1. Bureau of AutomotiveRepair
  2. regulate smog check on our automotive fleet of vehicles
  1. California Air Resources Control Board(part of EPA)
  2. Regulate air emissions for our generators
  1. CaliforniaDepartment of Water Resources (DWR)
  2. Well drilling and water extraction reporting
  3. CIMIS weather station reporting for local evapotranspiration rate
  4. DWR via Mojave Water Agency (MWA) for recharge water
  1. California Highway Patrol
  2. Motor carrier terminal inspection for commercial vehicles
  1. California Natural Resources Agency
  2. CEQA filing
  1. California Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  2. OSHA – workplace safety regulations and employee training
  1. California Public Employee Retirement System
  2. Pension plan requirements
  1. California State Controller’s Office
  2. Annual financial reporting must be submitted and is subject to audit
  3. Employee compensation reporting
  4. Establishes local agency accounting and reporting guidelines
  2. Highway permits for infrastructure repairs
  1. Department of Industrial Relations
  2. Labor laws
  3. Public works projects and prevailing wages requirements
  1. Department of Motor Vehicles, Pull Program
  2. Track employee driving records
  1. Department of Toxic Substance Control
  2. Regulate disposal of toxic substances such as our asbestos pipe and used oil
  1. Department of Transportation
  2. Requirements for large equipment operators/drivers
  1. Employment Development Department
  2. State payroll taxes
  3. Disability insurance
  4. Unemployment insurance
  1. Fair Political Practices Commission
  2. Oversee campaign financing, conflict of interest, lobbying, etc. for elected officials
  1. Federal Communications Commission
  2. Regulate use of radio frequency used
  1. Federal Trade Commission
  2. Red flags rule requiring us to verify establishing accounts
  1. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

1. Regulate wastewater discharge (such as from HDMC plant)

2. Requires annual Consumer Confidence Report

3. Safe Drinking Water Act sets standards for drinking water quality

4. Drinking Water State Revolving Fund – grants and loans (federal-state partnership)

  1. Governor, State of California
  2. 2014 drought declaration and water restrictions
  1. IRS
  2. Federal payroll taxes and garnishments
  1. Local Agency Formation Commission
  2. Regulates local municipal government structure for orderly delivery of services
  1. Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District
  2. Regulate emissions from our many generators
  1. SBCo. Property Tax Division
  2. Collection of property taxes and standbys
  1. SBCo. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
  2. Form #700 filing
  1. SBCo. Registrar of voters
  2. Elections
  1. State Water Resource Control Board Division of Drinking Water
  2. Drinking water systems regulations
  3. Drinking Water State Revolving Fund – grants and loans (federal-state partnership)
  1. State Water Resource Control Board
  2. Grant administration
  3. Water operator certification program
  1. US Department of Agriculture, Rural Development (CMMAD bondholders)
  2. Annual compliance reporting
  1. US Department of Labor
  2. Labor laws
  1. Cal TRANS
  2. Permits for work on Highway 62