January 12th, 2018|Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Melissa Dziedzic, Mark Ward, Jennifer Nunez, Jason Durfee, Julie Werner, Robert Reidel, Jacquelyn (Jackie) Ross

Welcome and call to order


  1. Treasurer
  2. Last month, our account balance was $660.50; the current balance with incoming paid dues is $720.50.
  3. Rob also spoke to NACADA Membership – informed us that he’ll need a current NACADA member to be on form, Melissa or Mark can serve this role.
  4. We will use the dues receipts to keep a tally of current membership.
  5. President
  6. Mark spoke that we’ll update the membership about website updates and show them the dues form is live and where to find it.
  7. Jason asked if we knew about whether members are able to get dues covered by their departments. Rob spoke to this, definitely an option for people, but they would need to do the paper form process for now through the foundation. When a case arises we can help employees through that process.

New Business

  1. At-large kick-off meeting refreshments payment update: Mark needs to get certain information from Rob for Dining Services payment. Total due $129.80, enough cookies for the group, and large pot of coffee. Rob will take care of the rest of this payment process.
  2. Faculty Engagement Sub-Committee – getting started
  3. Melissa will send the Jason list of members and their contact information. Jason will message them to get things started, to create an agenda and committee goals. Mark suggested it might be best to spend the next few months generating ideas and plan primarily for next year, possibly to begin by the end of this year.


  1. Mark passed out copy of “Article VI: Officers” to the group. Spoke to having a vote to move elections to occur in the Spring so the next Executive Committee (E. Comm.) has the summer to plan for the 2017-2018 year, rather than begin in October or November of that academic year. A move of elections up to June was proposed. Julie and Melissa spoke in support, believe this wouldline up better with the academic year, allow for an easier transition, and allows the incoming E. Comm.achance to get things in place before the year begins. Also would provide an opportunity to organizea trip to the Idaho symposium. Rob and Jason informed us that in the past the elections were held in spring, they don’t know when it was changed; they support it going back to Spring. Jason and Mark did speak to it possibly being an issue for faculty attendance, but not a large issue in the long-term. We will propose this change to the general membership at next meeting; an official vote will be held at a latermeeting.

[Jackie arrived about 15 min. late, Mark gave her summary of our discussion so far.]

  1. Rob brought up a “what-if” scenario, if during nominations no one is nominated or nominates themselves for a position, what would happen to that role, a failsafe. Discussed briefly, decided not a likely scenario, but one to consider if the problem arises.

Upcoming Meetings

  1. Next At-Large meeting – Jennifer asked about having a projector available, Mark said he has requested tech so we should have that in place. Mark mentioned he’ll make some quick announcements (online forms, next meeting updates for those who can’t stay the whole time), and then Jennifer said she’ll begin her presentation by introducing CAMP staff in attendance. The February meeting will include Dave Presenting on the GI Bill. March will be Shannon Flynn on Financial Aid. Mark suggested Melissa send out a message asking for Financial Aid related questions from the general membership to send to Shannon beforehand.
  2. Mark said June meeting can be end of year celebration, possible potluck, we could provide utensils, etc.
  3. For the May meeting, Mark is hoping someone can come in to discuss Gen Ed reform; this is not in place yet and may depend on timing of the release of official information.
  4. April topic is TBD, will pull from list of topics created during last at-large meeting.

Student Representative

  1. Jackie spoke to the lack of graduate student support for some programs, that most resources are put toward undergraduates, and she has found the graduate studies department offers no resources for career planning, etc. Jackie and Mark spoke specifically to some expectations of graduate students in the PSYC programs, opportunities for cross-discipline graduate student interaction/engagement with one another, and advocating for one another, especially because of the inconsistency or lack of advising and other services. Mark spoke to a possible committee, similar to Faculty Engagement Sub-Committee, of graduate students to help bring these issues up and help to address them. Advising tools, career planning, degree advising, etc. Mark brought up the possibility of engaging the student government graduate representative in this conversation, especially for advising basics and logistics.

Upcoming Meeting Dates and guests – All presentations will be from 11:00am – 12:00pm, followed by an EWU ACADA business meeting.

  1. January 17th 2018 – TAW 215 C
  2. Presentation – Jennifer Nunez - CAMP
  3. Business Meeting – 12:00pm – 12:30pm
  4. February 13th 2018 - TAW 215 C
  1. Presentation – Dave Millet – “Nuts and Bolts of the GI Bill”
  2. Business Meeting – 12:00pm – 12:30pm
  1. March 20th2018 – TAW 215C
  2. Presentation – Shannon Flynn – Financial Aid
  3. Business Meeting – 12:00- 12:30pm
  4. April 2018 - TBD
  5. May 2018 - TBD
  6. June 2018 – TBD

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