank account by $1100!!
  • AGAIN: If there is a legitimate request, staff needs to request funds in a timely manner. (All PTA members are volunteers.) Staff is encouraged to attend PTA meetings to submit fund request forms. If a request is over $300 it must be put to vote by the full PTA and passed.
  • PTA is not allowed to sign blank checks. That is illegal.
  • Wes to send additional reminder with copy of previous correspondence distributed to all staff.

Yearbook: Robyn

  • Amanda and Cheryl have created a draft.
  • A total count of students and a total count of classroom teachers will be needed.
  • Currently, many of the event pictures submitted are “blurry” and hopefully Robyn will be able to get better versions of pictures from Dr. Perez.
  • Yearbooks for every student will be free. Staff will purchase their copies.
  • Question proposed to PTA: Do you like the logo? Response: Yes!

BoxTops: Heather

  • Though the final collection for this school year has passed, the goal to collect until the end of the year to have a “chunk” of income for the PTA at the beginning of the school year (like this year) will be the goal.
  • A final collection will be NO LATER THAN May 30th. Teachers will HAVE to submit Box Tops by that day to be included in the final tally to find out which class will win an ice cream party.

DWPC: No Update

Spiritwear: Cheryl

  • Sunshine T’s can provide the logos on the shirts.
  • Samples of what the shirts would look like were provided for PTA to view.
  • T-shirts would be dark blue with a gold logo on the front. $6.00 per shirt.
  • Crew Neck No Hood: $10 child $12 adult.
  • Long Sleeve: $8 child $8.50 adult.
  • Hooded sweatshirts are also available.
  • A flyer to be made so we have an order form. Target order by April 30th.

Filed Day:Karen/Cheryl

  • Cheryl and Karen met with Coach Green and an “awesome” day is planned for students!
  • A full day of activities and events are planned for June 19th (rain date June 20th)
  • A.M. is split up into pair partners to do activities.
  • Parent Volunteers will be needed.
  • Waterslide, dinking booth, cotton candy, icy machine.
  • ALCOA to assist with a facepainter and volunteers for activities.
  • P.M. Classes for prizes.
  • Parent Volunteers will be needed.

Family Bowling Night: Cheryl

  • It would be a family activity out. Will charge $15 per person which will make a profit of $7.50.
  • There will be a 50/50, door prizes, etc.

Spring Pictures:

  • During the day on 5/13.

Book Fair: Cheryl

  • Dates are 5/12-16. This IS a BOGO Sale. This WILL BE advertised as a BUY ONE GET ONE.
  • There will be one DAY in which the sale will take place but there will also be evenings in which shopping will be available to better accommodate parents. This WILL take place at the next PTA meeting.

April/May Events:

  • Gertrude Hawk delivery 4/11. Same day as the Sock Hop. Pick up will occur during this event.
  • Square One art delivery on 4/25.
  • Spring Fundraiser due 4/21 after Spring Break.

PTA Officer Nominations: Wes

  • Nominations required by today for the May vote.
  • Amanda was nominated by Robyn for Secretary.
  • Wes was nominated by Cheryl for President.
  • Robyn was nominated for Treasurer by Cheryl.
  • Karen was nominated for Vice President by Heather.
  • Teacher Liaison position will be appointed.

New Business:

  • Amanda asked about funding of the school store. She felt the PTA should target how this is funded. Is it a school activity and/or funded by the PTA? Discussion of having a plan to provide funding for the school store next year. PTA has clear intentions and a budget already in place for activities and events (example: free yearbooks for all students) and a commitment for funding the school store can be provided one the school clarifies their own funding plans.
  • Amanda suggested a monthly flyer. If a flyer or similar were sent home with students at the beginning of the month. Perhaps a monthly “Save the Dates.”
  • Cheryl stated that the DWPC never received the JFK invoice. Can it be confirmed that a check was cut in the amount of $10?
  • Wes stated he spoke with Dr. Padalino and that the Playground Palooza has been “disbanded and that a check in the amount of $751 was presented to the school board.


Meeting Adjourned: *:20pmMotion: Robyn. Second: Karen

Minutes respectfully submitted: Heather Ohlson

JFK PTA Minutes: DRAFT 1 3/14

Questions? Wes Seery: OR leave notes in JFK PTA mailbox in the Main Office