TO:Mr. R. NewhouseDATE:February 19, 2010

FROM: Ms. H. Garrison SUBJECT: TZB High Wind

Restrictions & Procedure

(Revised - DRAFT)

The following is a brief summary of the guidelines for the Tappan Zee Bridge High Wind Restrictions and Procedures:


  • Forecast of 30+ MPH

- TSOC (HQ) forwards File 28 information to Division Duty Officer

and the TZBBridge Patrol

- TZB Bridge Patrol monitors wind and weather conditions

  • Sustained Wind Velocities of 30+MPH

- Reduce Posted Travel Speed on TZB to 45 MPH

- TZBBridgePatrol, Monitor Wind and Conditions.

- TSOC (HQ) activatesVMS– “TZB High Wind Advisory Reduce


- TSOC (HQ) activatesHAR.

  • Sustained Winds of 40+ MPHorGusts of 45+ MPH

- Reduce Posted Travel Speed on TZB to 35 MPH.

- TSOC (HQ) updatesVMS – “TZB High Wind Warning, Tune 530 AM,

Empty Trailers Prohibited”.

-TSOC (HQ) updatesHAR.

-TSOC Notifies the Division and Traffic Duty Officer

-TZB Bridge Patrol continues to monitor wind and conditions

  • Sustained Winds of 45+ MPHorGusts of 50+ MPH

- TZB Bridge Patrol, maintain 35 MPH Posted Travel Speed on TZB.

- TSOC (HQ) updatesVMS – “TZB High Wind Warning, Tune 530 AM,

TrucksBuses Trailers Motorcycles Prohibited”.

-TSOC (HQ) updatesHAR.

-TSOC notifies the Division and Traffic Duty Officer

-TZB Bridge Patrol continues to monitor wind and conditions

  • Sustained Winds or Gusts of 60+ MPH

- Division Traffic Duty Officer, coordinate Closure of TZBand

implementation of the TZB Diversion Plan, in accordance with the

Incident Response Plan.

Note: - Sustained is defined as 30+ minutes.

-Division Duty Officer should advise/consult with the Division Director or designee for the implementation of each phase/level of wind restrictions at or above sustained winds of 40+MPHor gusts of 45+MPH.

-If the permanent wind meters on the TZB are notfunctional, then the TZB BridgePatrol will attempt to obtain hand held wind meter readings every 30 minutes, or as practical as possible, and report them back to TSOC (HQ). TSOC (HQ) will notify SP Troop T (Zone 1) of status of the permanent wind meters on TZB. Every 30 minutes TSOC (HQ) will check with Transcom for the updated conditions/restrictions on the other regional bridges.

-Additional regional wind meter readings at local airports can be obtained through

NOAA weblink …

To view weather/wind conditions at

KHPN – WestchesterCountyAirport

KSWF – Newburgh/Stewart Airport

KLGA – New York/ La Guardia Airport

Weather Underground Tarrytown weblink of …

Port Authority – GeorgeWashingtonBridge

GWB has 5 sites and collects wind meter readings

Contact number to possibly obtain these shared readingsis (201) 346-4107.

-Above guidelines are subject to change due to field


-If a TZB Supervisor is not on Duty then the Division Duty Officer should consider recalling one for forecasts of wind speeds or gusts of 45+MPH.

(Should include call to TRANSCOM and/or State Police to notify TSOC if there are any overturned vehicles on the GW Bridge or Newburgh-BeaconBridge during the high wind alert period)

Detailed Procedures

Forecast 30+ MPH:

  • With a Forecast of wind velocities or wind gusts of 30+ MPH:

- TSOC (HQ) receives File 28 and/or National Weather Service message from

T/Sgt, and then forwards that information to Division Duty Officer, and the


- Division Duty Officer will make contact with Thruway staff, and review weather

forecast, to gather information and determine possible preparation to be

taken for possible TZB Closure and implementation of TZB Diversion Plan,

including recall of Thruway personnel (Nyack, CWE, TZB, Division Highway,


- TZB Bridge Patrol to monitor wind and weather conditions.


Wind 30+ MPH High Wind Advisory:

  • Wind velocities of 30+ MPH detected:

- Reduce Posted Travel Speed on TZB to 45 MPH.

- TZB Staff to monitor and record wind velocities, weather condition, at least every 30 minutes, and report that information to TSOC (HQ).

- TZB Staff secure all items susceptible to high winds.

- TSOC (HQ) complete proper notifications (State Police - T, Duty Officers,

TRANSCOM, HVTMC, Rockland Radio, Westchester County Police) and post

messages on VMS and HAR.

  • If the permanent wind meters on the TZB are not functional, then the TZB crew will attempt to obtain hand held wind meter readings every 30 minutes, or as practical as possible, and report them back to TSOC (HQ). TSOC (HQ) will notify SP Troop T (Zone 1) of status of the permanent wind meters on TZB. Every 30 minutes TSOC (HQ) will check with Transcom for the updated conditions/restrictions on the other regional bridges.

