Healthy Jacksonville Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition

Healthy Kids, Healthy Jacksonville

Request for Proposals

Community Engagement Grants

2014 Community Grants Request for Proposals (RFP)

December 16, 2013 – January 15, 2014


The Florida Department of Health in Duval County is lead organization for the Healthy Jacksonville Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition,is a partner with the Florida Blue Foundation in addressing the causes of childhood obesity in the Jacksonville Community. In coordination with public, corporate and media partners in our community, we developed The Healthy Kids, Healthy Jacksonville Call to Action to Reduce Childhood Obesity in 2009. In 2011and 2013, we released reports titledStories from the Field: A Community Response to the 2009 Healthy Kids Health Healthy Jacksonville Call to Action to Reduce Childhood Obesity. We are seeking proposals from eligible organizations (see page 2) that will support and promote the strategies, activities and policies outlined in the call to action, which can be accessed at

Purpose of Community Engagement Grants

  • To support qualifying local eligibleorganizations, government entities, community coalitionsand faith-based organizations that provide community education and outreach on the importance of good nutrition, physical activity and healthy weight for children andtheir families.
  • To increase community access to physical activity opportunities (built environment) and activities.
  • To increase access to healthy food and nutrition.
  • To increase the consumption of healthy foods and the amount of physical activity children receive.
  • To develop or strengthen collaborative efforts to implement local public policies that promote physical activity and healthy eating.

Grantees will be expected to continue their involvement with theHealthy Jacksonville Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalitionduring and beyond the grant period.

Approach and Strategy

This request for proposals welcomes proposals that will advance the implementation of the Call to Action in the following 5 areas:

●To engage the City of Jacksonville to develop business incentives promoting healthy living;

●to engage schools/community organizations to establish a partnership with the Duval County Parent/Teacher Association;

●to engage community, faith and youth organizations to facilitate adopt -a-school programs;

● to engage the media and marketing community to develop a web based social resource to support children with newly adopted healthy behaviors;

●to engage Jacksonville employers to create opportunities and partnerships to leverage funding and resources to initiate wellness efforts.

Applicants are encouraged to refer to the 2013Stories from the Field: A Community Response to the 2009 Healthy Kids Health Healthy Jacksonville Call to Action to Reduce Childhood Obesity to reviewspecificstrategies and recommendations outlined under these five priorities. Proposals for these funds will identify specific recommendations outlined in the Stories from the Field publication that can be found on theFlorida Department of Health in Duval County website [].

Proposals are welcome from eligibleorganizations interestedin creating community environments and policies that support healthy lifestyles, specifically with regards to healthy food choices and opportunities for regular physical activity for children. Preference will be given to projects that:

  • Demonstrate sustainability and contribute to the sustainability of the Healthy Jacksonville Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition
  • Engage community members in the implementation of strategies that launch new or expandexisting programs, and/or
  • Collaborate among different organizations, especially across different sectors, to operationalize approaches that address childhood obesity.

Preference will also be given to eligible organizations and programs that address: health disparities, cultural barriers, disadvantaged communities, and the engagement of parents and families.

In order to build organizational capacity and leverage resources, applicants are strongly encouraged to collaborate with community partners and stakeholders such as:

  • City of Jacksonville
  • Healthcare systems and providers
  • Schools and after-school programs
  • Early childhood advocates and providers
  • Community, faith-based and youth organizations
  • The media and marketing community
  • Jacksonville employers

Eligible Organizations

To be eligible to apply, an organization must be recognized as either a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or a government entity, such as county health department, public library, public school, academic institution, etc. An eligible entity may serve as a fiscal agent for a charitable organization or a coalition or consortium applying for funding. All services must be provided in the area defined by the call to action of Jacksonville/Duval County. Organizations must be located in or partner with programs in Jacksonville/Duval County. Programs for which they are seeking funding must be operated in Jacksonville/Duval County and directly serve the residents of DuvalCounty

Ineligible Organizations

Grants will NOT be awarded to or for:

  • Individuals
  • Fundraising events or celebrations
  • Political or lobbying organizations or activities
  • Religious organizations for religious purposes
  • Private foundations
  • Type III Supporting Organizations
  • Programs or organizations that do not directly serve Floridians
  • Organizations located outside Florida
  • Organizations that discriminate against others based on weight, age, race, ethnicity, religious-preference, sexual-orientation, physical and mental abilities, socio-economic status, etc.
  • Programs and projects that pay for, or reimburse individuals for, premiums, co-pays, deductibles and other health insurance-related expenses

Allowable Costs and Activities

The following types of activities and expenses are allowed as part of a proposed project:

  • Salaries and benefits for staff
  • Program supplies
  • Conferences or symposia
  • Equipment
  • Printing, publications or media projects
  • Office supplies
  • Support of health professional training and support of project training and development
  • Travel
  • Existing operating costs
  • Support for community education activities that are consistent with the Healthy Jacksonville Childhood

Obesity Prevention Coalition’smission

  • Consulting projects to help an organization improve its capabilities, capacity, efficiency and/or effectiveness

Unallowable Costs and Activities

  • Indirect expenses
  • Scholarships
  • Individual Costs
  • Membership fees

Grant Details

Approximately $100, 000 will be awarded inCommunity Engagement Grants to supportJacksonville’s community-based projects. Grants will vary in size from a minimum of $1,000 to a maximum of $10,000 for 10 months. Only one grant per organization will be funded. All grant activities must be completed no later than December 30, 2014. Successful proposals will be notified by February 1, 2014 by telephone. Declined proposals will receive notification by February 15, 2014.

