ENVIRONMENT, TRANSPORT and REGENERATION PORTFOLIOReport to Councillor Peter Craske, Cabinet Member for Transport –
Bridge Strengthening and Maintenance Programme 2008/09 - 2009/10
Decision ref. ETR 47/08-09Decision
The approved revenue programme for bridge maintenance work for 2008/09 is £134,000.There is no provision in the 2008/09 Council’s Capital Programme for bridges, which is usually based on Transport for London funding allocations.
Transport for London has yet to announce the funding allocation for Capital Maintenance for bridges in 2009/10. The revenue budget process is currently under way and the provision in the draft revenue budget for 2009/10 is not yet known. It will be based on the provision this year of £134,000 plus an appropriate inflation uplift and subject to the finalisation by the Cabinet in February 2009.
The report reviews progress made this year so far, and proposes a programme of bridge maintenance for 2009/10.
(a)To amend the 2008/09 revenue programme for bridge maintenance, if required, and to approve the programmes of work for 2009/10; or
(b)To amend the programme; or
(c)Not to proceed with the programme.
Approval be given to the amended 2008/09 revenue programme for bridge maintenanceand the programmes of work for 2009/10 and the Assistant Director of Environmental and Regeneration Services, (Highways and Amenities) be authorised in consultation with the Cabinet Member (for Transport), to amend theseif required.
The proposals are for those structures identified as being in most need of repair and will allow the work to be carried out in the most effective manner.
Signed: Councillor Peter Craske / Date: 29/11/08(Not before: 29/11/08)
LAST DATE FOR CALL-IN (by Scrutiny Committee): 12/12/08
Report to Councillor Peter Craske, Cabinet Member for Transport – 21 NOVEMBER 2008
Main Report
The bridge strengthening programme is co-ordinated across London by sector, similar to the London Bus and Cycle networks. The programme is funded and monitored by Transport for London (TfL). The 2009/10 allocation for bridge strengthening and assessments has yet to be announced. However, as soon as the funding allocations are made public these will be reserved in the name of the Lead Borough, the City of Westminster.
The highway network includes many bridges and other structures, such as subways, which are inspected annually to determine the need for routine maintenance. Identified works are usually funded from a reserved element of the Highway Maintenance revenue budget.
(2)Current Programme 2008/09 - Progress
There is no provision in theLondon Borough of Bexley’s Capital Programme for 2008/09 at this stage. As reported in last year’s annual report, there has been no funding allocatedby TfL initially for any bridge works for 2008/09. However discussions have already started with TfL with a view to securing funding in 2008/09 for major permanent upgrading works to the bridge movement joints, waterproofing system and surfacing to the elevated roundabout over the A2016 Eastern Wayas this is part of the route for the Greenwich Waterfront Transit (GWT) scheme. If successful the works would start in 2008/09 (phase 1) and continue into 2009/10 (phase 2) and 2010/11 (phase 3), in advance of introducing the GWT. These particular works are not of a bridge strengthening nature and are classified as other structural maintenance.
The estimated total cost of the work is £2.6 million and negotiations with our funding partners are proceeding on the basis that the Council will need to find 20% match funding. The value of each phase is shown in the following table.
Phase / TfL Contribution£’000 / Bexley Contribution
£’000 / Total
Phase 1 / 480 / 120 / 600
Phase 2 / 800 / 200 / 1,000
Phase 3 / 800 / 200 / 1,000
2,080 / 520 / 2,600
To take advantage of the funding opportunity, which has still to be confirmed, the following funding strategy is being proposed: -
- To meet the match funding requirement for phase 1 £40,000 will be set aside from the Revenue Programme for Bridge Maintenance 2008/09. A capital bid of £80,000 for 2009/10 will be made for the balance of the Council’s contribution, although this is subject to the consideration of the Capital Programme by the Cabinet in February 2009. If the capital bid is not agreed, then the balance of the match funding will have to be met from the Revenue Programme for Bridge Maintenance 2009/10. Discussions are currently ongoing with TFL, who are expected to allocate £480,000 required for phase 1 in the Autumn of 2008.
- Phases 2 and 3 are subject to both TfL’s approval and the match funding approval at the appropriate time.
It should be noted that each phase is mutually exclusive giving greater flexibility to the delivery programme.
