January 9, 2007 LMR Meeting Des Moines DO
Prepared by Charles Mertes
Following are questions and replies from the 01-09-07 meeting in the DO.
"RTD" Stands for 'refused to discuss'. Answers are italicized in blue text.
1. Recently "Administrator's Excellence Awards" were received by some Des
Moines District personnel. What was involved in this? The awards were non-
monetary, the recipient(s) got a plaque.
2. In a recent arbitration of a Grand Island case, the agency stated that slaughter sevens are allowed to do such things as offal inspection, take samples, lock up
brands, etc. Can we disseminate this information district wide? The IIC decides
this and the decison is not applicable district wide.
3. Can we discuss donning and doffing ? No establishment in the Des Moines
district has a requirement for a certain kind of clothing, so donning and doffing
time does not apply.
4. Can we get a list of district vacancies for the employees to better plan their
career moves? Greening asked that the ULP over this matter be withdrawn as a
condition. Mr. Berhow replied that this was offered at the outset of the ULP, but
management told the Union to go fly a kite (or words to that effect.)
Greening begrudingly provided the following data to Berhow:
Current bargaining unit vacancies for GS-5's/7's in the Des Moines district that
HRFO is recruiting for as of 01-08-07:
Marshalltown (2)
Ottumwa (2)
Waterloo (3)
Hospers (1) currently working on a lateral list for this poition
Crete (1)
Dakota City (2)
Gibbon (2)
Grand Island (3)
Lexington (3)
Madison (2)
Omaha (3)
DO 25 would not include CSI vacancies as they claim all CSI vacancies are
announced... (Trent)
5. What determines core hours? The plant decides what they will be.
6. How will OT be covered under team Inspection? RTD.
7. Will all relief inspectors be trained in team inspection for future assignments?
8. Can we discuss MPI bulletin 81-58 as it concerns proportional coverage?
No proportional coverage operations are being approved. We are to follow 81-58
until it is modified or cancelled. (Note to reader- these two sentences are
9. Is it district policy to detail inspectors when accusations are made against
them? Sometimes.
10. FSIS 4430.1 states: Interim ratings must cover a minimum of 90 days. Must
this be 90 consecutive days? NO- just 90 days in the cycle.
11. What is the retention length for NR's? The current fiscal year and the two
fiscal years before that. At this time, that means you would retain NR's back to
October 2004. Shred or disfigure older ones and trash them.
12. Per Directive 5000.1, Rev. 2, Amendment 1, are we required to keep notes of ALL weekly meetings? It is strongly recommended, but ask your supervisor.
13. Can we get a directory of all District Office staff and positions? It has been
sent to all DO 25 employees via Outlook, post it.
14. Does a detailed inspector have the option of daily comutiong if the orders say to stay? You must do a cost comparison. You must deduct normal travel time.
You may not get travel time at all except for the one alloted round trip.
15. Are there any guidelines for the use of NROT? The inplant IIC determines
this and must justify it to the DO.
16. Many employees can not finish the FSRE refresher courses in the 2 hours.
What should they do? RTD
17. Please discuss Article 14 in respect to who can approve leave. Any
supervisor can approve accrued leave, the DO must approve LWOP or advancedleave.
18. Does the district have any Egg Products Inspectors (EPI's) who are being cross-utilized in red meat or poultry assignments? Yes.
19. Will the new "not performed" codes in PBIS eliminate inspectors having to
record management control data on this? No, do this as you have always done.
20. Is it possible for large multi-inspector plants to acquire additonal computers?
Maybe, we will look into it.
21. Can we discuss sick leave for GS-5's in regards to the Family Friendly leave
act? They are allowed this, but they must have a 40 hour leave balance, the
same as anyone else.
22. Do inspectors still have return rights? Yes, you must apply for them in the
time frame and renew them each year. You do not lose them if you lateral.
The order of return would be determined by the retention roster.
23. When will the VSAT be completed in the District? RTD. The question was
rephrased and Dr. Sprouls said that the agency is looking into slow satellite
connections and wants to be kept appraised of them.
24. Can we discuss the detailing of inspectors from Hastings to Grand Island
where they sit and do nothing on dark days? RTD
25. Can we discuss the current status of the online promotion application
system? Is the transition to USA Jobs now complete? RTD
26. Can we discuss lateral transfers within a duty station, and what procedures
inspectors should follow when requesting such laterals? Past agreements will be honored if they were documented prior to the new labor-management agreement
Where a position becomes available, the DO has been allowing duty station
inspectors to lateral into it and the new vacancy will then be advertised. Inform
your supervisor and Mr. Greening if this is your wish.
