Jessica L. Holland

Carol van de Blankevoort

Licensed Provider # 750092

Parent Policies Handbook

Mission/Philosophy Statement

My mission is to provide affordable, quality childcare. I aim to provide an environment where children feel welcome, wanted, and loved. I also assist children with learning manners, respect, and how to interact with their peers in a positive way.

My philosophy is based on the recognition that children are intelligent beings and they are OUR future. Therefore, we as educators and role models must do our part in assisting them in every way possible to ensure they are a success. A good foundation is always the base to every structure.

Enrollment Requirements

Before a child can begin child care, you are required to complete and submit the following forms:

ü  Child Enrollment Form

ü  Immunizations Form

ü  Permission Authorization

ü  Child Care Agreement

ü  Disaster Release Information Form

ü  Food Allergy/Intolerance Statement

ü  Parent Policy/Communication Agreement

Tuition and Payment Schedule

All fees are based on a 10-hour day, 5 days a week. There is a $5.00 per child fee for every half-hour after 10 hours. There will be a late fee of $5.00 for every 15 minutes you are late to pick up your child. If DSHS subsidy pays, I will follow and comply with payment rules and subsidy guidelines. When enrolling your child, you are reserving a “slot” for him/her. At time of enrollment a deposit equal to first week’s tuition will be required and will be applied to your account. You will still be charged if your child is absent. If I close my daycare for any reason, you will not be charged except for 8 sick days per year and one week of vacation. I take one week of paid vacation per year which is the last week of December.

Tuition Fees

Days / Age / Amount/Week
-5 Days / Infant
Birth – 18mn / 200.00
-5 Days
-4 Days
-3 Days / Toddler
2yrs – 4yrs / 190.00
-5 Days
-4 Days
-3 Days / Pre-K/Preschool
4yrs – 5yrs / 185.00
In Session School Age
Out Session School Age / 5yrs – 12yrs / 125.00

Tuition and co-pays are due on Monday morning of each week. There will be a $5.00 Late Fee for every day you are late with tuition. You are required to pay for your child’s contracted days regardless of attendance or a paid holiday. A $35.00 fee will be charged for each bounced check plus a daily charge of $10.00 will be applied until payment is made. Once a bounced check happens, payment method will be cash from that point on.

Probationary Period

The first ten days of childcare are probationary. This is for provider, parent, and child. This agreement may be terminated any time during that period. Otherwise, two weeks’ notice is required if the child is to be permanently removed from the Holland Family Daycare. The contracted week’s fee will be accepted in lieu of the two weeks’ notice, and in fact, will be due with notice of plans to discontinue enrollment. Except in the case of gross misconduct on the part of either parent or child, provider will also tender two weeks’ notice prior to cessation of care. Your fee will be due when notice is given.

Hours of Operation

Holland Family Daycare will be open from 6:30am until 5:30pm Monday thru Friday. Children will be expected to arrive according to the times stated in the child care agreement. No children will be accepted after 10:00am unless approved by provider. This is to help maintain consistency and to minimize disruption to daily schedule. You will not be credited for the day.

Termination of Childcare

The following are conditions that will cause child care to be terminated by me: if child is not adjusting well after 2 weeks, if he or she has disruptive behavior and we cannot come up with a reasonable solution on how to fix it, failure to follow parent policies, continual late payments, continual late drop off/pick up times or any other reason.

Notice for Terminating Service

Two-week notice is required before terminating care. Please continue to pay tuition during your last two weeks of care.

Contract Renewal

All contracts will be renewed one year from date of child’s enrollment. This is to allow for any changes in policy procedures or tuition rates.

Access to Licensee and Staff Training Files

You are welcome to review licensee and staff training files during child care hours.


All child files will be confidential and kept in a secured place which is accessible to staff and the licensor. You may review your child’s file upon request during normal child care hours.

Communication with Parents and Open Door Policy

You have access to any areas used by your child during child care hours. You are welcome to observe your child. Please schedule time in advance if you would like to have a meeting with me. I will also discuss your child’s daily activities and progress or any other concerns with you on a regular basis. Any immediate concerns will be addressed daily. I will schedule 2 meetings per year to discuss your child’s development and milestones. I am available for any questions regarding parenting and child development.

Food Service Practices

All staff preparing and/or serving food have current food handler permits. All staff will observe the guidelines outlined in the food handler’s course for safe food storage, preparation, cooking, holding proper temperature and meal service. If a microwave is used, all the cookware is microwave safe. I use a dishwasher to wash dished and utensils and the dishwasher has a sanitizing cycle.

Drinking water is provided throughout the day and served in a safe, sanitary manner. Home canned foods will not be served to children. Food will be served at safe temperatures, and staff will closely supervise all children when eating. Children will not be forced or shammed to eat or try any food. Children will not be punished if refusing to try or eat foods. Staff will be respectful of each child’s cultural food practices, and staff will sit with children during meals when possible.

Dietary Restrictions

If your child has dietary restrictions, I will make accommodations for your child or you may provide your child’s meals and snacks. We will create a written food plan signed by the parent or guardian and licensee. Dietary restriction may include medical needs, special diets, religious or cultural preference or family preference.


Milk is served with each meal according to age. Any variations will require a written statement from the child’s health provided.

