Request for Categorical Exclusion Amendment 1 – TRADE
Amendment 1
Program/Activity Data
Country/Region: Philippines/Asia
Objective:To improve trade policy and regulatory environment
Title of Activity: Trade-Related Assistance for Development (TRADE)
Funding Begin: October 1, 2012Funding End:May 9, 2018
Life of Project (LOP) Amount: $16 million
IEE Prepared by: Emil de Quiros, Office of Economic Development and Governance
Date: March 1, 2017
IEE Amendment (Y/N): YDate of Original IEE: February 1, 2012
Environmental Media and/or Human Health Potential: none
Environmental Action Recommended:
Categorical Exclusion_X_Negative Determination ___
Positive Determination___ Deferral ___
Purpose and Scope of the RCE:
[Amendment No. 1] The purpose of this amendment is to extend the “Funding End” date from September 30, 2016 to May 9, 2018, a period of time that covers the entire duration of the contract including the planned option year, if exercised.
The scope and nature of activities as approved in the original Request for Categorical Exclusion (ASIA 12-245) remain the same. The original IEE can be accessed through the following link:
The activities described in the original request were recommended for Categorical Exclusion, pursuant to 22 CFR 2013.2(c)(1) and (2), under which an Initial Environmental Examination or an Environmental Assessment are not required because the activities described and planned for the Trade-Related Assistance for Development(TRADE) do not have an effect on the natural and physical environment.
Activity Description:
The TRADEActivity contributes to the Partnership for Growth objective of implementing trade and investment-related reforms with the goal of attaining higher levels of trade and foreign direct investment.
TRADE financed technical assistance, advocacy, data collection, communication, training, and workshops focused on:
•policy reforms to implement binding commitments under the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint, advance the country’s readiness to enter into new generation free trade agreements, and meet its World Trade Organization obligations;
•trade analysis and strategy formulation of proposed adjustment measures and reforms; and,
•gaps in institutional and administrative capacity of the government and other major stakeholders in undertaking trade enabling measures.
No funding will be provided for construction activities or other actions that may have direct impact on the environment. The TRADE Project thus qualifies as a Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 22CFR 216.2(c) (2) (i).
The planned option year, if exercised, will provide technical assistance to increase exports of goods and services and increase foreign investments and net inflows. This includes:
- provision of technical inputs to support the Philippine Government’s preparations for ASEAN hosting particularly the ASEAN Economic Ministers meetings;
- continued support in drafting the various Customs Memorandum Orders that serve as separate implementing rules and regulations to the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act;
- limited capacity building support to the Philippine Competition Commission; and
- limited capacity building support to the Department of Trade and Industry’s communications unit to ensure sustainability after TRADE has concluded.
If during implementation new activities are considered outside of those described in this document, an amendment shall be submitted. Pursuant to 22 CFR 216.3(a) (9), if new information becomes available which indicates that activities to be funded by the project might be `major’ and the project’s effect `significant’, this determination will be reviewed and revised by the Implementing Partner, in collaboration with the Contracting Officer’s Representative of the project, and submitted to the Mission Environment Office and Asia Bureau Environment Office for approval and, if appropriate, an environmental assessment will be prepared.
Approval of Environmental Action Recommended:
Mission Approval:
Jeffrey Lehrer
Director, OEDG:______Date: ______
Marian Navata
Mission Environmental Officer: ______Date: ______
Aaron Brownell
Regional Environmental Advisor/Southeast Asia
and Pacific Region: ______Date: ______
Clay Epperson
Deputy Mission Director: ______Date: ______
Susan K. Brems, Ph.D.
Mission Director: ______Date: ______
William Gibson
Bureau Environmental Officer: ______Date: ______