Our next Business Meeting will be Wednesday, October 10th
7 p.m. at the Eagle Creek Voluntary Emergency Services (ECVES) Station.
Contact information for the directors and the standing committees is in
the adjacent box. If you have a concern or issue you would like to discuss,
please feel free to contact any of them.

Meeting Dates for Board Meetings and Annual Business Meeting

The ECROA Business Meeting is held at ECVES on an annual basis in October and the Board of Directors meets monthly at the same location. Dates of the meetings are posted on the website and signs are placed at all entrances at least a week inadvance of each meeting.

Please mark these dates on your calendars and attend these meetings.


We need your vote! In addition to the regular business of electing directors and

approving the budget, we need your vote on a new set of by-laws. The by-laws are being

changed to remove several conflicts with state law and to reflect changes in our

meeting plans. The proposed by-laws are available on our website at

eaglecreekranch.org. If you do not have web access, call Sarah at 830-216-4688

to get a paper copy mailed to you. In addition, a new paragraph is being added

to provide a way for the members to change deed restrictions. If the new

by-laws are approved by the members, we will then have a vote on our first-ever

deed restriction change. This change will only apply to the three lots on Highway

181 between Faifer Millworks and the Oak Hills water tower, allowing those lots

to be used for commercial purposes. See the details in this newsletter (page 8).

As of August 29th, no cases of West Nile virus had been reported in Wilson County.

The published advice is to use clothing and mosquito repellent to prevent bites

and remove breeding places such as any small containers of standing water

around your home. Our ponds are not considered breeding places since fish

eat mosquito larvae.

You can put your proxy into the ECROA mailbox by the fire station on FM 775.

Thank you,

Jerry Carpenter


All homeowners/renters are reminded that before starting on any new project or any improvement,approval must be granted in writing by the ACC.Your dues must be paid or a payment plan in place with our Treasurer or approval will not be granted. Please write your letter of request for approval to the ACC at: ECROA, Attn: ACC, 11382 FM 775 Suite 2, Floresville, TX 78114

Here is a basic list of the items to include in your request for anew project or an improvement:

  1. SITE PLAN – this shows from a “bird’s-eye view” your lot and shows the location of all existing structures (house, garage, barn, shed, fences, etc.) – this would not be to scale as it is an approximation. Next draw in where your new improvement will go – and give in feet the distance to the nearest property line. Put in the size (if applicable) of the new improvement (example – shed will be 8’ X 10’ in size). REMINDER: there is a 30 foot setback rule for all buildings and a 15 foot easement along all side and back property lines unless stated otherwise on your plat map for your lot. There are also drainage easements and easements that pertain to overhead power lines and underground pipelines; refer to your plat map for more information.
  2. MATERIALS LIST – explains what new BUILDING materials will be used in the construction of this new improvement project.
  3. SKETCH THE FINISHED PROJECT – Let’s say you are going to build a shed – then sketch out what it will look like once it is completed. For fences, sketch what a section would look like.
  4. COLOR – write down what color or stain (if applicable) will be used for the new improvement. ALL BUILDINGS MUST BE PAINTED OR STAINED – no unfinished wood is allowed.
  5. METAL ROOFS- you will need to write a letter and ask for a “VARIANCE” to the deed restrictions for a metal roof to be placed.
  6. MANUFACTURED HOMES –Only allowed in certain sections in Eagle Creek Ranch and required to be LESS THAN 3 YEARS OF AGE – no exceptions. The ACC will need a copy of the blueprints/floor plan and all construction information. Also, we will need the TEXAS CERTIFICATE OF MANUFACTURE showing the serial numbers of the home and the year it was manufactured. THERE IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS REQUIREMENT.
  7. SKIRTING REQUIREMENT - Manufactured homes: MASONRY PRODUCT such as brick or Hardi Board, NO VINYL. Decks/Sheds/Porches – ALL SUPPORTS MUST BE SKIRTED TO COVER THE SUPPORTS and this can usually be done with lattice board for these kinds of improvements but not for manufactured homes.
  8. SEPTIC SYSTEMS - A county-approved septic system must be in place on the property before the owners can move into a new home.
  9. FENCES – all front fences MUST BE SET BACK AT LEAST 15’ FROM THE FRONT PROPERTY LINE. Side and back fences can be placed on the property line, but make certain you know where your lines are located!

