JC Athletic Booster Club Minutes
September 19, 2012
Officers & Board Members
PresidentPete Gross
Vice PresidentCathie Joseph
SecretaryTammy Frey
TreasurerJune McCaffrey
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:04 pm by President, Pete Gross.
Attendance: Pete Gross, Julie Gross, Cathie Joseph, Ken Johnson, June McCaffrey, Angelika Heintz, Charissa Sloviak, Fritzi Heckel, Peter Zehren and Charissa Sloviak
Secretary’s Report: Approved as presented with a Cathie/Pete motion
Treasurer’s Report: Approved as presented with a Julie/Fritzi motion. Ken questioned the cost of the pocket calendars. June reported there are still some IOUs from the flyer. She will take care of talking to those people again. She reported she may again do the flyer.
President Communication: Pete commended Julie on the creation of the Bluejay on the field and the help of Cathie in painting it onto the field. He also requested a 50/50 mixture for the paint/water for painting the field to help cover more completely the first time through.
Old Business:
Field Prep: Teri Baker is coordinating. Typically needs at least 4 additional people to help with paint mixture and field marking the Wednesday/Thursday prior to the game.
Wooden signs: This has been completed by Jamie Hombsch
New Business:
Homecoming September 28, 2012
Steak Fry Lunch and Tailgate Supper: Cathie is coordinating. So far she has some volunteers committed to the lunch and dinner. She also has the steaks, brats, hot dogs, buns, chips, onions, plates and plastic ware ordered from Pernat’s Premium Meats. Premier Banks is donating napkins. Sodas, waters, desserts and more volunteers are still needed for the event. All HS fall athletes eat free.
New Members: Jarog Family, Uselman Family, Zehren Family
50/50 Rafflle
Volleyball: Carl Tetzlaff & Angelika Heintz
Basketball: Angelika and Cathie
Sports flyer printing: June will take care of this
Sports Pictures: Brett Perucco. Julie will get a balance and discuss with Brett for reimbursement/payment.
Bleacher seats: What should we do with them?
Hayride: October 6, 2012 starting at the Gross’s at 5:30 pm. Bring a dish to pass. We will pay Roger through the Booster Club again this year.
Winter Sports pizza party and parent night social will be looked at and coordinated by Ken and Julie
Coaches Requests: None at this time
Future Agenda Items: We may be getting a request for the BradleyCenter game after December 7. A June/Fritzi motion was made and approved to give the money owed to the Booster Club from the Letter Club would be given in advance for this advance.
Yearly Elections Results:
PresidentPete Gross
Vice PresidentAndy Jarog
SecretaryCharissa Sloviak
TreasurerCathie Joseph
Next Meeting: November 7, 2012 at 6 pm in the HS IMC
Adjourn: Adjourned at 7:04 pm with a Julie/Cathie motion
Respectfully Submitted:
Julie Gross Charissa Sloviak