James P. Evans, MD, PhD

Curriculum Vitae


Personal Information

Name:James P. Evans

Date and Place of Birth:November 19, 1958; Minneapolis, Minnesota

Marital Status: Married - Marion Putnam

Children:Joseph Philip Putnam-Evans, born May 7, 1987

Margaret Lee Putnam-Evans, born August 5, 1990

Professional Information

Current Position/Title: Bryson Distinguished Professor of Genetics and Medicine

Director of Adult Genetics

Director of Bryson Program in Human Genetics

Institution:University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Departments:Genetics and Medicine

Business Address: Genetic MedicineBuilding

120 Mason Farm Road

Department of Genetics

CB # 7264

UNC at Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, NC27599-7264

(919) 966-2007

Contact Information:

(919) 966-2007

Other Current Positions:

  • Editor-in-Chief, Genetics in Medicine, the officialjournal of the American College of Medical Genetics; 5 year term began 2006.
  • Chief Science Advisor to ASTAR (Advanced Science and Technology Adjudication Resource), a Congressionally mandated program to extend scientific education to the US judiciary
  • Advisory Board member, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
  • Board member, American College of Medical Genetics


1979-1984University of KansasMedicalCenter, School of Medicine, Kansas City, Kansas

M.D. awarded in May, 1984.

1979-1983University of Kansas Medical Center Graduate School, Department of Pathology and Oncology, Kansas City, Kansas

Ph.D. with honors awarded in May, 1983

1976-1979University of Kansas,Lawrence, Kansas

Major: Chemistry. Degree requirement waived for admission into medical school and graduate school.

Positions held:

2007-PresentBryson Distinguished Professor of Genetics and Medicine, Director, Cancer Genetics Services; Director, Bryson Program in Human Genetics

1997-2007Associate Professor. University of North CarolinaSchool of Medicine. Departments of Genetics and Medicine, Divisions of General Medicine and Hematology and Oncology.

2005-2010Advisor to the Federal Secretary of Health and Human Services on “Genetics, Health and Society”

2008-2011Board member, National Society of Genetic Counselors Foundation

1995-1997Physician, Internal Medicine. The Carolina Permanente Medical Group

1994-1995Assistant Professor and Chief, Division of Medical Genetics, Department of Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599.

1994-1995Member, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and Program for Molecular Biology and Biology and Biotechnology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

1992-1994Assistant Professor, Division of Medical Genetics, Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195.

1992-1994Investigator, Lucille P. Markey Molecular Medicine Center.

1991-1992Acting Assistant Professor, University of Washington,Seattle, Washington 98195

1989-1991Fellow in Medical Genetics, University of Washington,Seattle, Washington98195.

1988-1989Hematology fellow, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514.

1987-1988Chief Resident in Internal Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina Memorial Hospital, North Carolina 27514.

1985-1987Junior and Senior Assistant Resident, North Carolina Memorial Hospital/University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514.

1984-1985Intern in Internal Medicine, North Carolina Memorial Hospital/University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514.


1984 - PresentNorth Carolina. License number 29913

Board Certification:Board Certified in Internal Medicine, 1984

Board Certified in Clinical Medical Genetics, 1993

Board Certified in Molecular Diagnostics, 1993

Honors and Awards:


1979Excellence in the study of German

1979Excellence in the study of Biology

1978Summerfield Scholar- highest award bestowed upon undergraduates by the University of Kansas

1977Vita B. Lear Scholar- academic excellence

1976U.G. Mitchell Scholar-mathematics

Graduate and Medical School:

1983Elected to Alpha Omega Alpha- Honorary Society of Physicians

1982Ph.D. dissertation defense- passed with honors

1981William Bailey Award- research in pathology

1980Sutton Award- genetic research. Student Research Forum, University of Kansas

1980Accugenics Corporation- best paper in immunohematology, national competition


1986Fordham Award

1985Fordham Award- bestowed upon a resident each for excellence in teaching and clinical performance.