27. In regard to in-plant fact finding "investigations", would it be possible for the
FLS to play a more active role since some in-plant supervisors are not objective? In some of these situations, the FLS has involvement as well. Can we contact
the DO in these cases? RTD
28. Is it appropriate for inspection personnel to stop production lines when
carcasses arrive early following company breaks for which inspectors are paid?
No, but if the carcasses arrive before you do, ask the company to notify you if
they intend to shorten their break.
29. Are bargaining unit employees alowed to contact FSIS personnel at various
levels of the FSIS chain of command to request changes in conditions of
employment without involving the Union? Any change in condition of employment must be bargained on per the contract (through the union on a national level.)
30. Can the DO facilitate WUM's in places that have ongoing issues requiring
them? We have tried to do this, ask the IIC and then get it approved.
31. What future changes can be expected for off line and line inspectors
regarding TI and RBI? RTD
32. What about problems with use of protective gloves on the kill floor? RTD
33. Can we discuss using relief inspectors used to fill permanent positions in long term bases? RTD
34. What about OT as it relates to RBI and team inspection? RTD
35. What about training for 5's and 7's on short or dark days? Get a roster, fill out career development plans, computer based training is allowed as computer time is available, mentoring programs, shadowing, or WUMs. The 7 can not come in
early, even voluntarily, to shadow. No OT is authorized for this.
36. What functions is official time allowed for? Follow Article 7.
37. What determines if you are allowed to stay in a motel on detail? Your orders, cost effectiveness, distances, special weather considerations, ask supervisor or Shauna if you require an exception.
38. Who determines who gets detailed where? Why do some relief inspectors get stuck with it all? DO doesn't deal with this.
39. Are there common mistakes that inspectors make in applying for promotions or any helpful hints? RTD
40. Previously, inspectors trained in beef OR pork were considered red meat
trained. Now some vets say that they must be trained in each species. What is
the policy here? Inspectors are entitled to be trained in each species they will
work with. Ask the DO for training if this is a problem.
41. Other question on cross species training. See above.
42. With offline inspectors doubled, IIC's were able to slow down the line speeds to free up inspectors to help give breaks. This has been rescinded. Why? RTD
43. Can you give guidance for situations like the recent INS (I.C.E) sting at the
Swift plants? What if there are sanitation issues from the INS officers entering
food production areas? We were not notified that this was going to happen. The
inspectors were escorted to the break room and told to stay there.
44. How will team inspection affect slaughter plants? RTD
45. Are 7 vacancies being filled? RTD(Author's note: They are.)
46. Does the district have input into the hiring of new employees? RTD
47. Will team inspection affect assignment and use of govt. vehicles? RTD
48. Does the district have guidelines for forced overtime due to shortages on the
slaughter lines? RTD
49. Are the staffing shortages going to be worse in 2007? RTD
50. Kill plants are allowed to work 10 1/2 hrs to recoup their company breaks.
What if they skimp on their breaks? The IIC can deal with this. Document this
and inform them of the problem.
51. Will there be FSRE classes for the newly promoted? RTD
52. Can off-line personnel have WUM's as in the past?RTD
53. What is the chain of command for IIC's? There was some bloviation to avoid discussing the difficult situation that engendered this question. Follow the most
recent order. Leave the DO out of problematic situations -i.e where the FLS does not wish to supervise a headstrong in-plant IIC.
54. Why double detail when it is a contract violation and saves no money? RTD
55.Since 7's can not perform off-line duties, why would the absence of the off-
line inspector result in the 7 being denied leave? RTD
56. Is anyone looking into partial payment for unused sick leave? RTD
57. Why should inspectors at one establishment double up to send an inspector
to another plant to fully staff it and allow those inspectors to do PBIS tasks? RTD
58. We were told that a full time night shift 7 does not exist at Postville. Now
when someone does not volunteer on Saturday, the possibility exists that an
inspector will work from 1900 on Saturday until 1830 on Sunday (i.e. nearly 24
hours) Why would you do this? It shouldn't be happening
59. Can we discuss directives 4791.8 and 6355.1 about air contaminants and
chlorine? If the inspectorsare in danger, they should be pulled.Exposure
badges are not being used. The company should keep documentaion on the use of its chemicals. The IIC is empowered to pull inspectors if it is a dangerous
Sometimes questions that were not submitted as agenda items get answered, such as:
Voluntary trades on the kill floor should be requested through the chain of command. First ask the IIC, then the FLS if this is not satisfactory, then the DO and then grieve it if necessary.
Relief inspectors of like grade should be taking turns on details.
A position not filled during the week can be filled in a reimbursable overtime situation.
It is Mr. Greening’s “feeling” that all relief CSI’s will be 10’s one day.
Elapsed time- 3 1/2 hours.