Additional regional wind meter readings at local airports can be obtained

through …

NOAA weblink

To view weather/wind conditions at

KHPN – WestchesterCountyAirport

KSWF – Newburgh/Stewart Airport

KLGA – New York/ La Guardia Airport

Weather Underground Tarrytown weblink of …

Port Authority – GeorgeWashingtonBridge

GWB has 5 sites and collects wind meter readings

Contact number to possibly obtain these shared readings is (201) 346-4107.

  • Above guidelines are subject to change due to field


- If a TZB Supervisor is not on Duty then the Division Duty Officer should consider recalling one for forecasts of wind speeds or gusts of 45+MPH.

VMS message for I-87 MP 13 NB and MP 16 SB permanent VMS Boards:

“ Tappan ZeeBridge

High Wind Advisory

Reduce Speed”

VMS message for all availablepermanent VMS Boards:

“ Tappan ZeeBridge

High Wind Advisory

Tune Radio 530AM “

VMS message for all availablepre-positionedportable VMS Boards:

“TZBridge Tune

High Radio

Wind” 530AM”

Note: VMS located in the Newburgh Area should replace“Tune 530 AM” with “Tune 1610 AM”.

HAR – Tappan Zee Bridge High Wind Advisory for the following vehicles:

- Trucks

- Tractor Trailers

- House Trailers

- Buses

- Trailers carrying boats or cars

- Empty and open roof tractor trailers

- Mini Buses

- Motorcycles

- Vehicles Transporting Plate Glass, Large Signs or similar type objects

- Vehicles loaded in such a manner as to cause operational problems under

high wind conditions.

Wind 40+ MPH or Gusts of 45+ MPH High Wind Warning:

  • Division Duty Officer should advise/consult with the Division Director or designee for the implementation of each phase/level of wind restrictions at or above sustained winds of 40+MPHor gusts of 45+MPH.
  • Sustained Wind Velocities of 40+ MPH


Wind Gusts of 45+ MPH:

- TZB Staff (Bridge Patrol)reduce posted travel speed on the TZB to 35


- TZB Staff (Bridge Patrol) will notify TSOC (HQ) of the wind speed,

conditions and reduced travel speed on the TZB.

- TSOC (HQ) complete proper notifications (State Police - T, Duty Officers,

TRANSCOM, HVTMC, Rockland Radio, Westchester County Police) and post

messages on VMS and HAR.

VMS message for I-87 MP 13 NB and MP 16 SB permanent VMS Boards:

“ TZBridge

High Wind Warning

Speed Limit 35 MPH”.

VMS message for allI-287 WB,I-87 MP 6.0Ardsley NB, I-95 MP 3.26 NB, I-87 MP 26.7 SB, I-87 MP 36.2 SB, I-87 MP 49.9 SB, and I-95 MP 11.53 NB (Prior to Exit 19)Permanent VMS boards:

“TZBridge High Wind All Trucks Buses

Empty Trailers Trailers

Prohibited” Consider Alt Route “

VMS message for all availablepre-positionedportable VMS Boards:

“TZBridge Trucks

High Consider

Wind” Alt Rt

HAR – Tappan Zee Bridge High Wind Warning Prohibiting the following vehicles:

- Trucks

- Tractor Trailers

- House Trailers

- Buses

- Trailers carrying boats or cars

- Empty and open roof tractor trailers

- Mini Buses

- Motorcycles

- Vehicles Transporting Plate Glass, Large Signs or similar type objects

- Vehicles loaded in such a manner as to cause operational problems under

high wind conditions.

Wind 45+ MPH or Gusts of 50+ MPH:

  • Division Duty Officer should advise/consult with the Division Director or designee for the implementation of each phase/level of wind restrictions at or above sustained winds of 40+MPHor gusts of 45+MPH.
  • Sustained Wind Velocities of 45+ MPH


Wind Gusts of 50+ MPH:

- TZB Staff maintain reduced posted travel speed on the TZB to 35 MPH, and

notify TSOC (HQ) of wind velocities.

- TSOC (HQ) makes notifications (State Police - T, Duty Officers, TRANSCOM,

HVTMC, Rockland Radio, Westchester County Police) of updated condition,

and post messages on VMS and HAR.

VMS message for I-87MP 13 NB and MP 16 SBPermanentVMS Boards:

“TZBridge Trucks Trailers

High Wind Warning Buses Motorcycles

Speed Limit 35 MPH Prohibited”

VMS message for allI-287 WB,I-87 MP 6.0Ardsley NB, I-95 MP 3.26 NB, I-87 MP 26.7 SB, I-87 MP 36.2 SB,I-87 MP 49.9SB and I-95 MP 11.53 NB (Prior to Exit 19)Permanent VMS boards:

“TZBridge High Wind Trucks Trailers

Tune to 530 AM Buses Prohibited

Must Use Alt. Route”

Also, advise TSOC to activate I-87 MP 93.2 SB Permanent VMS located in

Albany Division.

