Dear Sir/Madam

Re: FREE Membership 2014 - 2015

Membership to North Yorkshire Youth (NYY) is open to voluntary youth groups that support young people aged 11-19yrs (up to 25 yrs with special needs) in North Yorkshire.

The membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March.

To become a Member of NYY please complete the enclosed application form and return it to the address below. Like last year membership for 2014- 2015 is FREE.

Once we have received and accepted your application for membership you will receive a Membership Certificate to display in your youth venue.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate in contacting us.

We look forward to receiving your membership application and working with you in the future.

Yours sincerely

North Yorkshire Youth

Please note:

Youth Groups need to be a member of NYY to access the BJK Insurance scheme. Membership details will be checked by NYY and BJK, if you are not a member of NYY your insurance may be invalid.

NYY is a charity governed by a board of trustees. When you become a member of NYY you can be involved in the running of the organisation. For more details please contact David on 01845 522145 or

If you have any questions regarding membership to NYY please contact Clare Yates on 01845 522145 or 07918761106 or .

Please return completed membership forms to:

North Yorkshire Youth

Carlton Lodge Outdoor Centre,

Carlton Miniott

Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 4NJ

Tel: 01845 522145


In order to be a member your club/group/project must run in North Yorkshire and work with 11-19 year olds (up to 25 with special needs). If you do not meet the criteria please contact us to discuss other options for your club.

Full Name of Club

Club Venue

Main Contact


Tel. No:

Please tell us about your project

1. Do you have a Management Committee? Yes No

2. Child Protection Contact / Officer contact details:

Name / Address / Tel. No

3. Are you a new group [set up in the last 12 months]? Yes No

4. Does your Management Committee have the following documents?

[Please ü as appropriate. Documents marked with * are essential for NYY membership]

Issued / Draft
Constitution *
Child Protection / DBS check / Volunteer Recruitment Policy *
Health & Safety/ Risk Assessment including first aid arrangements *
Equal Opportunities policy
Child Protection Training records *
Financial records
A lease or hire agreement with the venue
Group bank account? * / Yes / No

5. What activities does your group run for young people?

6. What days and times does your group meet?

7. Please indicate numbers of staff/volunteers

Paid Staff Members / Volunteers / Management Committee
Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female

8. Please indicate approximately how many members you have in each of the categories below.

Aged 5-10 / Aged 11-12 / Aged 13-15 / Aged 16-19 / Aged 20-25 / Total
M / F / M / F / M / F / M / F / M / F / M / F

9. Insurance: You need to have insurance to run your youth activity.

What type of insurance does your group hold?

1)  We have insurance through the BJK Youth Group Scheme

2)  We use the insurance of the venue. (e.g. village hall insurance).

3)  We have our own Public/Employers Liability Insurance for the group

Please note that insurance through the BJK Youth Group Scheme is not available to groups in North Yorkshire who are not members of NYY.

10. Terms and Conditions of Membership

As a member of NYY you are agreeing to following:

·  I declare that the information on this form is correct.

·  I declare that this group has the required policies and procedures and that they will be available for NYY to view as required.

·  I understand that it is the group’s responsibility to make sure policies and procedures are appropriate to allow access to the BJK insurance scheme.

·  I agree to use membership and the name of NYY in an appropriate way. Please note: You must not use NYY logos without prior consent.

·  I agree to provide NYY with basic information regarding young people’s attendance on a quarterly basis.

Signed …………………………………………......


(Group Leader)