SnVYSA Board of Directors Meeting


January 13, 2014

Fall City Library

Meeting called to order at 7:13 PM by Bud Raisio.

BOD Members Present: Bud Raisio, President; Keely Weidenbach, VP AdministrationLisa Pillo, Treasurer; Santa Krieble, Cascade FC Administrator; Shane Jennings, Duvall Representative; Kevin Smith, Snoqualmie Representative; Sandi Yotz, North Bend Representative;

BOD Members Absent: ; Char Yotz, VP Development and interim VP of Competition; Doug McClintic, Secretary; Shelly Woodruff, Registrar; Sarah McKenzie, Carnation Representative; Sophie Harris, Fall City Representative;

Guests: None

Vacant Positions: VP Competition

Approval of Minutes:

  • The Minutes of November 11, 2013 were reviewed. Santa Krieble made a motion to approve November minutes as amended; seconded by Kevin Smith. APPROVED.

New Business:

  • Elections. Keely Weidenbach made a motion to elect Bud Raisio as President, Char Yotz as VP of Competition and Doug McClintic as Secretary ; seconded by Kevin Smith. APPROVED.
  • Via Char’s written report, the CKMS carnival is Friday, January 17. Kara Popp inquired whether Snoqualmie Valley Soccer Association would consider donating a registration this year. Kara would be happy to pick it up whenever it is convenient. Shaen Jennings made a motion to provide one certificate in the amount of $100.00 to be used toward the registration fee for a recreational player or Cascade FC player; seconded byKeely Weidenbach. APPROVED.
  • Snoqualmie Valley Scholarship Foundation. Keely Weidenbach made a motion to keep in house, seconded by Shane Jennings. APPROVED.

Additional discussion concerning selection criteria and process for delivering check. Santa to send current criteria to BOD for further discussion at February 8th workshop and to contact Sue Heyting of the scholarship committee for further information.


  • Bud Raisio – President
  • Attending Player Fee Meeting on January 25, 2014
  • Keely Weidenbach – VP Administration
  • Would like to order new U8 goals this year. Need to have uniform goal size.
  • Needs to get uniform order in
  • Char Yotz – VP Competition // Interim VP Development

VP of Competition:

  • An email to the Recreation Cup participants is going out (likely tomorrow am) letting them know that they will be receiving refunds, I will not include those that are not receiving one. I will make it very clear that this was an error in previous communication and there will be no refunds in the future. I will make sure to get the list of who gets how much to Lisa so that she can get those checks.
  • GU18 North Bend Fusion, coached by Chris Young took 1st place in the Recreation Cup, BU17 Fall City Rovers took 2nd place.

VP of Development (interim):

  • NSCAA JL6 Licensing Course March 28-30. Slated to be held at VCA and Fall City Fire Station. Daniel Lock will forward the link to Shelly and I next week. Reps will want to advertise this to their most recent U10s and up, once we have the link.
  • We are all set for next season’s coach & player development in partnership with UKElite for 2014:
  • 2 Free coaches clinics for U6-U10 (July 30th & August 6th)
  • U8 Clinics for each club (mandatory, will be on game schedule)
  • Friday afternoon speed & agility & goalkeeping clinics, rotating Fridays. Will be held at VCA. I will get the exact dates out to everyone, in particular to Shelly so she can get them online.
  • Doug McClintic – Secretary Not present
  • Lisa Pillo – Treasury Reports
  • No treasury reports review
  • Shelly Woodruff – Webmaster Not present
  • Sarah McKenzie – Carnation
  • Report via email - the SnVYSA ad is in the Stillwater directory (out now). They put it on the 2nd page so it is right up front for people to see.
  • Santa Krieble – Cascade FC

Head Coaches to be confirmed for Spring Season:

  • Jordyn Wilson – Cascade FC G02

Playing Experience: Former Cascade FC Player, 4 years MSHS varsity, 4 years Northwest University

Coaching Experience: JV Coach for Eastlake HS girls program, 4 years @ MSHS camps, 3 years @ Northwest University camps, 2 years @ Arena Sports Lil’ Kickers

Licensing: E license waived based on experience; attending NSCAA JL 6 in Spring

  • Randall Wilson – Cascade FC G00 White

Former approved Asst Coach for this team

NSCAA JL 6 Coaching License

  • Assistant Coach to be confirmed: Jason Jones, assisting G00 White, National C license, Level 7 Ref License, 15 years Club experience, 7 years HS experience, 4

years NCAA Div 2 experience

Motion made by Shane Jennings to approve/confirm Jordyn, Randall and Jason as above stated, seconded by Sandi Yotz. APPROVED.

  • Winter Season (HS girls) has started … Spring season for U11 through U14 to start February 1 and for U9/U10 to start February 22 … openings at moment with GU11 and BU11, possibly GU10 … GU11 and Bu11 Association players were emailed with information concerning playing opportunities
  • CFC coaches meeting scheduled January 24 for U9/U10 and U11/U12; January 31 for U13/U14 and U15 and older. Are breaking meeting into 1 hour age specific sessions.
  • Upcoming CFC sponsored camps. Info has been sent to Shelly for placing on website:


Dates:February 18th – February 21st

Times:9am-11am – 5 to 7 year olds

11am-1pm – 8 to 10 year olds

Price:$85 per player

Location: Chief Kanim Middle School Indoor Gym



Dates:March 21st – April 25th

Day/times: Fridays 5:30pm-7:30pm

Ages:8 – 11 year olds

Price: $90 per player

Location: Community Park at Snoqualmie Ridge


SPRING BREAK CAMP – Riverview School District

Dates:March 31st – April 4th

Times:9am – 11am

Ages:5 – 14 year olds

Price:$90 per player

Location:Carnation Area (hoping for Tolt MS)


SPRING BREAK CAMP – Snoqualmie Valley School District

Dates:April 7th – April 11th

Times: 9am – 11am

Ages:5 – 14 year olds

Price: $90 per player

Location: Community Park at Snoqualmie Ridge


  • Need to order tryout jerseys. We currently have 3 sets of 100 each tryout jerseys. One set specifically for U9/U10 (no longer enough to cover need) and the two others for the older players, one set of which is rapidly deteriorating. I need to order 100 more in youth sizes and 100 in adult. The cost of the 100 adult jerseys would be for the numbering only as CFC has enough goal club points to cover the order. $1,160.50 (4 numbers per jersey, 8” numbers). We only have enough points left to cover 10% of the youth so with those added the total would be $2,967.12. Without the points the total would have been … $3,767.00. Keely Weidenbach made motion to approve expenditure of $2,967.12; seconded by Kevin Smith. APPROVED.
  • Shane Jennings – Duvall
  • Discussed Recreation Cup question received from coach
  • Sophie Harris – Fall City

Nothing specifically to report from Fall City. Looking forward to workshop February 8th and would like to discuss early communication with coaches, coach training opportunities, etc., to keep our coaches involved and thinking about us earlier than spring sign-ups.

  • Sandi Yotz – North Bend
  • In process of looking for help with North Bend position
  • Kevin Smith – Snoqualmie
  • Requesting to remove U5 from our program
  • Registration cutoff date needs to be more visible


  • Open BOD jobs need to be advertised

Field Development Update

  • Tollgate – under construction; out of curiosity is looking for cost of putting in a temporary field there

Meeting concluded 8:48 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Santa Krieble, Acting Secretary