January 5 Captains Meeting
In attendance: Chief Demint, Chief Gress, Chief Levy, Chief Poncelow, Gil Fisher, Ralph Kettle, Tim England, Jim Salisbury, Len Ewy, Brandon Garcia, Joe Gutierrez, Chad Myers, Dave Kelln, Kelly Close, Doug Cupp, Bill Salmon .
1. Agenda
1.1 Dispatch
1) Carol Workman: Review of staffing: still very low in staffing, promoting one supervisor in near future.
2) Talked about Investigator being on main channel?
3) Cops will be included now on structure fire calls so they know what's happening.
4) How to sort cops calls from our laptop: Gil's said he has it from his class and will get it to us.
5) She talked about the survey, it comes out quarterly
1.2 Herb
1) CO issues discussion: Herb described a large document that was researched by a contract firm from Denver. Apparently, there was no amount of levels beyond OSHA standards.
2) Herb requested we either be in or out of the ambulance. Not talk or stay with the door open.
3) Regen of emissions stinks, but not a problem for us. They are trying fuel additives on three ambulances. The ambulances are not supposed to idle, so we may see them turned off on scenes.
4) Last week of January, the new Bariatric ambulance will be delivered.
* It will have Tommy Lift from under the frame. This will lift these patients.
5) Tom and Herb discussion about Rehab and cudus for all the help your crews gave on the Broken Bow fire. NFPA 1584, standard on Rehab, Tom researching.
6) Herb asked about the roadway safety class we have coming up, Jan 12, 13, and 14 for the ambulances.
7) Cudos to Herb for crews on scene reports, and responding to blocking instructions.
8) CAS: Herb, working to have ambulance service accredited: Safety is at the heart.
9) Ralph: if your crews have issues, please have them talk directly to the captains. Apparently, there was a CO detector issue in an ambulance where the amb crew felt they were being set up. Ralph requested we be contacted first, instead of upper mgmt. becoming involved.
10) Brandon: E1 is running calls with ambulances, having good relations for breakfast, etc. Problems with a few crews not calling, or allowing for us to call additional resources based on what we know we need.
11) Ralph: Retired ambulance will be used for Incident Rep program to have the IR's haul all their stuff to assist families who are displaced. Was given to PFA by PVHAS.
1.3 Brad K:
1) Roof Prop available, so use it: replace pieces when done.
2) Maze will be cut into roof prop
3) They tried piping smoke into the prop, worked well
4) Looking for man holes from companies, will be working on these.
5) Station 4, supposed to open on January 18th. Brad will be working with the county for CAD upload, and the boundaries for the new station 4 may not be working perfectly on opening day.
6) Station 4's second and third-in areas will be at least to Drake and College, and will take a few days to get right.
7) Rescue 1's area will now include McMurry Rd area
8) He described problems with the NE area for CAD issues; go with what we know needs to be done, and let Brad know if there are issues.
9) We have filled up CAD; we are near capacity, so we may not be able to add other things. He can change existing run options, but can't add much.
1.4 Jim VanGorder
1) Wanted to talk to us about his role:
* Overhead Doors are now Jim VanGorder's responsibility, so 24/7 call Jim at: 567-4304. If can't get him call BC, and Reinor may be called. Give Jim the first chance to look at it.
* Plymovent: Please ensure your apparatus will fit; have a person visually watch as you drive in. Jim described a limited issue at stations 2 & 3, so please be sure.
* R2D2 lights are still repaired by Jim, so send these to him for repairs.
* Mechanical units are being checked twice each year by the city (April & Sept); and we change the filters twice per year: Jan and July.
* Set our printers to draft and gray scale, this will help us save a lot of ink. Have full set, and backup set of printer cartridges in the station
* Good job of getting the orders in on Monday from Sunday. He is busy, and will try if a late order comes in.
* Expiration dates on meals and medical supplies. Don't order too early to save expenses.
* PPE: Each person: two hoods, two gloves, two sun glasses, two safety glasses.
