Trace and Transition Metals
Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry
Thermo Scientific XSERIES2 ICP-MS
EPA Method: 200.8
All values reported as ng/g. 1 ng/g = 1 ppb ( @ 1 mg/l, dilute solutions)
Detection Limits Detection Limits
Element Mass ng/g Element Mass ng/g
Li 7 0.015 Se 78 0.5 (CCT KED)
Be 9 0.005 Rb 85 0.006 (CCT KED)
B 11 0.1 Sr 88 0.2 (HiRes mode, CCT KED)
Al 27 0.005 Nb 93 0.01 (HiRes mode, CCT KED)
P 31 0.5 Mo 95 0.02 (HiRes mode, CCT KED)
Ti 47 0.05 (CCT KED) Cd 111 0.03 (HiRes mode, CCT KED)
V 51 0.005 (CCT KED) Sn 118 0.02 (HiRes mode, CCT KED)
Cr 52 0.006 (CCT KED) Sb 121 0.01 (HiRes mode, CCT KED)
Mn 55 0.02 (CCT KED) Cs 133 0.003 (HiRes mode, CCT KED)
Fe 56 0.1 (CCT KED) Ba 138 0.006 (HiRes mode, CCT KED)
Co 59 0.002 (CCT KED) W 182 0.015 (HiRes mode, CCT KED)
Ni 60 0.02 (CCT KED) Tl 205 0.003 (HiRes mode, CCT KED)
Cu 63 0.03 (CCT KED) Pb 208 0.01 (HiRes mode, CCT KED)
Zn 66 0.04 (CCT KED) Th 232 0.006 (HiRes mode, CCT KED)
As 75 0.04 (CCT KED) U 238 0.002 (HiRes mode, CCT KED)
All chemical analyses were performed on a Thermo Scientific XSeries2 ICP-MS fitted with a hexapole collision/reaction cell. Calibration is achieved by comparing the unknown intensities to a curve prepared by the analysis of 4 multi-element standards purchased from SPEX Industries and diluted accordingly. The standard run sequence is blank, 4 standards, and then up to 12 samples before the sequence is repeated. Elements lighter than mass 39 are analyzed at standard mass resolution with no reactive or collision gasses used. Elements greater than or equal to mass 39 (potassium) are analyzed at standard mass resolution using Helium/Hydrogen collision reaction mode (CCT) with kinetic energy discrimination (KED). All elements use a dwell time of 15 ms with 30 sweeps and 5 replicates to determine the mean and standard deviation. Sample introduction uses an ESI PC3 FAST system with sample loops to reduce oxide formation and carryover between samples. Internal standard elements, 89Y and/or 115In, are added to compensate for matrix effects and instrument signal drift.