ü  Birth to 1 year: Breast milk or formula (after 1 year, you may request continuation of breast milk or formula)

ü  1 year to 2 ½ years: Whole milk

ü  2 ½ years and older: 1% milk

No Smoking Policy

No smoking is allowed inside or outside of my childcare. Smoking is not allowed within 25 feet from my child care’s windows or exit doors.

Holidays and Religious Activities

During holidays children, will be doing arts/craft, learning songs, reading books and discussing each holiday. Children will be given the opportunity to share with other children what the holiday means to them and why it’s important.

We will recognize the following holidays in our curriculum: Valentine’s Day, St Patrick’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. If you do not wish for your child to participate in any or all of these activities, I will honor all parents’ requests.

Non-Discrimination Policy

My child care provides equal services to all children and their parents. There is no discrimination based on race, color, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, sex, social class, religion, creed, disability or age.

Childcare Will Be Closed on These Days


ü  New Year’s Eve

ü  President’s Day

ü  Veteran’s Day

ü  New Year’s Day

ü  Thanksgiving Day

ü  Day after Thanksgiving

ü  Martin Luther King Day

ü  Christmas Eve

ü  Christmas Day

ü  Independence Day

ü  Labor Day

ü  Good Friday

ü  Memorial Day


***You are required to give two weeks’ advance notice for your vacation. Your child’s space will be held while you are on vacation; tuition is not reduced during your vacation. Please advise us upon enrollment if you plan to remove your child for any length of time (i.e., the summers for school teachers, or when you are on maternity leave with another child, etc.)

Drugs and Alcohol

No one will be allowed to partake in drugs or alcohol during business hours. Any persons under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or misuse of prescription drugs will not be allowed access to the children. Alcohol in the childcare will be stored inaccessible to children or anyone.


I do not have any weapons in my home.

Plan for Persons who’s Presence is Prohibited.

Any person not authorized to be around one or more of the children in my care due to regulations from parents or police authorities shall be reported immediately if seen on or near my child care facility.

Child Care Liability Insurance

The child care home currently carries liability insurance at this time.


I have two dogs that are non-aggressive and current with immunizations. My dogs are kept in the unlicensed area during operating hours and will not have access to the food preparation area. If children or staff has planned access to my dogs, hands will be washed after touching the dog, and children will be supervised by staff the entire time.

Time / Activity / Skill Focus
If Applicable
6:30 am / Open/Child Drop Offs
6:30 – 8:20 / Breakfast Time
8:20 – 8:40 / Edgerton Elementary School Drop/Off
9:00 – 10:00 / Preschool (3+ Years) / -Circle Time
-Colors & Shapes
-School Work
- Sensory Play
-Play Dough
-Story Time
10:00 – 10:15 / AM Snack Time
10:15 – 11:00 / Free Play / -Puzzles
-Dramatic Play
11:00 – 11:25 / Clean Up/ Wash Hands
11:25 – 12:00 / Lunch Time
12:15 – 3:00 / Nap Time (Quiet Activities)
3:00 – 3:15 / Clean Up Mats and Blankets/
PM Snack
3:15 – 4:50 / Outside Play (If Weather Permits) / -Water Table
-Sand Play
-Dramatic Play
4:50 – 5:30 / Free Time
5:30 pm / Closed

Daily Schedule

Children with Specific Needs

If you have a child with special needs and are need of accommodations, we will complete a written plan that I will submit to my licensor. I will need supporting documentation of your child’s special needs provided by a licensed or certified physician, physician’s assistant, mental health professional, education professional, social worker with a bachelor’s degree or higher specialized in the individual child’s needs, registered nurse or advanced registered nurse practitioner. The documentation must be in the form of an Individual Education Plan (IEP), Individual Health Plan (IHP) or Individual Family Plan (IFP). A copy of the documentation will be kept in the child’s file. If an individual child with special needs requires individualized supervision, a staff member providing individualized supervision for that child does not count in the staff-to-child ratio for the other children in care.


Children five years of age and younger in care for 6 hours or more will be offered a nap. Children will not be forced to nap; children will be given a quiet activity if they do not nap. Children will sleep on mats covered by sheets. I will provide the sheet and blanket which I will wash/sanitize weekly and more often if needed. Bedding and mats will be store separately. Infants/toddlers, who are standing and ready for sleeping on mats, will be transitioned to mats to prevent climbing out of play pens.

Education/Kindergarten Readiness

Mother Goose Time

Holland Family Daycare provides a preschool based learning curriculum which is from Mother Goose Time. The preschool curriculum is professionally planned by educators to enhance a child's early educational development, but kids just think it’s fun. The program helps preschoolers understand numbers, letters, colors, and shapes. Children will learn and grow as they enjoy poems, books, stories, games, finger-plays, arts and crafts, science projects and a variety of physical activities. Mother Goose Time Learning Program has hundreds of ideas and material to make every day of the month fun and educational.

Kindergarten Readiness Enrollment

Children must be between the age of 3 and 5 in order to take place in the education program. The program is not included in your tuition payment and is due on the first Monday of each month. If you decided, you do not want your child to take part in the education program then during this time free play or other learning activities will be available for them.

Infant/Toddler Care


Infants will eat according to their individual schedules. Infants will not eat solid foods until parents feel their child is ready. I will require written permission to give solid foods. I prefer to serve pureed vegetables (peas, green beans, carrots, sweet potato, squash etc.) before pureed fruits (apples, pears, bananas, avocados, etc.) Please see infant feeding in food service practices.