Department of Psychology

Temple University

536 Weiss Hall

Philadelphia, PA 19112


Doctor of Philosophy in Social Psychology Anticipated Spring 2018

Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with Honors May 2013

St. Bonaventure University, St. Bonaventure, NY 14778

Political Science Minor

MagnaCum Laude


Manuscripts under Review

Karpinski, A., Yale, M., Briggs, J. C. Unconscious arithmetic processing: A direct replication.

Karpinski, A., Briggs, J. C., & Adler, J. Distance from the self: A comparison between the construal of future and past selves.

Conference Presentations

Briggs, J. C. & Karpinski, A. (2015). Implicit associations reveal the distant past is viewed more abstractly than an equally distant future: A challenge to Construal Level Theory. Poster accepted for presentation at the 16th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA.

Briggs, J., Schey, R., Schweiger, M., Lapp, H., Schmid, K., & Shake, M. (2013). Effects of genre, interest

and difficulty on mind-wandering during reading. Poster presented at the 2013 annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY.

Undergraduate Honors Thesis

Briggs, J. C. (2013). Personality differences in reactions to negative feedback from a potential partner.

Advisor: Gregory Privitera, PhD


Teaching Assistant

Department of Psychology, Temple University

Psy 0816: Workings of the Mind Fall 2013–Fall 2014

Psy 1001: Introduction to Psychology Spring 2014

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Department of Psychology, St. Bonaventure University

Psy 201: Psychological Research – Statistics and Methods I Fall 2012


Research Assistant Advisor: Richard Gramzow, PhD June 2012 – October 2012 Served as a research assistant at Syracuse University on a volunteer basis. Responsible for running participants and coding observational data.Trained to use BIOPAC equipment for ECG, GSR and respiration rate.


Alpha Gamma Psi Award May 2013

Awarded for the highest undergraduate GPA in psychology at St. Bonaventure University

Psychology ScholarAugust 2011–May 2013

Scholarship awarded for academic recognition and commitment to the St. Bonaventure Universitypsychology department($1,000 per year)

Friar ScholarshipAugust 2009–May 2013

Scholarship awarded for academic merit from St. Bonaventure University ($15,500 per year)

21st Century Leader Award May 2012

Scholarship awarded for academic merit and leadership potential from Wells College ($10,000 per year; declined)


Society for Personality and Social Psychology

Psi Chi International Honor Society, President of the St. Bonaventure University Chapter 2012-2013

Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society

Sigma Alpha Pi, National Society of Leadership and Success

Social Psychology Network



Graduate Student Liaison to Temple Psychology Majors AssociationPresent

Advise undergraduate psychology majors in the graduate school application process

Mentor students in locating research opportunities


St. Bonaventure Psychology Club August 2009–May 2013

Served as President from August 2010 to May 2012

Designed and oversaw opening ofstudent workspace

Organized “Out of the Darkness” suicide prevention walk

Directed annual “Brain Awareness Week” program

Students in Free Enterprise January 2010–May 2011

Coordinated cultural exchange program between primary school children in Vientiane, Laos and Portville, New York

Engaged students at Portville Central School in Lao cultural lessons and fundraising activities

Taught English literacy and American cultural lessons to students at NongbouathongTai

Provided teachers at Nongbouathong Tai with technology for classroom instruction