James Robert Morris Scholarship

2013-2014 Application Packet

Congratulations Senior on your decision to continue your educational pursuit!

We are excited for you and want to support you in any way possible.

Please feel free to contact us at any time to answer any questions you have about the application packet. We look forward to reviewing your submission.

James R. Morris Scholarship Committee

JaMese Morris-Black, Scholarship Chairperson

Eligibility Criteria for


2013-14 Collegiate Years

To be eligible for the James R. Morris Scholarship, the applicant must:

  • Be an African- American high school senior who has been accepted for full-time study at an accredited college or university.
  • Plan to graduate from high school in Spring 2014
  • Currently attend a high school in Martinsville and/or Henry County
  • Have a cummulative GPA (Grade Point Average) of 2.5 or better (on a 4.0 scale)
  • Active member of a church listed with the Smith River Association of Martinsville and Henry County.
  • NOTE: Special preference given to members of
  • St. Paul’s High Street Baptist Church, Martinsville, VA
  • Mayo Missisonary Baptist Church, Ridgeway, VA
  • Star of Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church, Bassett, VA

Candidates must adhere to the following criteria in order to be considered for the scholarship:

  1. Complete and submit the scholarship applicaion form.
  2. Demonstrate writing ability.
  3. Provide a copy of his or her current high school transcript.
  4. Provide two letters of recommendation
  5. (One from a conselor, teacher or princpal)
  6. ( One from pastor on church stationary)
  7. Provide a copy of SAT scores
  8. Send applications form and other required documents to the following address no later than May 30, 2014

To: James R. Morris Scholarship Foundation

Attn: Selection Committee

POB 701

Fieldale, VA 24089

Please ensure that the application contains all of the required information. Candidates who do not meet ALL of the eligibility criteria and who do not provide ALL of the requested application documents will be disqualified. Candidates that submit material postmarked afterMAY 30, 2014 will automatically be disqualified. Neatness will be a consideration during the evaluation of applications.

Applications must be typed or printed in ink in order to be considered

To: James R. Morris Scholarship Foundation

Attn: Selection Committee

POB 701

Fieldale, VA 24089


* Applications may be e-mailed to

James Robert Morris

September 29, 1933- August 7, 1998

James Robert Morris was born to Hezekiah and Amanda Jones Morris, Sr. on September 29, 1933. He was the fifth of seven children: Moses, Hezekiah, Jerome, Alton, Leander and Vivian. James was raised in a God—fearing home full of ministry and music. His father pastored High Street Baptist Church and Star of Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church, while his mother played and taught music to all who had the desire to learn. The emphasis on music and God was instilled in the family and displayed with the organization of the “Morris Brothers” singing group. The brothers (Leander, Alton, Jerome and James) traveled and ministerd through song along with supporting their father at the church.

Morris graduated from Albert Harris High School and began to pursue a degree in Cabinet Making at North Carolina A & T State University. The United States Draft interrupted this process. He was sent over seas to serve his country.

After fulfilling his commitment, James returned to the United States with many stories and pictures of his experiences and ready to continue with his civilian life. He married the former Sallie Mae Milner of Ridgeway on August 20, 1960. He partnered with Lester Hairston to begin Hairston and Morris Masonary to provide for his family. As years past, he joined with L. E. Masonry.

On July 10, 1963, the couple welcomed their first child, Derrick JaSal; August 2, 1968, their second son arrived, DaRon JeSie and August 10, 1974; their third child and daughter DaManda JaMese completed the family unit.

Wanting his family to serve at one church, Morris moved his membershop from St. Paul High Street Baptist Church, where he sang in many choruses and worked with the youth to Mayo Missionary Baptist Church. As an active memver of Mayo, he served in many organizations including director of the Heavenly Stars. March 1, 1981, James entered into a new dimension of his life by preaching his trial sermon “Being about his Father’s Businsess.” The second Sunday of November 1983, Rev. James Morris became pastor of Star of Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church where he served until he crossed over into eternity.

Rev. Morris belived and focused all his attention on the succes of his children. He made sure his home was a nuturing ground for anyone who needed it. He would go above to make sure his children were supported. This belief of supporting all children was passed on to his family, church, and community. For he believed in the scripture:

“Where there is no vision the people perish” – Proverbs 29:18

Guidance Counselor Checklist

Candidates must adhere to the following criteria in order to be considered for the scholarship. Please place a check beside all COMPLETED materials. Any omission disqualifies the candidate.

Name of Applicant: ______

  • Completed Application Form
  • Scanable Picture (Pictures will not be returned)
  • Essay
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Copy of SAT scores (Can be on transcript)
  • Signed Permission Form

Counselor Signature: ______


Application must be typed or printed in ink in order to be considered.

This application will not be considered by the Scholarship Committee unless all of the information and attachments are included.


Date: ______

Current E-mail Address: ______

  1. Name: ______
  1. Age: ______
  1. Permanent Mailing Address:


(Street Address)

(City)(County)(State) (Zip Code)

  1. Present Phone Number: (______): ______
  1. Gender: Male or Female (Circle One)
  1. Parent or Guardian’s Name:
  2. Mother: ______
  3. Father: ______
  4. Address: (if different from yours):



  1. Name of Church:______
  1. Name of Pastor: ______


  1. High School Attending:______

Address: ______


  1. Anticipate Date of Graduation: ______
  1. Applicant’s Numerical Grade Point Average on a 4.0 scale:______
  1. Student Rank in class: ______out of ______
  1. Accepted College Choice:______
  1. Expected college major: ______minor: ______
  1. Participation in extra-curricular school activities indicating years and offices held.(Please attach information if needed)
  1. Participation of Non-School Activities, offices held (Church and Community). (Please attach information if needed)
  1. Academic Honors and Awards. (Please attach information if needed)


Submit a one page typed (12 font) personal statement explaining your need for the scholarship.


All of the information provided on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I indicate my awereness that false statements may disqualify me from consideration. If asked by authorized official, I agree to give proof of the information that I have given on this form. I further certify that in the event I am granted this scholarship, I will use the proceeds obtained as a result of this application solely for the expences related to my pursuit of an undergraduate degree from the college or university I attend.

Applicant’s Signature:



Parent’s Signature:





Parental Authorization Form

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Your child’s photo, first and/or last name, may be considered for publication on the foundation’s webpage at James R Morris Scholarship Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages according to the permission you authorize below. Please complete and return the following consent form with the scholarship application. All information is kept private and confidentail and will not be placed in any publication. Please be assured that no personal information (schedule, age, address, phone number, ect.) will be on any website.

Student’s Name: ______

Age: ______

School: ______

Please check all that apply:

  • I give permission for my child’s photo to be used without the child’s name on the scholarship social media pages.
  • I give permission for my child’s full name to be used without a photo of him or her on the scholarship social media pages.
  • I give permission for my child’s first name only to be used without a photo of him/her on the scholarship social media pages.
  • I give permission for my child’s first and last name to be used with a photo of him/her on the scholarship social media pages.

Parent’s Signature: ______

Applicant’s Signature: ______

1 | “Remembering the Vision”