Post Residency:

2012Selected for 7th consecutive year as one of “America’s Best Doctors”

2009Selected as a faculty “Pearls Day” Speaker to the graduating class

2009Selected as a commencement “hooder” for medical school graduating class

2008Elected as a Founding Fellow of UNC’s “Academy of Educators”

2008Keynote commencement speaker for the graduating medical school class of 2008

2008Selected to participate in a signature event of the 1st Annual World Science Festival, NYC

2008Lifeboat Foundation Scientific Advisory Board member

2007Selected as a faculty “Pearls Day” Speaker to the graduating class

2006Selected as a faculty “Pearls Day” Speaker to the graduating class

2006Selected as the 2006 Whitehead Lecturer, an honor bestowed upon one faculty member each year by the medical student body for excellence in teaching and clinical care

2004Catch a Star Award for Clinical Performance in General Medicine

1999Annual faculty award as “Attending of the Year” by Medicine Residents

1998Internal Medicine Faculty Award, bestowed by the Medicine Housestaff for teaching excellence

1992Selected as Lucille P. Markey Investigator


2011-2015Prinicipal Investigator, UO1 Clinical Sequencing project. Direct costs: $6.4 million

2007-presentPrincipal Investigator, Investments for the Future grant, UNC.

1998-2007Principal Investigator, UNC site of Carolina and Georgia Genetics Network

8-1994 to 8-1995Equipment grant from The National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasia, $10,000.

8-1994 to 8-1997NIH Award 1 ROIHD31153-01 “The molecular basis of split hand/split foot malformation” Direct Cost $133,000/year.

1992-1994Lucille P. Markey Assistant Professorship, University of Washington. Provides three years of 100% research and salary support with three additional years of declining support.

1991-1994Howard Hughes Medical Institute, “Research fellowship for physicians.” Sponsor: Richard Palmiter. Funding consists of salary, indirect costs, and supply funds for sponsor’s laboratory.

1989-1990Institutional National Institutes of Health training grant. University of Washington, Division of Medical Genetics

1988-1989Judith Graham Pool Award from the National Hemophilia Foundation, “Molecular Biology of Canine Hemophilia B.”


Faculty member for “Introduction to Clinical Medicine”, teaching 1st and 2nd year medical students how to interview and examine patients 2006-2010

Co-director of “Molecules to Cells”, the first block of classes for 1st year Medical Students at UNC 2003-present

Co-chair of Medical Genetics course for second-year medical students at University of Washington, 1992-1994. Responsible for course organization, content, seven out of fifteen lectures, and the final exam.

Preceptor, University of North Carolina Medicine Residents Clinic

Preceptor, University of North Carolina Urgent Care Clinic

Preceptor and Lecturer, Genetic Counseling Program at UNC-Greensboro.

Selected Special Activities:

Invited to be a member of the Scientific Board for the World Heath Organization’s project: "Grand Challenges in Genomics for Public Health in Developing Countries"

Invited to speak to the Presidential Bioethics Commission in Washington DC regarding genetic testing and emerging bioethical issues related to genomics; February, 2011

Testified before the US Congress regarding genetic testing and its regulation, July, 2010

Advisor to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) regarding an investigation of direct to consumer genetic testing, 2010

Met in Beijing with members of the Supreme Court of China in April, 2010 to discuss the scientific education of judges

Scientific Advisor to the International Judicial Institute, an organization focused on judicial education of scientific matters throughout the world.

Participant in an invited meeting in Cambridge, UK, May, 2010 - Public health in the 21st century: What should be the agenda for public health in an era of genome-based and personalised medicine?

Participant in ongoing series of ongoing meetings revolving around the relationship between Art and Science

Chief Scientist for numerous national and international seminars for high-court judges in order to educate the judiciary about matters of science and genetics.

Advisor and participant to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization for an international conference held in March, 2004 regarding biotechnology in the developing world

Chief Scientific Officer for “Genetics and the Law”; held for the Federal Court of Australia 9-03

Visiting Professor, University of Hawaii February 22-28; 2003. Genetics and medicine.

Senior Science Fellow Einstein Institute for Science, Health, and the Courts

Senior Scientific Faculty for the 2nd annual meeting of International Common Law Nations, Ottawa Canada, June 2002. Plenary presentations regarding global perspectives on the use of stem cells and behavioral genetics.

President and Board Member, Aegis Initiative (A not-for-profit organization concerned with financial assistance to indigent oncology patients to receive treatment)

Member, Advisory Board, UNCCenter for Health Ethics, and Policy

Scientific Advisor for Meeting of the International Common Law Nations, June 2001

Scientific Advisor for The National Judicial Institute of Canada, September 2001

Chief Scientific Advisor, “Genetics and The Law”, an international symposium hosted by the North Carolina Supreme Court, designed to educate judges about genetics. September 17-20, 2000. Chapel Hill, NC


