Jennifer Government : Final Discussions

1) Why do you think Buy finds all companies somewhat greedy? Do you think companies nowadays are greedy? Explain. Argue both sides.

2) Do you think the government should be allowed to have all our private information? Explain. Argue both sides.

3) Hack in the second half of the book changes. What are the characteristics of the new Hack? What are the circumstances that caused him to have a change in his character?

4) Hack, Claire, and other people in their group started protesting. (Graffiti of billboard, invading McDonald etc...) What was their purpose of protesting? What message were they trying to send? Give an example of how a protest could affect corporate greed and influence. Why don’t people do this more often?

5) In the meeting John Nike was voted whether he should be kicked out from US alliance or not. Then he makes an influential speech to convince people from US alliance to not vote him out. He argues that:

“Yes, some people died. But let’s not pretend these are the first people to die in the interests of commerce. Let’s not pretend there’s a company in this room that hasn’t had to put profit above human life at some point. We make cars we know some people will die in. We make medicine that carries a chance of a fatal reaction. We make guns. I mean, you want to expel someone for murder, let’s start with the Philip Morries Liaison. We have all, at some point, put a price tag on human life and decided we can afford it. No one in this room has the right to sit here and pretend my actions came out of the blue.”

Is this claim made true in our society nowadays?

Do companies in our society put profit above human life? Explain. Argue both sides. Provide examples.

6) How is the theme of freedom explored? Is freedom dangerous? Explain and argue both sides. Provide examples.

7) This book is very similar to George Orwell’s book 1984 because both books talk about the two different extreme types of government. 1984 talks about intense totalitarianism and Jennifer Government talks about intense libertarianism.

Do you think that the freedom of the people in Jennifer government could be considered as true liberty? Would you rather live in the society described in 1984 or Jennifer Government? Explain and argue both sides.