Jazz Band and Lab Band

What is the Lab Band?

We are dedicated to learning the fundamentals of playing Jazz with respect to its history, culture, and traditions. The scope of Jazz includes many different styles of music including, but not limited to, swing, blues, rock, Latin, and funk. We will learn the stylistic playing of each of these types of music and how to execute it on our instruments. Instrumentation is open and there is no limit to how many can be involved or what instruments they play. This is a group where students who want to learn a second instrument can do so.

What is the Jazz Band?

The Jazz Band is a group designed to challenge students who already have an understanding of the elements and fundamentals of jazz. The group performs at various events in the school and at concerts. Instrumentation is limited.


The Lab Band will rehearse on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:05 – 4:00.

The Jazz Band will rehearse on Mondays and Thursdays from 4:00 - 5:30.


It is understood that if a part of the Jazz Band, your attendance at rehearsals is extremely important. You are part of a band and every person is equally important. Whether you are the drummer on set for a song or 4th trombone, good attendance is expected. If you are going to be absent from a rehearsal, a written excusal form must be filled out, signed, and returned to Mr. Hensel as soon as possible. If attendance is going to be an issue, it is recommended that you participate in the Lab Band.


Auditions will be held on Monday November 10th and Tuesday November 11th. There will be a sign up sheet outside the band room for these two days. If you are auditioning on more than one instrument, you must sign up for two different time slots. Auditions will be broken up into four parts:

- Prepared excerpt

- Sight Reading

- Concert Bb Blue’s Scale

-  Improvisation Concert Bb Blues

Each section will be scored out of 25 points based on the auditioning rubric. The rubric will assign a point value based on correct pitches, correct articulations, correct rhythms, correct dynamics, and musicality. The player can earn up to 5 points in each of these categories generating a score between 0-100. Players with the highest scores will be placed in the highest chairs, second highest in second chair, and etc. down the line.


In lieu of playing the concert Bb blue’s scale and improvisation, percussionists will have to demonstrate the following rhythms on set: swing, Latin, rock.

I know these auditions may seem intimidating, but just do your best! We are here as a group to learn about Jazz together. Prepare the material as well as you can when going into the audition and you will do fine. It is very important that I see if you are able to teach yourself basics and can come to rehearsals prepared and ready to go!