Welcome to Volun-tees – the University programme to help you make the most out of volunteering whilst at University. We are here to support current University students, recent graduates and members of staff to get involved in volunteering. With many ways in which to get involved, we’re sure we have an opportunity for you!
There are many reasons why people choose to volunteer – to get an insight into future career options, to gain skills and experience or just to have fun and meet people. Whatever your reason, we’ll show you how to make the most of your time and make sure you enjoy your volunteering experience.
Jayne, Trish and Jo – Volun-tees
What can you do?
One-off Events...... 3
Short Term Volunteering...... 3
Long Term Volunteering...... 3
What do volunteers say?...... 3
What do our Volunteers say?...... 3
Getting Started
Register on Volun-tees
The Volunteer Action Plan
Applying for an opportunity
What happens next?
Biography Examples
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Application Examples
Example 1
Example 2
Recognition for Volunteering
Certificates of Recognition
Recording your hours
What do our volunteers...... 8
Organisation endorsements
Volunteer Action Plan
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What can you do?
There are many different ways to volunteering and you can start your volunteering experience at any stage.
The +Plus Award consists of:
Volunteering Experience – completing a minimum 50 hours (achieving the Bronze Award)
+Plus award volunteering – an additional 10 hours skills based volunteering which is recorded separately to volunteering hours. – ie PASS Leader, M.a.D. Project Leader, Student Ambassador/Entrepreneurs@tees
Reflection - Review your volunteering experience and use notes recorded on Volun-tees to create a summary, whichcan be used in CV/job applications.
Students recording 50 hours for the Bronze Award and 10 additional skills based volunteering hours will receive the Bronze +Plus Award
Getting Started
Register on Volun-tees
Register your details including a brief biography about yourself. This is an introduction to organisations/projects that you are looking to volunteer with, so it’s important to use this as an opportunity to tell them about yourself – your interests, any previous experience, what your future plans are once you graduate? This doesn’t have to be long – but a great insight into who you are and what you want to do. At the Volunteer Induction session we’ll give you more tips on what to include.
This will also help us to match you to any specific opportunities on the website. Examples of biographies other volunteers have written are included at the end of this document. If you have already written your biography, or want to update it with new information, you can edit this through your profile page.
The Volunteer Action Plan
As part of the registration process for Volun-tees we ask you to complete an Action Plan, this will enable us to help you find the right opportunity and help with any volunteering ideas you may have. A copy of the action plan is attached at the end of this document.
Applying for an opportunity
When applying for an opportunity, provide information such as any relevant previous experience, why you think you are suitable for the position, and what skills you can bring to the role. Volunteering roles are competitive so there is every chance that other volunteers are applying for the same position – make sure your application stands out! Examples of applications other volunteers have made are included at the end of this document.
What happens next?
Once you have applied for an opportunity, we will check to ensure that you have applied correctly. If you have not submitted enough information, we will reject this and ask you to submit another application. Initially, we will ask you to choose a maximum of three community based volunteering roles that you wish to apply for. This is to ensure that you are fully committed to the opportunity.
Your application will be approved by Volun-tees and the organisation representative will contact you directly. Please bear in mind that some community organisations have part time members of staff, but if you do not hear anything within 7 working days, contact us and we will contact the organisation on your behalf.
You must ensure that you respond to the organisation when they accept your application. We are notified when students do not respond. We will contact you if you fail to respond and not approve further applications until you have done so. If you are no longer interested in the opportunity, please let the organisation know so that they can focus their time on other applications.
Biography Examples
Example 1
I am about to commence the second year of a Physiotherapy Degree. Previously I have volunteered for a year at Teesside Hospice on a Saturday. I have also spent some time assisting the staff at Kirkleatham Hall School, working with children with learning difficulties. My current hobbies include going to the gym and swimming, having been a competitive swimmer for six years at Middlesbrough ASC. I am interested in further developing the skills required by the profession, whilst gaining additional experience
Example 2
I am a second year student studying Early Childhood Studies, interested in looking for a variety of experience around children and families. I have had previous experience in Playgroups and Guide Guiding UK as a young leader for Rainbows. I have hobbies including keeping fit through jogging and experimenting with cooking. I’m interested in picking up more hobbies relevant to my course and feeling as though I can contribute to making children and family’s lives more positive.
Example 3
I am currently studying Psychology and Counselling. I have a passion for helping people which is why I have chosen the career path that I am taking. I am highly interested in mental health and what causes a person’s behaviour. I am a sociable and approachable person, and I like to make people feel comfortable and at ease when they are around me. Once graduated from University, my aim is to become a child psychologist or a counsellor so I can make a life changing difference to a person’s life.
Application Examples
Example 1
Hello – I’d love the opportunity to help the riders at the Unicorn Centre. I’m currently in the third year of Early Childhood Studies at Teesside University with a view to working with young children in a classroom setting. I am also a competent rider with knowledge of tacking and untacking ponies and horses and preparing them for riding. I have also had experience in leading horses on a guide rope and I am certainly open to helping with mucking out and general jobs around the Unicorn Centre. Please consider me for a volunteering position as I would love to work with you.
Example 2
I am applying for the position of Therapeutic Care Volunteer as I believe that it would be an excellent opportunity for me to further develop the essential skills required by the physiotherapy profession, whilst allowing me to gain valuable experience through supporting patients. I believe I would be good for the role as I have personal experience of benefitting from care, support and empathy during rehabilitation. Consequently, I understand the importance of using these qualities, which I feel I possess, to benefit patients during their treatment.
Recognition for Volunteering
Certificates of Recognition
Recording your hours
In order to achieve the Certificates of Recognition – you must record your hours through your Volun-tees homepage. Go to “Record my Hours” on your homepage. Type in the name of the organisation you are volunteering with. This should automatically appear in the Box. If the organisation you are volunteering with is not on Volun-tees, please contact us and we’ll tell you how to record this information. In the work done box, it is useful to complete this and include information on the tasks you have completed, any skills gained, who you have worked with. This will help you later on to reflect on what you have gained from your volunteering experience and completing the Plus Programme activities. You can register any hours relating to your volunteering role including travel time/preparation/training for volunteering role.
Organisation endorsements
Volun-tees will encourage organisations you volunteer with to provide you with an endorsement – a brief summary recognising the contribution you have made to the organisation and in particular, any skills developed through experience. When you are nearing the end of your volunteering role with an organisation/project – contact them and ask if they would be willing to provide you with an endorsement on your Volunteering record. Great evidence to show future employers!
Volun-cheers is the Annual Celebration Awards night for students and organisations who have been involved in Volunteering. All students who have achieved Certificates for volunteering are invited to attend and be presented with their certificate.
The Awards also provide recognition for those who have gone above and beyond their role as a volunteer. Organisations and project leaders are asked to submit nominations for outstanding volunteers. These awards will be presented at the Volun-cheers Awards – along with certificates of volunteering hours. Volunteers can also nominate their mentor or host organisation/project for an award too. A great way to say thank you for the support you have received.
Student Number:
Email Address:
Have you taken part in any volunteering activities in the past? / If so, who with?Are you currently volunteering? / Name the organisation/ university project you are involved with.
What area would you like to volunteer in? / I.e. criminal justice, youth work, media
What type of volunteering would you like to do? / I.e. police, primary/ secondary school, producing videos/ social media
Do you have a particular project or organisation you would like to work with?
What does your ideal volunteering role consist of?
What skills would you like to develop through Volunteering / I.e. communication, leadership
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