* Jim asks that we don't stock-pile stuff at the stations. We can turn-around quickly, so order as needed.
* Jim has a planned update to the shopping site.
* Facility repairs can be sent in via the intranet form, please use this form for non emergency repairs. Call Jim's cell phone for emergency repairs.
* Gil to Jim, does he get the audits? Yes, he hasn't had the chance to read them yet. Jim has bought into the cities program where they have each station on computer. He is working to get to a preventative situation.
1.5 Bob Poncelow
1) Facilities: please use the form on the Intranet for repairs.
2) Bob and Mike have now a full year of utilities data for stations. They are going to encourage us to lower these costs even more. Possibly, the greatest cost reductions can come from how we operate. We will see more requests to save, such as lights, monitors, etc to be turned off.
3) Sale of station 4 will go into a facilities capital budget fund. Send in our requests for station updates, carpet, counters, auto photo eyes, etc. Send updates to Station 3 windows, bathroom remodel, new carpet.
4) Snow removal plan: Stations keep up, but when can't they will bring in people. There is nothing preset as of now, possibly plows on brush trucks.
5) Station 4: Open on January 18th. Honor Guard will be at the lowering of the flag, and raising of the flag at the new station 4; 11:00, but not firm time. Open house in the future, first part of March, on a C-Shift Day. February board meeting will be at the new station 4.
6) Not our building yet, so call Bob to go look at it.
7) OD's section on CO and Asbestos exposures. The OD says if a possibility of asbestos wear SCBA and gross decon prior to removing clothing. Many exposure reports based on exposure. Bob solicits feedback about how to properly eliminate our need for exposures. Discussion about the need to anticipate asbestos exposure, and perform a gross decon prior to removing gear. Possibly a vacuum to remove fibers in a hepa filter. SCBA on all fires, all overhaul, and until asbestos or HCN has been cleared by command. Send this to Bob in the form of feedback. Good discussions about how far this can be taken, such as when we suspect asbestos we need to perform gross decon of all equipment prior to leaving the scene. Also, our customers may not be able to go back inside based on this potential for exposure. This may completely change our rehab processes to encompass ways to decon our guys before they go to decon. Also, for CO and other gases we can employ the area Rays for constant remote monitoring to a remote laptop. Suggested, send the HazMat crew to every structure fire to set up hazmat monitoring. Possibly the use of the Hazmat captain as the predesignated ISO.
8) Updating tones system, so won't have tones in our stations. New equipment in the stations and dispatch, moving from phone to Internet protocol on our network, as provider of tones. Our pagers will still work, since it's a separate system. This will give us a two year payback on the system. We have dedicated fiber, which should make this more reliable.
1.6 Mary
1) Protocol Exam: Please turn in ASAP, so turn in as of the Friday at 5pm, hard copy, her desk.
2) CPR recerts: Doing our CPR recerts in station.
3) EMS Conference, March 4th
4) If a patient is transported to PVH, they will not be in the Hospice program at that time. If a problem and they are in Hospice, please have medic contact Hospice nurse for possible transport to McKee for Hospice process. Hospice does pain control and comfort, so PVH will end their Hospice relationship. If possible call the H. nurse. The objective is for the patient to die as pain free as possible.
5) DNR's can now be a copy, doesn't have to be the original.
6) See Mary's EMS blog for comments or concerns. Be careful with patient confidentiality information.
7) Refusal form: it's being reviewed and will not be mandatory.
8) Farstadt: charcoal will be coming off the rigs, so check and remove them if on the rigs. Dr. F. will be working with Mary to change the protocols.
9) Head trauma: high flow O2 can hurt, if pulse ox is reading 90% or above no high flow. Cannula is appropriate; same with CVA.
10) Pulse OX: unplug the cords to keep the stress points from being at the unit and the cords.
11) Ob Kits: only need one OB kit, so if in trauma and engine we only need one.