  1. McGuire AL, McCullough LB, Evans JP. The Indispensable Role of Professional Judgment in Genomic Medicine. JAMA; in press.
  2. Evans JP, Berg JS, Olshan AO, Magnuson T, Rimer BK. We Screen Newborns, Don’t We? Genetics in Medicine; in press.
  3. Evans JP, Khoury MJ. The arrival of genomic medicine to the clinic is onlythe beginning of the journey. Genetics in Medicine. Advanced online publication 10 January 2012. doi:10.1038/gim.2012.133
  4. Marcus LC, Evans JP. Evolutionary biology: The scientific basis for One Health and an essential part of biomedical education. Clin Brief. Published September 17, 2012. Accessed 9/24/2012.
  5. Belsky DW, ……Polygenic risk accelerates the developmental progression to heavy, persistent smoking and nicotine dependence: Evidence from a 4-Decade Longitudinal Study. Archives of General Psychiatry; in press.
  6. Berg JS, Evans JP. Genomic Incidental Findings:Metaphors and Methods. Genewatch; 2012
  7. Cook-Degan RC, Conley J, Evans JP, Vorhaus D. The Next Controversy in Genetic Testing: Clinical Data as Trade Secrets. European J of Human Genetics in press.
  8. Solomon BD, Pineda-Alvarez DE, Bear KA, Mulkin JC, Evans JP. Applying genomic analysis to newborn screening. Molecular Syndromology; in press
  9. Belsky DW, Moffitt TE, Houts RM, Bennett GG, Biddle AK, Blumenthal JA, Evans JP et al. Polygenic Risk for Adult Obesity is Mediated by Rapid Childhood Growth: Evidence from a 4-Decade Longitudinal Study. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine; 166(6):515-521.2012.
  10. Green RC, Berg JS, Berry GT, Biesecker LG, Dimmock D, Evans JP et al. Exploring Concordance and Discordance for Return of Incidental Findings from Clinical Sequencing. Genetics in Medicine in press.
  11. Evans JP and Rothschild BB. Return of Results – Not That Complicated? Genetics in Medicine in press.
  12. Evans JP, Berg JS. Next Generation DNA Sequencing, Regulation and the Limits of Paternalism. JAMA; 306(21):2376-2377. 2011
  13. Berg JS, Khoury MJ, Evans JP. Deploying whole genome sequencing in clinical practice and public health: Meeting the challenge one bin at a time. Genetics in Medicine; 13(6):499-504. 2011
  14. Funkhouser WK, Lubin IM, Monzon FA, Zehnbauer BA, Evans JP, Ogino S, Nowak JA. Relevance, Pathogenesis, and Testing Algorithm for Mismatch Repair-Defective Colorectal Carcinomas: A Report of the Association of Molecular Pathology. J. Molec. Diagnostics; in press.
  15. Spencer DH, Lockwood C, Topol E, Evans JP, Green RC, Mansfield E, Tezak Z. Direct to Consumer Genetic Testing: Reliable or Risky? Clinical Chemistry;57(12):1-4. 2011.
  16. Burke W, Tarini B, Press NA, Evans JP. Genetic Screening. Epidemiologic Reviews 33:148-164. 2011
  17. Irvin WJ, Walko CM, Dees C, Ibrahim JG, Chiu WK, Moore SG, Olajide OA, Graham ML, Canale ST, Raab RE, Corso S, Weck K, Peppercorn JM, Anderson S, Friedman KJ, Ogburn E, Desta Z, Flockhart DA, McLeod HL, Evans JP, Carey LA. Multicenter study of genotype-guided tamoxifen dosing increases active metabolite exposure in women with reduced CYP2D6 metabolism J. Clinical Oncology;29(24):3232-3239.2011
  18. Evans JP, Meslin EM, Marteau TM, Caulfield T. Deflating the Genomic Bubble. Science; 331:861. 2011
  19. Dreyfus R Evans JP, From Bilski Back to Benson:Preemption, Inventing Around, and the Case of Genetic Diagnostics. Stanford Law Review; 63:1349-1376.2011
  20. Khoury MJ, Bowen MS, Burke W, Coates RJ, Dowling NF, Evans JP, Reyes M, St. Pierre J. Current Priorities for Public Health Practice in Addressing the Role of Human Genomics in Improving Population Health. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 40(4):486-493. 2011
  21. Burke W, Evans JP. Teaching with single nucleotide polymorphisms: Learning theright lessons. Genetics in Medicine; 13(1):17-18. 2011
