The January monthly meeting for the Town of Franklin was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Dick Wochos, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for Scott Kruse, a Town of Franklin resident who helped with donated time and equipment during the construction of the Town Hall.

Officers present: Dick Wochos, Jim Wacek, Katie Duckart, Judy Kunesh and Joan Raisleger.

Jim Wacek made a motion to approve the agenda. Katie Duckart seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Katie Duckartmade a motion to accept the minutes as printed from the December Town Board meeting. Jim Wacek seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurer Judy Kunesh presented the Treasurer’s Report, which shows a balanceof $39,256.64 at the close of 2014. Jim Wacek made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. Katie Duckartseconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Zoning Administrator Jeanne Swagelstated that no building permits were issued this past month.

County Board Supervisor Ron Paider reported that interviews are going on now for the County Administrator position.

First Responder Suzi Sevcik reported that there were 3 calls this past month and they are looking for new members.

Dennis Raisleger appeared before the Town Board to report that Ducat Trucking trucks are making unnecessarily loud noises when traveling on Sleepy Hollow Road. Derrick Ducat, co-owner of Ducat Trucking also appeared at the meeting. Dennis said that Ducat Trucking had 2 trucks that were creating the loud noises. Derrick asked if it was the driver or the truck itself that was loud. Dennis said that there is jake breaking and downshifting used to create loud noises. Derrick said that the drivers are trained to downshift and not brake. After several minutes of lively discussion, Derrick said they will try and make it better.

There was no action taken on the letter Luke Goral wrote to the Town Board.

Jim Wacek made a motion to approve the 2014-2015 salary payment to the Town Board. Katie Duckart seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Town Orders #1 to #40were discussed, approved and paid

Our next monthly Town Board meeting will be Monday, March 9, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Franklin Town Hall/Community Center. There will be no monthly Town Board meeting in February because Town Chairman Wochos and Supervisor Wacek will not be available for a February meeting

There being no further discussion, the January Town Board meeting was adjourned at8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Joan Raisleger, Town Clerk