E31 Progress property disposals

E31.3 Promote the disposal of properties

Performance Criteria - this involves being able to...
(a)provide and promote information on property which is likely to meet prospective buyers' and occupiers' requirements and preferences
(b)interview prospective buyers and occupiers to identify relevant details about them and their requirements and preferences
(c)assess the financial circumstances of prospective buyers and occupiers and refer them to appropriate sources for financial advice
(d)assess a buyer's ability to fund an acquisition when financing is dependent on other factors
(e)match available properties to the requirements and preferences of prospective buyers and occupiers
(f)contact prospective buyers and occupiers and explain the potential of property which meets their requirements and preferences
(g)arrange appointments to view and advise prospective buyers and occupiers about the suitability of the property
(h)obtain feedback about whether the property is suitable and pass the information on, promptly, to the vendor
(i)offer alternative properties to prospective buyers and occupiers which are more suitable for their requirements and preferences
(j)keep up to date records of correspondence and only disclosing information to people who have a right to have it / The Range...
• business;
• agricultural;
• residential
[2]Prospective buyers and occupiers
• public;
• private;
• voluntary;
• financial and corporate institutions;
• individuals
[3]Requirements and preferences:
• type of property (residential, retail, commercial, agricultural, industrial, land);
• characteristics (age, condition, appearance, access, proximity to facilities, energy efficiency);
• location;
• size;
• cost;
• planned use;
• timescale for acquisition;
• timescale for occupancy;
• needs for confidentiality
[4]Assess a buyer's ability to fund an acquisition:
• discussions with the client;
• client’s references;
• independent sources of financial information
• purchase;
• purchase option;
• lease;
• rent
[6]Potential (of property):
• benefits;
• features;
• availability;
• viewing
• public;
• private;
• financial and corporate institutions

E31 Progress property disposals

E31.3 Promote the disposal of properties

The Evidence - performance and process
Product Evidence:
(1)Record(s) of property details provided (a) [1,2,3]
(2)Record(s) of interviews of perspective buyers and occupiers (b,j) [2,3]
(3)Assessment(s) of financial circumstances (c,d,j) [2,4]
(4)Record(s) showing properties matched to prospective buyers and occupiers which include examinations and advice, viewing appointments made and feedback obtained, and alternatives offered (e,f,g,h,i,j) [1,2,3,6,7]
Process Evidence:
(1) Interview(s) with prospective buyers and occupiers and explanations and advice (b,h) [2,3,6] / The Evidence - knowledge and understanding
(1)How do you obtain and pass on feedback about whether the property is suitable? (application) (h) [1]
(2)How do you refer prospective buyers and occupiers to appropriate sources for financial advice? (application) (c) [2]
(3)How do you contact prospective buyers and occupiers? (application) (f) [2]
(4)How and why do you assess the financial circumstances of prospective buyers and occupiers? (analysis) (c) [2]
(5)How and why do you advise prospective buyers and occupiers about the suitability of the property? (synthesis) (g) [1,2]
(6)How do you provide information on property which is likely to meet prospective buyers' and occupiers' requirements and preferences? (application) (a) [1,2,3]
(7)How do you offer alternative properties to prospective buyers and occupiers which are more suitable for their requirements and preferences? (application) (i) [2,3]
(8)How and why do you interview prospective buyers and occupiers to identify relevant details about them and their requirements and preferences? (analysis) (b) [2,3]
(9)How and why do you promote information on property which is likely to meet prospective buyers' and occupiers' requirements and preferences? (synthesis) (a) [1,2,3]
(10)How and why do you match available properties to the requirements and preferences of prospective buyers and occupiers? (synthesis) (e) [2,3]
(11)How and why do you assess a buyer's ability to fund an acquisition? (analysis) (d) [4,5]
(12)How and why do you explain the potential of property which meets the requirements and preferences to prospective buyers and occupiers? (analysis) (f) [2,3,6]
(13)How do you arrange appointments to view? (application) (g) [2,7]
(14)How do you keep up to date records of correspondence and disclose information?(application) (j) [all]