  22. Berg JS, Evans JP, Leigh MW, Omran H, Bizon C, Mane K, Knowles MR, Weck KE, Zariwala MA. Next generation massively parallel sequencing oftargeted exomes to identify genetic mutations inprimary ciliary dyskinesia: Implications for applicationto clinical testing. Genetics in Medicine 13(3):218-229. 2011.
  23. Khoury MJ, Coates RJ, Evans JP. Evidence-based classification of recommendations on use of genomic tests in clinical practice: Dealing with insufficient evidence. Genetics in Medicine 12:680. 2010
  24. The Human Genome Project at 10 Years: A Teachable Moment. Genetics in Medicine 12(8):477. 2010
  25. Evans JP, Dale DC, Fomous C. Preparing for a Consumer-Driven Genomic Age. New England Journal of Medicine 363 (12):1099.2010
  26. Khoury MJ, Evans JP, Burke W. A reality check for personalized medicine (commentary). Nature 464:680. 2010
  27. Evans, JP, Burke W, Khoury MJ. The Rules Remain the Same for Genomic Medicine; the case against “Reverse Genetic Exceptionalism”. Genetics in Medicine12(6):342-343.
  28. Evans, JP. Putting patients before patents. Genetics in Medicine. 12(4): S3-4. 2010
  29. Rakhra-Burris TK, Auman, JT, Deverka P, Dressler LG, Evans JP, et al. UNC Institute for Pharmacogenomics and Individualized Therapy: Interdisciplinary Research for individual Care. Pharmacogenomics; 11:13.2010.
  30. Robin NH and Evans JP. Why physicians must understand evolution. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 21:699–702. 2009.
  31. Adder T, Callanan N, Susswein L, Evans JP. Prevalence and Attitudes towards anonymous genetic testing. J of Genetic Counseling 18 (6): 606. 2009
  32. Grosse SD, McBride CM, Evans JP and Khoury MJ. Personal utility and genomic information: look before you leap. Genetics in Medicine 11(8): 575. 2009
  1. Evans JP, Green RC. Direct to Consumer Genetic Testing; Avoiding a Culture War. Genetics in Medicine 11(8):568. 2009.
  2. Baumanis LI, Evans JP, Callanan N, Susswein L. Telephoned BRCA1/2 Genetic Test Results: Prevalence, Practice and Patient Satisfaction. J of Genetic Counseling 18 (5): 447.2009
  3. Finkler K, Evans JP. Can the new personalized genetics ever be personal? Submitted to Social Science and Medicine
  4. Evans JP. The voyage continues; Darwin and Medicine at 200 years. JAMA 301 (6):661-663. 2009
  5. The International Warfarin Pharmacogenetics Consortium[‡]. Estimation of the Warfarin Dose with Clinicaland Pharmacogenetic Data. New England Journal of Medicine 360 (8): 753-764. 2009.
  6. Langley MR, Booker JK, Evans JP, McLeod HL, Weck KE. Validation of clinical testing for warfarin sensitivity: comparison of Cyp2C9-VKORC1 genotyping assays and warfarin dosing algorithms. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 11 (3): 1-11. 2009
  7. Evans JP. What is Art? In Imagining Science: Art, Science and SocialChange. University of Alberta Press, editors: Sean Caulfield and Timothy Caulfield. 2008
  8. Deborah W. Neklason, Richard Kerber, David Nilson, Hoda Anton-Culver, Ann G. Schwartz , Constance A. Griffin, Dennis Ahnen, Joellen Schildkraut, James Evans, Gail Tomlinson, Louise Strong, Alexander R. Miller, Jill Stopfer, Dianne Finkelstein, Prakash Nakdarni, Carol Kasten, Geraldine Mineau, Randall Burt. Common Familial Colorectal Cancer Linked to Chromosome 7q31: a genome wide-analysis. Cancer Research, 2008 68: 8993-8997.
  9. Khoury MJ, Berg A, Coates R, Evans JP, Teutsch S, Bradley L. The Evidence Dilemma in Genomic Medicine: The Need for a Road Map for Appropriate Integration of Genomic Discoveries into Clinical Practice. Health Affairs 27 (6):1600-1611. 2008
  10. Evans JP. Recreational genomics; what's in it for you?Genetics in Medicine 10(10):709-710. 2008 NIHMSID: 85767 (PMCfinal approved 4-23-09
  11. Evans JP. Genetically Guided Choices for Chemotherapy; In reply. JAMA 299(13): 1543-1544. 2008
