JCV 9 – USC round

1)  Crippled by a clubfoot which his enemies called "Hell's seal of deformity," he came up with the forty acres and a mule plan. As a lawyer, he defended fugitive Negroes for free and insisted on being buried with them. He claimed the Southern states were "conquered provinces" and unsuccessfully urged confiscation of Southern plantations and sale of them to freemen with proceeds funding the national debt. FTP, name this evil monster who was the so-called "natural leader" of the House and introduced Johnson's impeachment resolution.

i)  Answer: Thaddeus_Stevens_

2)  Because they believed the moon was every woman's true husband and earthly marriages had no importance, their practice of sexual hospitality to strangers led to their decimation by syphilis. They also welcomed visitors with a formal ceremony called marae which included hongi, ritual pressing of noses. Their deities represented natural spheres and included Tane Mahuta, the forest god, and Tangaroa, the sea god. Their home was found by Kupe about AD950, after which their ancestors migrated from Hawaii in seven canoes. FTP, name these aboriginal inhabitants of New Zealand.

i)  Answer: _Maori_

3)  She attracted many followers, including Blessed Raymond of Capua, who would become master-general of the Domincans. She miraculously learned to write at age thirty and the Dialogue is a record of one of her conversations with Christ. Declared patron saint of Italy in 1939, she had visions from childhood on, culminating in her 1370 trip to Heaven and Hell and command to leave her cell to heal Italy and the Church. FTP, name this saint who strove against the antipope Clement VII after persuading her "sweet Babbo"-Gregory XI-to return to Rome in 1377.

i)  Answer: St. _Catherine of Siena_

4)  India and several private claimants are currently campaigning for its return. Said to have been worn by Karra , a hero of the Mahabarata, it was later owned by Babur and Shah Jahan. It was purportedly cut from the “Grand Mogul,” and it may have had two other parts, one of which went in the Russian crown. No man may wear it without courting disaster and its possessor will rule the world. Queen Victoria had it displayed at the Crystal Palace and it is now kept in the Tower of London. FTP, name this 186-karat diamond briefly placed on the Queen Mother’s coffin and named "Mountain of Light" in Urdu.

i)  Answer: _Kohinoor_

5)  "Reading is the curse of childhood," so there will be no book learning early on. Education is nurturing of what is already in a child, so that he will eventually be able to communicate in a community of rational men. At 12 he will read Robinson Crusoe, the story of a man who was self-reliant and dealt with nature, but never hurt others. There should be no swaddling clothes to impede movement and he must play sports and commune with nature. His religion will be deism. FTP, name this Emile Jean-Jacques Rousseau plan for raising a boy based on man's natural goodness.

i)  Answer: _Emile_

6)  For rocks, the biggest source of variation in it is crack porosity. It is low at first, but increases as cracks close when the rock is stressed. The average for steel is .28 and .33 for aluminum. Materials with a ratio less than .5 will show an increase in volume under longitudinal tension and a decrease under longitudinal compression. When a metal bar under tension is stretched, the width is slightly diminished. Lateral shrinkage makes transverse strain equal to the change in width divided by the original width. FTP, name this ratio of transverse strain to longitudinal strain.

i)  Answer: _Poisson's_ Ratio

7)  A close friend of Claude Debussy, whom he met playing piano at the cafe Chat Noir, Chilled Pieces and other strange titles were said to be his way of offending critics, whom he hated. In his The Son of the Stars, he first used chordal progressions on consecutive superimposed fourths and his Three Pieces in the Shape of a Pear employed such novelties as avoidance of bar lines and music printed entirely in red. FTP, name this French composer of Socrates, Trois Gymnopedies and the ballet Parade.

i)  Answer: Erik _Satie_

8)  The universe is his dream and his blue skin represents the endless sea and sky. One of his aspects is Shanti, the peaceful mood and he is usually seen carrying a conch, but he also possesses the sword Nandaka and a bow called Sarnga. Not until Kaliyuga, the end of the present age, will he appear as Kalki, an avenging rider on a white horse, but he has already existed as Rama and Buddha. He is often seen floating on the coils of the Naga king Shesha in a sea of milk and having his feet massaged by his consort Lakshmi.. FTP, name this Hindu preserver and protector.

