CHS Orientation Checklist - Thursday, August 8
Freshman: 9:00-11:00 a.m. | Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors: 1:00-3:00 p.m.
CHS PTSA is pleased to host orientation for this school year. Please demonstrate your support by joining the PTSA using the JOIN PTSA NOW button on our website (
Advisement Teacher: Find your student’s advisement teacher/room on the lists posted on the wall outside the media center. Go to this advisement teacher’s room to:
q Pay locker fee. ($25). Lockers are assigned and agendas are distributed.
q Receive your course verification form; please note this is not a class schedule. Schedules are distributed the first day of school.
q Complete important contact information and other forms.
General notes:
q A Notarized Affidavit of Residency Form is required for all students (except returning seniors) due no later than 9/13. Check the PTSA website ( to get a hard copy of the appropriate form and instructions.
o If you have the appropriate documentation and require a notary this service will be provided for you free of charge in the Media Center.
q Bring a checkbook. Multiple checks will be required! Separate checks will need to be written to CHS and to CHS PTSA, Booster Club, FFA, etc.
q Bus Information. Available on-line:
q Home Access Center (HAC) is a tool for parents to view their students’ attendance, grades and contact information online. Email addresses can be updated directly on HAC; if other information is incorrect, parents should contact the school’s data clerk to make corrections. Parents new to HAC who need login information can pick it up in the front office during Orientation. Please note that parents must present a photo ID in order to pick up this information. HAC login info remains the same from one year to the next, so it is not necessary to get this information again if you already know it.
q ESOL Services. Information regarding ESOL services and paperwork can be found in the media center.
q Student Parking. Student parking information can be picked up in the AP office.
In the hallways:
q Join CHS PTSA—tables will be located near the front and gym door entrances. Membership forms are available at the tables or our website, or (new this year) you may join at the click of a button on the PTSA website: Don’t forget to sign up for volunteer opportunities! Directory Sponsorship forms and Publix Scan Cards will also be available.
q Visit with counselors—Questions about courses and academic programs (Room J-109).
In the cafeteria:
q Visit CHS clubs and activities many of which will have tables. Please visit these groups and get information about these organizations. Applications, etc. will be available.
q Join FFA (Foundation for the Fine Arts):
q Pick up information about the MealpayPlus system used to manage a student’s meal account on-line ( and purchase meal cards.
q Complete and submit the Free and Reduced Lunch application online in D-18 (located inside the cafeteria). Online application can be found at:
Administrators will be available in the Media Center and
throughout the building to answer questions.