  12. Evans JP, Burke W. Genetic exceptionalism. Too much of a good thing? Genetics in Medicine 10 (7):500-501. 2008
  13. Evans JP. Healthcare in the Age of Genetic Medicine. JAMA 298(22): 2670-2672. 2007
  14. Evans JP, Khoury MJ. Evidence based medicine meets genomic medicine. Genetics in Medicine. 9:, 2007
  15. Susswein LR, Skrzynia C, Lange LA, Booker JK, Graham ML, Evans JP. Increased Uptake of BRCA1/2 Genetic Testing Among African American Women with a Recent Diagnosis of Breast Cancer. 2007. J. Clin. Oncology; 26:32-36.2008
  16. Evans JP. Celebrating the birthday of our intellectual commonancestor. Genetics in Medicine. 9:63, 2007
  17. Evans JP. A future for medical genetics: lessons from Catch 22. Genetics in Medicine. 9:1, 2007
  18. Li T, Lange LA, Li X, Susswein L, Bryant B, Malone R, Lange E, Huang T-Y, Stafford D and Evans JP. Polymorphisms in the VKOR gene are strongly associated with warfarin dosage requirements in patients receiving anticoagulation. Journal of Medical Genetics 43(9): 740-744. 2006.
  19. Barrows DO, Shockley WW, Wright JD, Susswein L, Evans JP, Funkhouser WK and Loechner KJ. Metastatic Medullary Thyroid Cancer in a Pediatric Patient with MEN 2BClin Pediatr 45:463-4672006
  20. Moorman P, Calingaert B, EvansJP, Hoyo C, Newman B, Skinner C, Sorenson J, Schildkraut J. Racial Differences in Enrollment in a Cancer Genetics Registry; Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention; 13(8): 1349-1354. 2004.
  21. McKelvey K and Evans JP. Cancer Genetics in the Primary Care Setting. J. of Nutrition. 133:3767S-3772S. 2003.
  22. Burke W, Acheson L, Botkin J, Bridges K, Davis A, Evans JP et al. Genetics in Primary Care: A USA Faculty Development Initiative. Community Genetics 5:138-146. 2002.
  23. Finkler K, Skrzynia C, Evans JP. The new genetics and its consequences for family, kinship, medicine, and medical genetics. Social Science and Medicine; 57(3):403-412. 2003
  24. Evans JP, Skrzynia C, Burke W. The complexities of predictive genetic testing. British Medical Journal. 322: 1052-1056. 2001
  25. Hadler N & Evans JP. Medicalization of the Genome. Commentary in Current Anthropology, 42 (2):252-253. 2001
  26. Evans JP Genomics: Delayed Reaction. Hospitals and Health Networks, 74 (12):42-44. 2000.
  27. Brentnall TA, Rubin CE, Crispin DA, Stevens A, Batchelor RH, Haggitt RC, Bronner MP, Evans JP, McCahill LE, Bilir N, et al. A germline substitution in the human MSH2 gene is associated with high- grade dysplasia and cancer in ulcerative colitis. Gastroenterology. 109(1):151-5, 1995 July.
  28. Scherer SW, Heng HH, Robinson GW, Mahon KA, Evans JP, Tsui LC. Assignment of the human homolog of mouse D1x3 to chromosome 17q21.3-q22 by analysis of somatic cells hybrids and fluorescence in situ hybridization. Mammalian Genome. 6(4):310-1, 1995 April.
  29. Nunes ME, Schutt G, Kapur RP, Luthardt F, Kukolich M, Byers P, Evans JP. A second autosomal split hand/split foot locus maps to chromosome 10q24-q25. Human Molecular Genetics. 4(11): 2165-70, 1995 Nov.
  30. Crackower MA, Scherer SW, Rommens JM, Hui CC, Poorkaj P, Soder S, Cobben JM, Hudgins L, Evans JP, Tsui LC. Characterization of the split hand/split foot malformation locus SHFM1 at 7q21.3-q22.1 and analysis of a candidate gene for its expression during limb development. Human Molecular Genetics. 5(5): 571-9, 1996 May.
  31. Evans JP, Burke W, Chen R, Bennett R, Schmidt R, Dellinger EP, Kimmey M, Crispin D, Brentnall TA, and Byrd DA. Familial pancreatic adenocarcinoma: association with diabetics and exocrine insufficiency and early molecular diagnosis. Journal of Medical Genetics. 32:330-335, 1995