i)  Answer: _Vishnu_

9)  Its union workers were guaranteed parity with major airlines’ pay plus one percent, giving it high labor costs. It has no alliance partners and tried to sell itself to UAL in 2000. After losing $2 million in 2001, it last year became the second major carrier to accept the government’s bailout offer. The seventh-largest American carrier, its major hub at Reagan National Airport was closed for weeks after 9-11. FTP, name this airline led by CEO Jack Creighton which filed for bankruptcy last August.

i)  Answer: _U. S. Air_ways

10) The Rossio is its central square and its Praca dos Restauradores has a monument to liberation from Spain. Its most beautiful area is the ancient Alfama and it is overlooked by the Castle of St. George. It takes its name from its legendary founder, Ulysses, but it was probably settled by the Phoenicians. Its oldest section is built on seven hills and its deep-water, fog-free port takes in three-quarters of the country’s imports. FTP, name this city located on the north bank of the Tagus river estuary, the capital of Portugal.

i)  Answer: _Lisbon_ or _Lisboa_

11) The name comes from the Greek for “wheaten cakes.” Herodotus said that money for construction once ran out, forcing the ruler's daughter to prostitute herself and charge each customer one brick. Mastabas are a primitive version of them and the smallest but most perfect is that of Menkure. One theory says they are symbolic dung heaps built by scarabs, enclosing the pharaoh until his rebirth. FTP, name these ancient Egyptian structures, the largest of which was built by Cheops.

i)  Answer: _Pyramids_

12) The experiment that demonstrated it was suggested by Hendrik Lorentz and had already failed for Faraday. Light seen in that experiment was similar to sunspots, so those objects were supposed to be intensely magnetic. By showing that electrons were affected by a magnetic field, it gave the final proof that light and magnetism are connected and helped determine the structure of the atom by demonstrating Lorentz's idea that atoms are composed of charged particles. FTP, name this physical effect through which it was discovered that the tripling of spectral lines was caused by the altering of electrons' spin.

i)  Answer: _Zeeman_ Effect

13) He invented an alphabet to promote the spread of literacy in China and modeled his tomb after that of Ulysses S. Grant. His plan to start a new dynasty called the Hong Xian (Hung Shee in), or Glorious Constitution, had to be called off when his Korean second wife attacked his Chinese first wife with her fingernails because her imperial throne was lower. He said he couldn't put down the 1911 Chinese Revolution because his foot hurt, but the Emperor still recommended him for his highest position. FTP, name this first president of the Republic of China.

i)  Answer: _Yuan_ Shi Kai

14) His early career playing saxophone with the King Bees, Manish Boys and other mod bands was unsuccessful. In the late 1960s, he spent time in a Buddhist monastery in Scotland and performed in his own mime company, the Feathers. It was not until the release of “Man of Words, Man of Music” in 1969 that he decided to concentrate on music. FTP, Name this musician born David Robert Jones in Brixton, England, who gained fame with the song “Space Oddity” and has an androgynous alter-ego called Ziggy Stardust.

i)  Answer: David _Bowie_

15) He criticized Petrobras, the state oil company, for buying foreign rigs and vowed to begin manufacturing them in his country. On the other hand, he has vowed to honor his country’s $230-billion debt and stick to IMF agreements. A former factory worker making his fourth run, the victory of his center-left Workers Party in October 2002 was the first in his country by leftists. He took 61.5 percent of the vote to the 38.5 percent of his opponent, Jose Serra. FTP, name this new president of Brazil.

i)  Answer: Luiz Inacio_Lula_ da Silva

16) Creator of the modern Kol Nidrah ceremony, he also invented the Jewish angelic hierarchy. He taught that God is incorporeal and undivided and His existence can be demonstrated through reason. He also said that the intellect is the soul’s greatest manifestation and its greatest purpose is to know what is true. Richard the Lion-Hearted invited him to England and he served as Saladin’s personal physician. After completion of his Mishneh Torah, he answered questions on Jewish law from all over the Mediterranean. FTP, name this man whose greatest contribution to philosophy was a book intended for those torn between secular learning and Jewish law, The Guide for the Perplexed.