How to Apply

Complete the following and submit to:

Laureen Husband, Ed.D.

Director, Healthy Jacksonville,

Duval County Health Department

900 University Boulevard, Suite 205

Jacksonville, FL32211

Only nonprofit organizations with proof of 501(c) (3) status via IRS designation letter are qualified to receive this funding. If you do not have this documentation, you may partner with another eligible organization that does maintain this status (refer back to eligible list on page 2).

Organization Information
Organization Name
Tax ID Number (Employer Identification Number)
Mailing Address (PO Box or Street)
City, State, ZIP Code
FAX (if applicable)
Website (if applicable)
Mission Statement
Population(s) Served by the Requesting Organization
Geographical Area Served by Requesting Organization
Programs and Activities of the Requesting Organization
Annual Operating Budget of the Requesting Organization / $
Amount of Funding Requested
Names, Titles and Business Affiliations of Board of Directors
Organization Primary Contact Information: President, CEO, Executive Director
First Name
Middle Name or Initial
Last Name
Office Phone and extension
Cell Phone
Application Contact Information (if different from Organization Primary Contact)
First Name
Middle Name or Initial
Last Name
Office Phone and extension
Cell Phone
Project/Program Information – Your proposal/application will not be considered if the word limits are exceeded.
Project/Program Title
Amount Requestedin 2014 (not to exceed $10,000)
Project/Program Total Budget / $
Grant/Funding Period (in months: 10months
County to be Served
Call to Action Focus Area(s) to be Addressed. Check one or all that apply in the box to the right.
(Please read the complete Call to Action to ensure that your proposal directly addresses one or more of the key items listed within the Call to Action focus areas.) / ___City of Jacksonville
___ Health care systems and providers
___Schools/community organizations
___ Early childhood advocates and providers
___ Community, faith-based and youth organizations
___ Media and marketing community
___ Jacksonville employers
Number of People to be Served. Specify if unduplicated or repeat participants.
Target Population to be Served. Please describe the population/ community to be served -- ages, ethnicity, race, languages, genders, ability, economic status, etc. – (Limit 100 words.) / Combine with program/projectneed
Project/Program Need.
Summarize what you are proposing to do and what results you hope to achieve. Why is this project/program needed in this community and how does it align with the call to action? (Limit 250 words)
Project/Program Goals, Activities Outcomes and Measures of Success (including timeline). Provide a general description of how you plan to address the needs described above and how you plan to determine results. (Limit 3 goals and 100 words)
Outreach Strategies. Describe how your project will target, recruit and retain program participants. Include the names of organizations with which you may partner to recruit participants. Attach letters of commitment as appropriate. (Limit 250 words)
Other Fundersand/or Community Partners (if applicable). Describe relationship, including amount of funding from each (if applicable). Attach letters of commitment (if applicable).
Who is responsible for the project implementation? Provide name(s), job title(s). If new position, attach job description (see instructions at end of application).


A listing of all anticipated sources of revenue, and reasonable and customary expenses associated with this project. Please use this form.

Organization Name
Program/Project Title
Program / Project Revenue / TOTAL
This Grant Request
Other Foundation Grants
Government Grants
Corporate Support
United Way and Other Federated Campaigns
Individual Donations and Bequests
Special Events / Fundraisers
Fees, Memberships and Earned Income
Contract Income
Other (describe)
Program/Project Expenses / TOTAL / This Grant / Narrative
Salaries and Wages
Benefits and Taxes
Salaries and Benefits Subtotal
Contracted Services / Professional Fees
Equipment and Supplies
Marketing / Communications
Events / Meetings
Travel / Mileage
Construction / Renovation Costs
Each item to be detailed in the budget narrative on the next page


IRS Letter of Determination: Provide a copy of the IRS letter designating your nonprofit status with the Internal Revenue Service.

Job Description(s): Provide a job description ONLY if the grant will be used to hire someone associated with managing or supporting the proposed project.

Letters of Commitment and/or Memoranda of Understanding: Provide ONLY if the proposed project requires the collaboration of other organizations/agencies. Items must be signed by that organization/agency and clearly outline its commitment to the proposed project.

Organization’s Audited Financial Statement or other statement of financial activities.