  32. Steiner RD, Evans JP, Uemichi T, Paunio T, and Benson MD. Familial amyloidosis, Finish type, in three generations of a Swedish-American family is caused by asparaginase substitution for aspartic acid at gelson residue 187. Human Genetics. 95:327-330, 1995
  33. Marinoni JC, Stevenson RE, Evans JP, Geshuri D, Phelan MC, Shewartz CE. Split foot and developmental retardation associated with a deletion of three microsatellite makers in 7q21-q22.1. Clinical Genetics. 47:90-95, 1995.
  34. Jarvik GP, Patton MA, Homfray T, and Evans JP. Segregation distortion in a human developmental disorder: split hand/ split foot malformation. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 55:710-713, 1994.
  35. Nunes M, Pagon R, Disteche CJ, and Evans JP. A contiguous gene deletion syndrome at human 7q21-q22 and implications for the relationship between isolated ectrodactyly and syndromic ectrodactyly. Clinical Dysmorphology. 3:277-286, 1994.
  36. Scherer S, Poorkaj P, Geshuri D, Nunes M, Geneuardi M, Tsui L-C, and Evans JP. Physical mapping of the human split hand/ split foot (SHSF) locus on chromosomes 7 reveals a relationship between SPSF and the syndromic ectrodactylies. Human Molecular Genetics. 3:1345-1354, 1994.
  37. Palmer SE, Scherer S, Kukolich M, Wijsman EM, Tsui L-C, Stephens K, and Evans JP. Evidence for locus heterogeneity in autosomal dominant split hand/split foot malformation. American Journal of Human Genetics. 55:21-26, 1994.
  38. Scherer SW, Poorkaj P, Allen T, Kim J, Geshuri D, Nunes M, Soder S, Stevens K, Pagon RA, Patton MA, Berg MA, Donlon T, Rivera H, Pfeiffer RA, Naritomi K, Hughes H, Genuardi M, Gurrieri F, Neri G, Lovrein E, Magenis E, Tsui L-C, and Evans JP. Fine mapping of the Autosomal dominant split hand/split foot locus on chromosome 7, band q21.3-a22. American Journal of Human Genetics. 55:12-20, 1994.
  39. Evans JP, and Palmiter RD. Retrotransposition of a mouse L1 element. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 88:8792, 1991.
  40. Evans JP, Brinkhous KM, Reisner H, Brayer GD, and High KA. A point mutation in canine hemophilia B with unusual consequences. Proc. Natl. Acd. Sci. USA. 86:10095-10099, 1989.
  41. Evans JP, Watzke HW, Ware JL, Stafford DW, High KA. Molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding canine factor IX. Blood. 74:207-212, 1989.
  42. Sinor LP, Brown PJ, Evans JP, and Plapp LV. The Rh antigen specificity of erythrocyte proteolipid. Transfusion. 24(2): 179-180, 1984.
  43. Evans JP, Brown PJ, Sinor LT, Beek MLO, and Plapp FV. Detection of a protein on the inner surface of Rh negative erythorocytes which binds anti-D IgG. Molecular Immunology. 20(5):529-536, 1983.
  44. Brown PJ, Evans JP, Sinor LT, Tilzer LL, and Plapp FV. The rhesus D antigen is a dicyclohexylacarbodiimide binding proteolipid. Am. J. Pathol. 110(2): 127-134, 1983
  45. Evans JP, Brown PJ, Sinor LT, Tilzer LL, and Plapp FV. Identification of Rh (D) antigen in polyacrylamide gels by an enzyme linked immunoassay. Molecular Immunology. 19(5): 671-675, 1982
  46. Tilzer LL, Plapp FV, Evans JP. Steroid receptor proteins in human meningiomas. Cancer. 49:633-636, 1982.
  47. Tilzer LL, Plapp FV, Evans JP, and Chiga M. Different ionic forms of estrogen receptor in rat uterus and human breast carcinoma. Cancer Research. 41:1058-1063, 1981.
  48. Plapp FV, Evans JP, Tilzer LL. Detection of Rh (D) antigen on the inner surface of Rh negative erythrocyte membranes. Fed Proc. 40:208, 1981.
  49. Plapp FV, Kowalski MM, Evans J, Tilzer LL, and Chiga M. The role of membrane phospholipid in expression of erythrocyte Rh (D) antigen activity. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 164:561-568, 1980.
  50. Plapp FV, Kowalski MM, Tilzer LL, Brown PJ, Evans J, and Chiga M. Partial purification and Rh (D) antigens from Rh positive and negative erythrocytes. Pro. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 76:2964-2968, 1979.
