JCU STRIKERS FC is happy to announce a new program starting in the 2018 Season for those players that would like to have higher intensity training sessions.
JCU HITS (High Intensity Training Squad) will commence late January next year for age groups from U11 upwards – both girls and boys. Girls and boys squads will run separately to one another on the same night.
These sessions will be tailored for those ‘next level’ players who require a high quality and disciplined training environment.
HITS will target committed players who are looking for that little extra without having to go outside the club for this experience.
JCU Strikers have highly qualified coaches which will provide organised sessions based around the FFA Curriculum:
● Skills Acquisition Phase -
○First Touch, Striking The Ball, Running With The Ball and 1v1.
●Game Training Phase -
○Playing Out From The Back, Midfield Play, Attacking, Disturbing/Pressuring, Defending/Recapturing The Ball and Transition
These trainings will be serious sessions – with strict player participation guidelines (see below).
The sessions will be held over ten weeks (with catch-up sessions applied in the event of weather & other unforeseen circumstances that may affect the weekly block schedule)
Initial cost will be $60 for 10 weeks. This will include training shirt with player name and number on back.
Returning registrations participating in second block (10 week program) – cost will be $40 for the 10 weeks.
Total cost will be $100 for 20 weeks ($5 /week).
Tuesday will be the training day allocated specifically for our HITS participants - 5.45pm to 7.00pm
Please register and pay by 8th January 2018 by completing the registration form and emailing back to the club.
A Preliminary Session will be held 16th January 2018 with our first 10 week block commencing 23rd January 2018
High Intensity Training Squad
The purpose of having a high intensity training session is to get like-minded players together - pushing each other to the highest of their ability in an organised training session.
Although this program targets age groups from Under 11 upwards – any player under this age who is identified (during the preliminary session held on 16th January 2018) on their ability and performance could be invited to register.
For this to be successful all players must remain focused during the whole of the session.
Players found not to be focused on the training session and being disruptive towards other players or coaches will be asked to sit out and/or leave the remainder of that session. If an individual continues to be disruptive in multiple sessions they will be asked to have a break from the 10 week block or what remains of it.
Players will be required to be punctual and train in the correct attire for that session.
Players must train at all times in the specified training kit provided at registration. A player who attends in the incorrect training strip without an adequate reason may be asked to sit out of session.
At this level, players are required to be responsible for their own action i.e. preparation and readiness for trainings. Players will be responsible for their pre-training warm up and dynamic stretching. Players must be ready at 5.30pm for an immediate start at 5.45pm. Coaches in the first 2 sessions will initially assist players in warm-up exercises.
A training shirt will be provided as part of registration. Players can choose – their name for the back of their strip (names will be limited to first name, nick-name or first name with surname initial). Numbers will be allocated on a ‘first-in’ registration basis for each gender.
Training Attire/Requirements:
●Training Kit (Supplied HITS Shirt) with Black Shorts and Maroon Socks
●Shin Pads and Football Boots – players can arrive in slides or sandshoes – however must be kitted, stretched/warmed-up and ready to train by 5.45pm.
●2 x Filled Water Bottles