IMPORTANT: There is a deed restriction LIMIT to the NUMBER OF BUILDINGS that a lot can have built on it. There is allowed (1) a home of a minimum square footage of 1200 square feet. (2) A separate garage or barn or work shop – any building over 144 square feet falls into this category. (3) A separate

shed/outbuilding – any building of 144 square feet (12’ X 12’ in size) or less. There is also a minimum size of that smaller building – nothing under 30 square feet is allowed.

The ACC has approved many new home-improvement projects for our residents during the previous months. We currently have one property at the attorney’s office for legal enforcement of the deed restrictions. We have 23 properties with violations – 11 are at the first letter stage; 5 are at the second letter stage and 5 are at the third and final letter stage. After 30 days this 3rd category properties will be considered for legal enforcement. The easiest way to remain violation-free, is to visit the website for Eagle Creek Ranch at and check out the deed restrictions for your lot. The ACC meets every Wednesday and our phone is 830-393-2090. Should you have any questions, please give us a call & leave a message; your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Cindy Faulkner, Co-Chair

Bruce Brenner, Co-Chair

Architectural Control Committee

Eagle Creek Ranch Owner’ Association Annual Halloween Hayride

Saturday, October 27, 2012 Eagle Ridge Park

2:00pm Hot dog roast and 3:30 pm Hayride

Neighbors please handout candy

Decorate your House/Yard

Costumes optional but appreciated by the kids

Parents: Parents/adult must accompany their children and bring your signed waiver

Needed: Tractors or trucks w/trailers are needed to pull goblin. Let us know if you can help

Rsvp: to ShereceMcGoon: as to the number of goblins and parents participating. Email early to get you seats reserved. Sherece will email you a waiver that must be presented the day of the hayride in order for the goblin’s participation in the Halloween fun.

Halloween Hayride Route

Treasurer’s Report August 31, 2012

Well this fiscal year is almost over and a new one will begin.

These home owners were sent past due letters for being several years behind including their 2012 dues:Lots 027, 035, 062, 092, 093, 094, 105, 110, 113, 136, 149, 154, 171, 179, 195, 197, 204, 213, 226, 237, 257, 308 $, 346, 450, 454, 468, 481, 482, 499, 503, 527, 538, 567, 569, 586, 587, 601, 617, 618, 621, 631, 635. Some of these have already been sent to our attorney, the rest will be sent after Sept 30, 2012 unless arrangements are made to pay them. We have several Lots that have not paid their 2011 or 2012 dues. They are Lots 006, 008, 022, 024, 034, 048, 051, 056, 064, 073, 089, 090, 114, 125, 145, 150, 193, 198, 205, 231, 244, 250, 280, 281, 282, 293, 324, 336, 341, 342, 396, 402, 416, 417, 420, 439, 440, 441, 453, 471, 485, 486, 511, 519, 522, 523, 560, 600, 602, 633, 634, 638. Some of these might have been sent in and if so I apologize but as of this writing I have not received them. Thank you for your understanding.

All bills are current as of this date. We currently have $10,869.96 in our checking account.

We have a new proposed budget, included in this news letter, for FY 2013 which will be voted on at our annual meeting in October.

