Jennifer Dean 7th Grade Assistant Principal
Karen Klemm 7th Grade Guidance Counselor
Pythons’ Paper
Quarter 1, September 15, 2006
Kyle Paul Language Arts
Colleen Staton Language Arts
Kelly Cole Mathematics
Cheryl McLaren Mathematics
Shenique Mens Science
Meg Bright Social Studies
Jennifer Dean 7th Grade Assistant Principal
Karen Klemm 7th Grade Guidance Counselor
Jennifer Dean 7th Grade Assistant Principal
Karen Klemm 7th Grade Guidance Counselor
Language Arts
Mr. Paul
On Monday, 9/18, the students will be taking a Reading comprehension test. It is not for a grade, but to assess where the students are with their reading skills, and also to see what they do and do not know. This test will be given during the Language Arts block. After Monday, we will continue working on how to write a Problem Solution essay. We began this on Wednesday, but we will be working on a Problem Solution prompt this coming week. The majority of this work will be completed during class. Summer Reading projects are due by Fri, Sept. 22. This information is on the school website under the link for “Important News” and then scroll to the bottom to find the “summer reading list”.
Mrs. Staton
This week we will be looking at several short stories from the Language of Literature books. Students will also be learning new vocabulary from their vocabulary workbooks along with some review of the past vocabulary. These vocabulary words come for Latin and Greek roots so many of the words will look the same. We will also continue reading our class novel “The Clay Marble.” Reminder to Parents: the 500 word essay on Walk Two Moons is due on Sept. 22nd.
There is homework each night so please check the Agenda on a daily basis. Progress reports will be handed out on Thursday, 9/21 and are due back SIGNED by you on Friday, 9/22.
Mrs. McLaren
STANDARD - We are going to be moving onto algebraic expressions this coming week.The Assessment Skill Builder Project will be due on Thursday, 9/21.
Standard Plus - We are moving onto Integers and will be dealing with addition and subtraction of Integers this week. The WorkBook Project (pages 1 through 9)is due on Friday 9/22.
Miss Cole
ALGEBRA 1A – We will be covering rational numbers and how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide with them. Test corrections for the properties test will be due on Fri, Sept. 22.
STANDARD PLUS - We will be looking at adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with integers. All students are encouraged to do test corrections for every test. Corrections should be made on a separate sheet of paper showing all work. Tests that receive a grade below 70 must be signed by a parent. Half credit for each correction will be added to the test grade. Test corrections for the first test are due Thurs, Sept. 21.
Ms. Mens
There will be a test on Chapter 1 sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 on Tues, Sept. 21 (A-Day) and Wed, Sept. 22 (B-Day).Your child will be assessed on the characteristics of the atmosphere; layers of the atmosphere; how energy is provided and transferred in the atmosphere; greenhouse effect; global warming; and pollution. Please remind your child to review their notes,vocabulary words and graded classwork assignments, quizzes and homework. Additional review can be found on the textbook website: . Students are not turning in their homework! Please review the classroom website at least once a week for classroom updates:
Social Studies
Mrs. Bright
We had our first test last week. Good job students! The students also turned in their interactive notebooks last week. Those who handed them in did a great job. Several students did not turn in notebooks, but they have until Monday to get them to me. Our next unit of study will be on the geography and culture of North Africa and Southwest Asia. We are also going to begin working on our quarterly project. The students will choose a country to research. This quarter, they will be making a culture quilt depicting 8 culture traits of their country. We will spend some time in the media center researching and writing next week.
! Dallas Brass will perform in the gymnasium Mon, Sept. 18th.
! Please use the email address provided for absentee notes or excuses for students:
! 9th block forms due Mon, Sept. 18th.
! Compact due Mon, Sept. 18th.
! Pictures will be taken Tues, Sept. 19th.
! Progress Reports will go home Thursday and Friday. These should be returned no later than Mon, Sept. 25.
J Jordan Burdette, Kyra Leonard for making Bronco News anchors.
J Alex Petrich for making the volleyball team.
J Johnny Piedmonte, Brandon Mobley, Drew Walker, Jared Sobo, Lavarious Stewart, and Tyre Wilson for making the football team.
J Gaylin Bennett for making the softball team.