12) Lifting, charging and lessening call loads: Spring Creek problems identified, other assisted and nursing homes contacted also. In facilities, not homes, the form has been developed to notify "lift" calls and charge them. Purely, when the organization calls for us to only lift the patient. Three weeks, we may have this onboard. It sis possible these facilities may form their own lifting teams, in house, which will help us not be tied up on these kinds of calls. The costs will be clear, and it won't happen until a clear picture of abuse.
13) If we have abusers, or folks not able to take care of themselves in their homes, email Mary so she can keep track of these.
14) Len E: Vagal nerve stimulators: Used for non-epileptic seizure people. Activated by magnet. Questions, Mary will get back to us. Shock without putting directly over the implanted sensor.
15) Last flu clinic, next Sunday, Fossil Ridge, sign up online, free. They expect a second wave of flu in February.
1.7 Matt Housley/Chief Levy
1) Acting Captain Academy: Ops presentation and result for requirements for acting captains. Presentation from Matt, Mission of the academy (ask for PPt): Goals: Safety, Competency, and Confidence for the new actors. McLean began two years ago, took to Chief Gress, now going to be a reality. Matt: no real process now, but this will become the process. Ryan conducted focus groups, Matt has by his job description the development of acting captain and acting BC, as well as incumbents.
Program Components: Requirements, Sustainability, Learning Opportunity, Baseline skills, Knowledge, Abilities. This is a basic, specific to PFA, what you need to know to ride in the right front seat.
Third week of January, not tied to FO1. Modeled after acting driver policy, not a policy yet, but is going through process. Matt read policy us, and it will be a requirement to be an actor. In telestaff prior to January 1, 2010, they can go forward to require them to take this academy. This will be offered annually, and CT leave will be granted. They must ride 5 shift, post academy, to provide follow-up accountability. This can be with one or multiple captains. The final day is all hands-on, and must have the full academy. The final is the BC approval, based input, that approves them to act. This sets a baseline that is consistent within the department for the future. This academy will be every January of each year. Minimum of three years to act, but can attend as soon in their career as possible. They just need to be off probation. The list was assembled of those who meet the current criteria, and a letter was emailed to them and they were advised of the criteria.
Dave K: suggested at least two captains to evaluate? Not a requirement, but can be worked out if desired. Not required as of now, can suggest to policy committee.
Question: If I go to this academy, do I have to act? No, per Chief Gress, but the department will only pay for one academy per individual. Gil asked about all actors can act anywhere? Glenn clarified that is a BC and Ops decision, so not necessarily.
Question: Can others come to the classes? No, as of now. Reason, we can't support many to the risk of taking away from those needing to be there.
Per Ralph: Do all the instructors need to be fire instructor I's to instruct? No, at this time per Chief Levy, but will in the future.
Policy will be coming out for review very soon.
Gil clarified, he only changes in Telestaff when the BC and Capt approves the change. Now, it will be the BC, post academy and acting time.
I suggested a post ride along's review to be completed by captiains involved: basically, acceptable or unacceptable or deficits noted with their actor.
See handout materials for details.
1.7.1 Glen
1) Brad and the Academy: FRFC chiefs have accepted a 14 week academy format that they agree not to mess with. Brad has been the lead in planning and making this all happen.
2) Accountability: If we ever have a question about what we are doing, please call us to ask. Each person is fully responsible for each persons career, no more hand holding.
3) Company Officer Dev: Matt working on this. Much will be Adhoc. Several trainings throughout the year. ???
4) Glenn has rewritten all the CPTs, we should see them soon.
5) Last year in 2009. All FF's in PFA have FFII. All who were old D/O's, are now CMCB Driver Operators and these certs will be coming.
6) Fire Officer 1: Look for email from Glenn, two groups: existing and want to be's. Glenn will review files and make sure we comply to take the written test. Glenn has not developed this, not taken to Ops; new standard is out now, so 2010 this will happen. ???
7) Hazmat Operations: in 2008 firefighter standard, hazmat ops is a requirement. Must have hazmat before anything else. PPE and Product control ops level, based on NFPA 472 standard. Have to do book, test, JPRs. More to come. PFA will write hazmat tech for CMCB.