January 11th, 2017 Maple Hills Board Meeting
Present: Susie Smith, MattNepsa, KellyWalshe, Jason Ament, Jerry Hendrickson, RebeccaSchwenk, Jeremy Klein, Greg Evans, Leone Trussell
John Schroch, Cindy McCarthy, Jay Hart
Don Burnett: Presented idea of relaunching neighborhood watch with the “map your neighborhood” project. There is a plan for a kick-off barbeque meeting on April 5th (TBA) beforeEaster, for community members to attend. Jerry mentioned Board participation could include acquiring some emergency supplies to store at the pool house.
Motion to approve minutes from December (Matt), second by Jason, passed unanimously.
Pool Report: Susie: Polar Bear Swim: Good turnout. Ice had to be broken for people to jump in. Thanks to Jay and his crew for their support.
Susie has received approval from health department for work to start soon, after one more document (from the health department) has been signed. Septic company is ready to start work, which Susie will schedule as soon as possible.
Freezer at the pool is no longer usable. Greg volunteered to donate one that he has.
Computer for the pool is on its way (Jason ordered). Security system at Kelly’s house.
Park Update: Jerry has received a complaint from a home-owner about leaves from the park blowing into his yard. Jerry will talk to Ken to see if anything can be done.
Basketball court update: Matt and Greg looked into updated quote for expanded, but not full, court, as well as striping of courts. Weather-permitting, work can be started in March or April and finished before Memorial Day.
Jason purchased the weather station and it will be installed at the pool.
Easter Egg Hunt: Saturday before Easter (April 15th). Jeremy will contact Rebecca and Kim to see if they want to continue organizing the event as in the past.
Newsletter and Welcome letter was sent to board by Rebecca. Request for board members to read each and give okay to Rebecca. Matt has designed a mug that could be included as a welcome gift. Discussion about how many to purchase and making them available to the community for purchase. Voted for which mug to purchase (deluxe version). Rebecca made a motion to order number (200) to get price break, seconded by Jason, and passed unanimously.
Jay: Fire department will be looking for volunteers from community to participate in Community Emergency Response Teams. Time commitment would be less than volunteer fire fighters. Request for information to be posted on the Maple Hills website within the next few months. Information could also be included in next newsletter.
Jeremy: Asked about purchasing larger signage for Maple Hills events. Matt said it is on his list of things to look into.