The Division Duty Officer or designee should activeall availablepre-positionedportable VMS Boards:


I-87 - vicinity of MP 21 SB (Prior to Exit 13)

I-87 - vicinity of MP 23 - 22.5 SB (Exit 14 Tandem Lot)

GSP- vicinity of MP 2.0 NB (Beyond Schoolhouse Rd.NB entrance ramp)

I-87- vicinity of MP 31.1 SB (Between Exit 15A SB entrance and exit ramps)

I-287 - NJ I-287/Rte. 17 NB at NY State Line (I-87 Interchange 15)

I-87- vicinity of MP 62.8 SB (Prior to Exit 17)

The Division Duty Officer or designee should consider deployment of a portable VMS to Orange County State Rte. 17 East, vicinity of MP 379 to MP 380 EB (Prior to Exit 130A):

With VMS message on the above mentioned portable VMS Boards:

“TZBridge Trucks

High Must Use

Wind” Alt Rt “

HAR – Tappan Zee Bridge High Wind Warning for the following vehicles:

- Trucks

- Tractor Trailers

- House Trailers

- Buses

- Trailers carrying boats or cars

- Empty and open roof tractor trailers

- Mini Buses

- Motorcycles

- Vehicles Transporting Plate Glass, Large Signs or similar type objects

- Vehicles loaded in such a manner as to cause operational problems under

high wind conditions.


Wind or Gusts of 60+ MPHTappan ZeeBridge Closure:

  • Division Duty Officer should notify the Division Director,or designee, and TSOC (HQ)of the implementation of the complete closure of the Tappan ZeeBridge to all traffic.
  • Sustained Wind Velocity or Wind Gusts of 60+ MPH:

- TZB closed to all traffic

- Diversion Plan Activation

- TZB Staff maintain reduced posted travel speed on the TZB to 35 MPHfor residual traffic to cross bridge after closure on Rockland and Westchesterapproaches, and notify TSOC (HQ) of wind velocities.

- TSOC (HQ) makes notifications (State Police - T, Duty Officers, TRANSCOM,

HVTMC, Rockland Radio, Westchester County Police) of updated condition,

and post messages on VMS and HAR.

- Division Duty Officer responsible to recall of personnel (Nyack, CWE, TZB,

Division Highway, Larchmont Maintenance and Harriman Maintenance)andadditional Thruway resources if necessary.

- Division Traffic Duty Officer or designee is responsible for the coordination

and implementation of the TZB Diversion Plan with Thruway, State Police and

local resources (CountyPDs, Local PDs, HVTMC, etc…)

NOTE** Reference the Diversion Plan for Emergency Closure of the Tappan Zee Bridge for updated VMS messaging, and addition activation and deployment of the following VMS if available:

- Portable VMS Rte.6/PIP traffic circle

- Portable VMS I-84, MP 14.65 EB U-turn (Prior to Exit 3)

- Permanent VMS I-87 MP 3.4 SB (Yonkers)

- Permanent VMS I-84 MP 49.0 EB (Prior to Exit 15)

- Permanent VMS I-84 MP 59.9 WB (Prior to Exit 17)

- NewburghBeaconBridge Permanent VMS at MP 42 WB (Prior to

Exit 11) and MP 39 EB (After Exit 10)


Removal of Restriction:

When reduced wind velocities are observed/noted for a duration of 30 minutes then the wind prohibition may be properly down graded and adjusted according to the above guidelines, and/or removed if the wind velocities are reduced below 40MPHstained winds or gusts of 45 MPH.

- Both the Division Maintenance and Traffic Duty Officer should be notified of

the updates.

- Division Duty Officer should notify the Division Director or designee.

Allappropriate personnel and agencies should be contacted with updated


- TSOC (HQ) complete proper notifications (State Police - T, Duty Officers,

TRANSCOM, HVTMC, Rockland Radio, WestchesterCountyPolice) and

adjust or remove messages on VMS and HAR.

- When wind velocities are at 50 MPH and are diminishing, the Division Duty

Officer will consider re-opening of the Tappan ZeeBridge to passenger

vehicles. When wind velocities are at 45 MPH and are diminishing the

Division Duty Officer will consider re-opening of the Tappan ZeeBridge to all


When the Division Duty Officer makes the decision to re-open the Tappan Zee

Bridge, he will contact and notify the Division Traffic Duty Officer and TSOC


- The Division Traffic Duty Officer is responsible for the coordination of the

de-activation of the TZB Diversion Plan.


Heather Garrison

Traffic Supervisor

New York Division


Cc:Division Duty Officer

Executive Duty Officers

Ops/Maint Duty Officers

Communications Supervisor

Dispatch Communications

New York Division Duty Officers

New York Traffic Duty Officers

New York Division Highway Supervisor 2

Cross Westchester Maint Supervisor 2

East Fishkill Maint Supervisor 2

Harriman Maint Supervisor 2

Larchmont Maint Supervisor 2

Middletown Maint Supervisor 2

Newburgh Maint. Supervisor 2

Nyack Maint Supervisor 2

TZBBridge Maint Supervisor 3

TZBBridge Maint Supervisor 2

TZBBridgeSupervisorBridge Painter 2

State Police (Troop T) Zone 1 Captain

State Police (Troop T) Zone 5 Captain

State Police (Troop K) HVTMC Lieutenant


HVTMC Operations Managers