January News from Room B – 14

Dear Parents,

Happy 2015! The students in Room B - 14 must have had a great break. Everyone seems rested and ready to work. We are going to be busy as usual! Here is what our January plan looks like…if Mother Nature doesn’t continue to interfere.

Social Studies: We will begin 2015 with a unit on economics. In this unit, the students will learn about the concepts of goods/services, consumers/producers, spending/saving just to name a few. We will be creating a business plan and a “good” to be sold by the children at the High School in February. Please see the letter included in today’s mail for more information on this exciting and interactive unit of study. We need investors to get our “company” up and running. J

Word Study: We will study suffixes (s, ed, ing), prefixes (un, dis), spelling patterns, long vowels, homophones and r-controlled vowels.

Math: We will begin Unit 4 in Bridges. In this new unit we will revisit standard and non-standard measurement. Students will explore measurement from multiple entry points and they will have many opportunities to make conversions between inches, feet and yards. We will continue to work on our math fact fluency. Visit www.mathmagician.com for a great way to build fluency. Also watch for new IXL assignments to be highlighted.

Reading: We will be focusing on the comprehension strategies of inferring and synthesizing. We will also study cause and effect and determining importance.

Read Aloud: We are currently reading Ramona the Pest by Beverly Cleary. I will be reading a few short books with an economic theme: Sluggers’ Car Wash, by Stuart Murphy, The Crazy Cool Crickets to the Rescue, by David Elliott, Estela’s Swap, by Alexis O’Neill and Sam and the Lucky Money, by Karen Chinn.

Home Reading: The theme for January is “Chill Out with a Good Book”. The recording sheet and mini book report form were passed out and reviewed today. Please help your child find a safe place to keep these papers. The recording sheet is due on February 3rd. The book report can be turned in when finished, but before the end of the month.

Milk jugs: Thanks to all of the milk jugs you have sent in, an igloo will be “built” in the front hall by the Library. Each child will have an opportunity to read inside the igloo! Very cool. J

Special Days: There will be no school on Friday, January 16th. This is Teachers’ Records Day. Also, there will be no school on Monday, January 19th for MLK, Jr. Day. And looking forward, there will be no school on Monday, February 2nd. This is conference day.

Cursive: We will start to learn cursive toward the end of the month excited. You may see additional practice worksheets coming home!

Needed: Please continue to send in Box Tops!

Recess: Please remind your child to pack the appropriate items for outdoor recess: boots, snow pants, hat, and gloves. We will go out for fresh air unless it is below 20 degrees. Thank you!


Wendy Dennis