i)  Answer: _Maimonides_ or _Ram Bam_ or _Musa ibn Maimun_

17) It is located across from Masolino’s Temptation in Florence’s Brancacci Chapel and painted as though illuminated from a single window above it. Its male figure may have been modeled on Laocoon and much of the sky was cut away in the 18th century. Although Yeats wrote that the principal figures have « faces disfigured by their suffering, » they maintain their dignity despite the great tragedy that has occurred. FTP, name this Masaccio fresco depicting a red-clad angel sending a weeping man and woman out a gate and into the world.

i)  Answer: _Expulsion_of Adam and Eve _from the Garden of Eden_ or _Paradise_

18) It will collide with the Milky Way in five billion years. The most distant object visible without a telescope, it has at least ten smaller companions from which it draws stellar mass. Its 1885 supernova is the only one ever seen there, but Edwin Hubble found the first Cepheid variable there. The Hubble Space Telescope showed it to have a double nucleus, the product either of dark matter obscuring its true core or its consumption of a smaller galaxy. FTP, name this galaxy which William Herschel first knew was the object closest to the Milky Way.

i)  Answer: _Andromeda_ Galaxy or Nebula or _M31_

19) In accepting his Nobel Prize, he made a speech condemning suicide. He thought his “palm-of-the-hand” stories, including “Up in the Tree,” were the greatest expressions of his genius. In his twenties, he helped found the Neo-Sensualist journal Bungei Jidai and fell in love with a teenage dancer whose legs stretched up “like a pawlonia sapling,” a story recounted in The Dancing Girl of Izu. FTP, name this Japanese author of The Master of Go and Snow Country.

i)  Answer: Yasunari _Kawabata_

20) It was produced by Darryl Zanuck, one of the few non-Jewish Hollywood moguls, and written by Moss Hart. Smiths Weekly has its reporter, played by Gregory Peck, pretend to be Jewish writer Phil Green. He learns everyone despises him for his ethnicity when he rubs shoulders with the elite in New York corporate offices and ritzy Darien, Connecticut. FTP, name this Academy Award-winning 1947 Elia Kazan movie in which WASP Skylar Green gathers material for an anti-semitism series.

i)  Answer: _Gentleman's Agreement_

21) Advertising and marketing is very important because firms produce branded products. In America, washing machine, beef and beer makers fall into this category. Standard theory says dominance of this type should see slower economic growth, but empirical evidence doesn’t support this. Some theories predict its prices will be set at the level of perfect competition, but other theories predict it see will collusion between firms and function as a monopoly. Name this market structure in a which a small number of large firms sell similar products and have significant market power.

i)  Answer: _Oligopoly_

22) “The best blood of the South is in you,” is what the protagonist is told of his white father, who sends him a piano, but visits him only once in Connecticut. He decides to go to school in Atlanta, but all his money is stolen and he must work in a cigar factory. He becomes a famous rag-time piano player and a rich patron sends him on a tour of Europe. Outrage at a lynching cause him to change his identity for his children's sake, a secret he reveals to his wife at the end. FTP, name this 1912 James Weldon Johnson book about a Negro passing for white.

i)  Answer: _Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man_

23) Apparently true to the prediction of Nostradamus that he would die in a "golden cage," he perished in a 1559 tournament accident while wearing a golden helmet. Often influenced by his mistress, Diane de Poitiers, he was an fervent opponent of Protestantism who tried heretics in special courts called chambres ardentes. He seized Calais from the English in 1558 and made peace with the Hapsburgs by the treaty of Cateau-Cambresis the next year. The son of Francis I, three of his children with Catherine de Medici-Francis II, Charles IX and Henry III-would later be kings. FTP, name this French ruler.

i)  Answer: _Henry II_ or _Henri II_

24) Receiving about one-quarter of the heart's total blood output, it has its own blood supply from the portal vein, which brings blood from the intestines for processing before return to the heart. It stores about two years’ worth of vitamin A and smaller amounts of other fat-soluble vitamins. Kupffer cells line its vascular channels and, at about three pounds, it is the body's second-largest solid structure. It removes or alters 80% of all medicine consumed but its main constituents carry out more metabolic functions than any others. FTP, name this organ of which 60% is hepatic cells.