Ref No / AP/S/3837Title / STEPHENS John, Roche, tinner
Date of probate* / 28 Oct 1791
Description / ‘knowing how uncertain this mortal life is… I Recommend my Soul to God that Gave it and my body to Christian burial and as for my worldy goods Such as it hath pleased God to bless me with I give and bequeath in manner and form following’
- To wife Margaret ‘forty shillings’ [£2] per year ‘and her meat So long as Shee Shall live with her two Sons my Executors hereafter to be named to keep forth their house but if they Cannot agree to Live togeather Shee is to have the lower house to live in and Chamber over and the bed whereon She used to lie and all other Nessesary household Goods for her use and three Pounds per year So long as She Shall Remain a widow but if She Shall marry She is to have nothing after that time’
- To four sons, John, Thomas, Richard and James, his sixth part ‘being my Right’ in a tin stream work called the ‘New wet and dry’ in the Goss moor, with all the tools and tackle belonging to it, immediately after testator’s death. ‘but if there is any tin gotten on the Said work the Sixth part of that Shall belong to my Executors in paying the Cost thereon.’
- To three sons, John, William and Thomas ‘fifty shillings’ [£2 10 shillings] each, to be paid one year after testator’s death.
- To three daughters, Elenor Strongman, Elizabeth Stephens and Jenifer Stephens ‘fifty shillings’ [£2 10 shillings] each to be paid one year after testator’s death.
- To two sons Richard and James, ‘all the Rest of my Goods and Chattels moveable and Imoveable Quick and dead not heretofore given and bequeathd’ … ‘whome I make my whole and Sole Executors Equaly alike to Receive all my dues pay all my debts Legases and Funeral Charges and to maintain my youngest Daughter Jenifer until She Shall attain to the age of Sixteene years’
Executors: Richard Stephens, son of testator
James Stephens, son of testator
Mark of testator John Stephens
Signatures of Edwd [Edward] Higman
John Solomon
Date of will: 14 Jul 1791
Date proved: 28 Oct 1791
No Inventory
Stamp 10 shillings
* CALM does not recognise double-dating, e.g. 1664/1665. Therefore, when you have a date between 1 Jan-25 Mar prior to 1752, in the date field enter the modern interpretation of the date, e.g. 1665, and give the double date in the description field.
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