Kitty Phillips (830) 581-8243 Home

Treasurer(805)570-7559 Cell

DUES TO BE COLLECTED (Past Due) / 21,660.00
DUES FOR 2012-2013 / 38,940.00
LATE FEES / 100.00
WRITE OFFS / -1,500.00
TOTAL / 38,940.00
ACC EXPENSES / 11,500.00
AUTO (MILEAGE) / 100.00
INSURANCE / 2,000.00
LEGAL / 3,000.00
PRINTING / 800.00
PUMP REPAIRS / 1,200.00
RESERVE (GENERAL) / 4,000.00
RESERVE (LEGAL) / 3,000.00
RESERVE (PARKS) / 3,000.00
FLAGS / 200.00
MOWING / 5,500.00
TAXES/FEES / 800.00
ELECTRIC / 10,000.00
WATER / 900.00
TOTAL BUDGET / 60,600.00


Welcome to Eagle Creek Ranch!Eight welcome packs sent out since the last newsletter, some more timely than others, but I usually get them out. I visit local vendors periodically and gather up calling cards and menus as much as I can, to keep the packets current and interesting. I would like to point out that included in the packets are general, and specific to your property, deed restrictions. These are meant to keep our neighborhood the way we want it to look. Should you need to be refreshed about your restrictions, I can send you a copy of yours, I keep lots of copies.Don't forget our Eagle Creek Ranch website which also has loads of information for new (and not-so-new) residents. Please contact me at if I can be of any assistance.


Margaret Tollefson, Welcoming Committee Chair

Parks Committee Report October 2012

The hot summers months are ending, with that we hope to see a few changes this fall,providing Mother Nature helps with some rain.

Eagle Creek Ranch Blvd: We are still having problems with trash being dumped at the park. The pump cover was damaged and was repaired by members of the park committee. I would like to thank everyone who came out in this 100-degree weather to help repair the pump cover at the Park. Concrete tables and benches have also been broken.

Misty Bend Park: The pond is getting low. We believe there is a clog in the pipe feeding water into the pond caused by the damage to the pump cover at the Eagle Creek Ranch Blvd Park. We are working to get the pipe repaired as soon as possible.

Eagle Creek Ridge Park: Nothing new to report

Due to the problems of trash dumping and damages done to the parks, we are in the process of hiring someone to help maintain the parks. Since our park committee is small and most of us have full time jobs, we need outside help to keep the parks mowed and trim.

I would like to thank everyone in the park committee for their help in maintaining the parks especially Daniel Bratcher for maintaining the front entrance to the subdivision. We will continue making improvements to our parks and make them a place for all residents to enjoy.

Friendly Reminder:

  • Please refrain from driving off-road vehicles on park properties (especially on the dams and walking trail.)
  • Please no motorized boats in ponds and do not drive vehicles past parking areas
  • Please do not dump unwanted furniture & trash, etc. in the parks – we have to pay someone to haul off trash. This comes out of the Association’s budget – which means it comes out of your pocket!
  • Ponds are not for swimming/Poisonous Snakes

Tony Pisano, Parks Committee

Vote for Board of Directors

VOTE, VOTE!!!!! Your proxy will help provide a quorum so that the Secretary’s minutes and committee reports can be approved and any other business that may arise can be conducted. Please make a concerted effort to mail in your proxies or attend the meetings. Pleasefill out the proxy and mail it to ECROA; you can give it to a director or neighbor that will be attending the meeting; or, if you like, you can drop it in the ECROA mailbox in front of the Fire Station.

Nominations for Board of Directors

The following people are up for re-election for the Board of Directors:

NAME:Jerry L. Carpenter

ADDRESS:569 Cherry Ridge

Floresville, TX78114


CANDIDATE for re-election to theBoard of Directors, Eagle Creek Ranch Owners Association

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Jerry Carpenter and his wife Martha have been residents of Eagle Creek Ranch since November 2005. They purchased their lot December 31, 2001. He has served on the Eagle Creek Ranch Board of Directors since 2004. He and Martha were lifelong residents of San Antonio until moving to Eagle Creek Ranch.

He is retired from both Frost Bank and The Hearst Corporation (owner of the S.A. Express and long gone S. A. Light newspapers.) He managed the business automation department of The San Antonio Light for almost 25 years, until it was closed and then worked in computer support at Frost Bank until retirement.

He knows people are the key to any organization and will work to improve owner/member participation in all parts of our organization.

