Zonta Club of the Pikes Peak Area


Oct 19, 2009

Crowne Plaza

5:00 p.m. Fellowship/Optional Committee Meetings:

Service: Record service hours

Collection for: warm clothes for homeless teens

5:30 p.m. Introduction of Guests and Visitors

GSB PR: AnnMarie Pacitto and Kim Brandon

5:45 p.m. Program: Donna Gibson and Dave Somers from Center forNonprofit Excellence

6:30 p.m. Dinner


Call to Order –Laura

Additions/corrections of minutes– Kathy

Treasurer’s Report—(see below)

Foundation Report

Committee Reports:

Fellowship: Amber’s mother died, unexpectedly, three weeks ago

GSB- Sonya (see below)

Nut sales fundraising committee- Shannon

Old Business: 1. The deadline for reporting sales was October 13. All are invited to bag nuts at Ms Rowan’s house on November 8 at 5:00. Soup will be provided.

2. We still need a record of the following from UN/LAA, Prog./Fel., PR:

A. Goals for the year (please star those goals which were created based on the suggestions from the brainstorming session.)

B. Target dates for each goal’s completion.

C. How those goals will be measured. (Your evaluation process.)

D. The expected results of the goal’s completion.

New Business: 1. HTA Symposium Report – Betty E.

2. Please RSVP for the District 12 Conference

*** Delegate and Alternate?

*** Collection for “Best Chef” Basket

*** Have you prepared a report regarding the activities and accomplishments for 2008-2009 and our goals for 2009-2010 to present at District conference? Do you know who usually does this? I am leaving Monday on a trip and will not return til 2 days before our conference so I'm hoping someone else does the report.

3. WRA Tea Report – Pam

4. Who would like to host the holiday party which takes the place of our regular general meeting in December? It is scheduled for Sun. Dec. 20. (Negotiable)

5. Please se notes below.

Meeting Adjourned

Dates to remember:


24 United Nations Day

30-1 DISTRICT CONFERENCE in Denver (see Call to Conference for specifics)

31 Halloween

STW/S com: Applications for YWPA scholarship avail. on ZI website

LAA/UN: United Nations month, Oct 24 is United Nations Day

Treas: File IRS form 990 by 10-15

All members: Nut Sales

All members: Strongly encouraged to participate in Conference


9 Board meeting

8 Nut packing 5 PM, Shannon’s House (2226 Shalimar; 80915.) Soup will be provided.

8 Zonta International Day

11 Veteran’s Day

17 General meeting @ Crowne Plaza Hotel (see concierge board for room assignment)

Program: Betty Edwards and Marilyn Vogt on the UN and Zonta

25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

25 (– Dec 10) 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence

27 Thanksgiving

Pro/Fel com: Celebrate with Founder’s Day commemorations; observe International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence (11-25 thru 12-10)

Please Note:

1. D12 Conference Action:

1.Total service hoursof all club members from June 1, 2008-May 31, 2009

[not sure who keeps this]

2.Dollarsdonated by the club tolocal service projectsfrom June 1, 2008-May 31, 2009


3.Dollarsdonated by the club to theZI Foundationfrom June 1, 2008-May 31, 2009


4.TOTAL dollarsdonated by the club from June 1, 2008-May 31, 2009


(add items 2 and 3 above)

5.Percentof total dollars the club sent to theZI Foundationfrom June 1, 2008-May 31, 2009


(divide item 3 by item 4 above)

2. Please advise by Wednesday, October 21, if your Club and/or individual members of your Club wish to purchase additional copies of the 2009-10 D12 Directory.
REMEMBER that each Club is required to purchase one each of the Bound Directory ($7) and the CD ($3). Additional copies of either or both will be produced upon receipt of advance orders.
[Thus far, the Zonta Club of Fort Collins has placed an order for +15 additional Bound Directories.]
The Directory will, hopefully, be available at the D12 Conference in Denver at the end of the month.
Thank You! Anita Z.

3. Would you like a Glass Slipper Bling pin? I can do another order.

4. Eco- Chic Clothing Exchange Thursday, November 5, 2009 5:30 – 8:30 pm WRA

5. The Photo Gallery is up! See http://HT-Colorado.org/2009-ht/index.html
The HT logo takes you back to the home page.

6. Cynthia has created a Zonta Pikes Peak Facebook page for us:

Generic Email at www.gmail.com
(this is just to get notices from FB and log in not for public use)
Password: Zonta2009
Facebook Access at www.facebook.com
Password: Zonta2009
She has added some information and uploaded key dates and human tafficking symposium pics. Please feel free to add information where application or let her know what you want changed and she can change it.

7. The Glass Slipper Ball Sponsorship Brochure lists Shannon Rowan'sphone number. This was left over from last year and was meant to bechanged to (719)460-4960 (Sonya’s cell phone).
Please hand-mark your brochures to either list your own phone number or the (719) 460-4960 number.

8. Zonta PPA – October 2009

Glass Slipper Ball Committee report

Page 1

A GSB shared directory is available. Everyone has access to the latest GSB documents.

• The directory includes the project plan, files for committees, monthly status reports, and IRS statement.

• The link is: http://public.me.com/sjbergeron

• username is "public"

• password is "gsb2010"

• A file can be downloaded by clicking on the down arrow to the right of the document.

Committee Reports


• Met with Anne Marie Pacitto and Kim Brandon (PR Consultants); the PR approach will be to emphasize the “foodie” part

of the event, with a Chef Stand‐off.


• No sponsorships have been identified to‐date.


• The deadline for Program inputs is December 15th. Need to know all Sponsors and Silent Auction Contributors by this time.


• Created a database of all past participating vendors.

• Created a database of this 2010 participants.

• Created a list of specific tasks for the committee to accomplish and added target completion dates.

• Assigned most current tasks to committee members.

• In communication with a beverage distributor in Denver who is interested in supporting the GSB in some way—possibly

provide Chefs’ gifts.

• Met with Chairman and PR team to go over ideas on “Chef as Rock Stars” theme.

• Created a budget.

Find updated info on GSB at:


Username: public

Password: gsb2010

Treasurer’s Report

Zonta of Pikes Peak Area – Treasurer’s Report

October Board Meeting

• Club Account balance statement is in separate file (2 of 2); the available balance is $1,763.98.

• No change on membership; there are currently 26 members

o Debra Manzanares and Cynthia Mitcham are not yet listed on the ZI site

• The following badges still need to be distributed:

o Deborah Manzanares

o Cynthia Mitcham

• Completed the filing of Form 990‐N. This was for the 2008‐2009 fiscal year.


Angie Bell

Sonya Bergeron

Betty Edwards

Kathy Fortner

Julie Matalus

Eva Mattedi

Cynthia Mitchum

Sharon Roggy

Shannon Rowan

Helen Smithwick

Laura Stamp

Pam Sufak

Marilyn Vogt

Chelsea Winegar


Angie Bell’s Guest

Kim Brandon

Donna Gibson

Patricia Meyers

Ann Marie Pacitto (not eating)

Dave Somers


Amber Averill

Pat DeGeorge

Betty Hudson

Susie Nulty

Diane Riggs

JoAnn Russ