NAME:William E. (Ned) Lammers, D.V.M.

ADDRESS:129 Eagle Creek Ranch Blvd.

Floresville, TX78114


CANDIDATE for re-election to theBoard of Directors, Eagle Creek Ranch Owners Association

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Ned Lammers and his wife Gersey have been residents of Eagle Creek Ranch since February 2002. He has served on the Eagle Creek Ranch Board of Directors since 2004.

He currently manages the Veterinary Treatment Facility, Lackland AFB, TX and practices privately part-time. Ned retired after 35 years of total military service from the United States Marine Corps and active and reserve duty in the United States Air Force. He also retired after 19 years from the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District. He has built and owned private veterinary practices in Albuquerque, NM and Estes Park, CO.

Ned and Gersey are blessed with five children and eleven grandchildren.


Notice of request for change of property use designation: Landowners Rodney and Betsy Leifeste in Section 2-B who own two lots fronting on Highway 181 have requested a change of designation of property use from “residential only,” which is the current restriction under the existing deed restrictions, to “residential and/or commercial.”

The Board has consulted with legal counsel and to consider this request the Board will put for vote of the landowners a proposed change to the By-Laws at the annual meeting.

The proposed change to the By-Laws is as follows:

“If a land owner in Eagle Creek Ranch wants to request a change to the deed restrictions or any land use, such land owner shall submit a request of the change to the Board of Directors. If two thirds of the Board approves the proposed change for submission to the land owners, then the request shall be submitted to the landowners at the annual meeting or a special meeting for approval or rejection. A quorum (25or more) of land owners voting at the meeting shall be required and sufficient to approve or reject the proposed change. If a two thirds majority of the land owners approve of the requested change, it shall be implemented and recorded. If less than a two thirds majority approve, it shall not be implemented.”

This proposed change will be submitted to all attending the annual meeting. A quorum will be required, and a two thirds majority of the quorum must approve the change for its implementation.

If this change to the By-Laws is approved; there will immediately follow a vote on the requested change or amendment. The change or amendment is as follows:

“Pursuant to the By-Laws of the Eagle Creek Ranch Owners Association, by vote of a majority of a quorum (25 or more) of land owners voting at the annual meeting, the change of land use in the deed restrictions for lots 469, 470 and 471 in Section 2-B is hereby changed from “residential only” to “residential and/or commercial” by replacing the existing deed restrictions with restrictions identical to the deed restrictions in effect for lot 468D is approved. Such change shall be recorded in the real property records of Wilson County, Texas”


The Board of Directors would like to say a special thank you to Gersey Lammers who has served as the Nominating Chairperson for many years. With the change in the state law, Gersey can no longer serve in that capacity since she is married to a member of the Board of Directors. Thank you, Gersey, for your many years of volunteering in this position! The Board would also like to thank Linda Lamberth for volunteering to take over this position.


In compliance with the provisions of chapter 209, Texas Property Code, notice is hereby given of the ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING, to be held at Eagle Creek Volunteer Emergency Services, 11382 FM775, Floresville, TX 78114 at 7:00 PM, on Wednesday, October 10, 2012.

The following agenda items will be discussed, considered and action taken as appropriate:

1. Call to Order and Establish Quorum

  1. Introduction of Director candidates – Ned Lammers & Jerry Carpenter
  2. Discuss 2013 Budget
  3. Discuss proposed By-laws
  4. Turn in Ballots for Directors, Budget and By-laws
  5. Minutes of the October 12, 2011 business meeting
  6. ACC Report
  7. Treasurer’s Report
  8. Parks Committee Report
  9. Welcoming Committee Report
  10. Report vote results for Directors, Budget and By-laws
  11. Discuss Deed Restriction Change
  12. Turn in Ballots for Deed Restriction Change
  13. Member comments on any item not on the agenda.
  14. Report vote results for Deed Restriction Change
  15. Adjourn

Members will be recognized bythe chair to comment on any item on the agenda by raising a hand while that item is being discussed, please state your name and lot number for the record.