The approved 2008/09 revenue programme of planned Bridge Maintenance is set out in Error! Reference source not found.A to the report. During the course of this year some unforeseen repairs and investigations had to be dealt with, including problems at Fraser Road embankment and the works to the bridge joints at the elevated roundabout, A2016 Eastern Way, Thamesmead. As a result of the proposed match funding being taken from the current 2008/09 and possibly the 2009/10 proposed revenue provision, theworks to Water Lane Footbridge, Footscray, Belvedere Road Flyover, Thamesmead, A220, Bexley Road Bridge, Erith and Maiden Lane Bridge, Crayfordmay have to be deferred to 2010/11.
The remaining works shown in Error! Reference source not found. will allhave been completed by March 2009. Final accounts are yet to be agreed but it is expected they will be contained within the overall revenue budget of £134,000.
(3)Settlement and Proposed Programme 2009/10
Following the Council’s annual Borough Spending Plan submission to Transport for London, the Lead Borough, Westminster, has been asked by Transport for London to carry out an assessment of the submitted bids from all boroughs and allocate funding in accordance with the London-Wide Bridge Prioritisation System. Over the past fifteen years the London Borough of Bexley has been very successful in bidding for funding to strengthen or reconstruct weak bridges on traffic routes of high importance and has successfully strengthened or rebuilt several important structures. Those remaining weak bridges in Bexley are now ranked as lower priority within the London-Wide Bridge Prioritisation System.
The current indicative programme of proposed future bridge strengthening schemes at this moment is:-
- BridgeRoadBridge, Bexleyheath
- ChurchRoadBridge, Bexleyheath
- BexleyVillageBridge, Bexley
The most recent bridge strengthening project, that at CaithnessGardens was successfully completed in May 2008.
The Council's traffic consultants, Mouchel Parkman carried out a review of the interim measures to protect the weak bridges, over the railway, in Bridge Road and Church Road , Bexleyheath. The works to install width restrictors at each bridge were successfully completed in March 2008.
These interim measures to protect the weak bridges will remain in place whilst the Council continues to liaise with Network Rail. These discussions are to conclude all technical issues with the Railway Authority and are a prerequisite to securing the funding from Transport for London which will allow for the eventual replacement of both weak bridges with new ones. If negotiations are successful with Network Rail it is anticipated that works to BridgeRoadBridge could start in 2010/11, as shown above. The works to ChurchRoadBridge would follow thereafter.
The Council’s term consultants for Engineering Services, Waterman Civils Ltd, carries out bridge inspections annually at an estimated cost of £60,000, which is included in the revenue budget for bridge maintenance.
Resulting from these bridge surveys, priority maintenance schemes have been identified and ranked in order of importance. Therefore, bridges in greatest need of repair have first call on the available funding and these are listed in Appendix B. The draft Bridge Maintenance Revenue Budget for 2009/10 is not yet known, but it is unlikely to meet the full estimated costs of these schemes in Appendix B. As in previous years, to provide assistance towards this maintenance backlog and funding deficit, it is proposed to utilise commuted sums deposited now or in recent years for future highway structures and bridge maintenance works, as appropriate. Lower priority reserve schemes are set out in Appendix C and will be reviewed again in the following year. The works for both Capital and Revenue Programmes will be undertaken by the Council’s Civil Engineering & Highway Maintenance term contractor.
(4)Summary of Financial Implications
There is no provision in the Capital Programme for 2008/09 at this stage. However, TfL are shortly expected to allocate £480,000 in Winter 2008 towards the GWT maintenance scheme (phase 1) which will require £120,000 match funding from the Council. As stated in section 2(a) above, it is proposed that the Council’s contribution is funded from the revenue budget in the current year (£40,000) and the balance in 2008/09 funded from the Capital Programme or the revenue budget for depending upon the finalisation of the Capital Programme by the Cabinet in February 2009.
The TfL funding allocation for 2009/10 has yet to be announced.
The budget for highway bridge maintenance for 2008/09 is £134,000 (see Error! Reference source not found.)and will be fully spent. Error! Reference source not found. details the proposed priority schemes for 2009/10, which will be partly funded from within the revenue budget provision, subject to the finalisation of the budget by the Cabinet in February 2009. Expenditure over and above this will be met from the relevant commuted sums held for bridge maintenance.
(5)Summary of Other Implications
(a)Environmental Impact
The maintenance of the road network together with highway structures is essential in ensuring residents and businesses continue to enjoy full accessibility.
(b)Community Safety
The proposed schemes will improve the environment, which may reduce the fear of crime and provide safer routes for drivers and pedestrians.
(c)Human Rights
The Council as Local Highway Authority has a duty to maintain roads and bridges. These works will be carried out in a manner, which aims to minimise disruption to the community.
List of Background Documents
Borough Spending Plan
Contact Officer: / Nigel Threadgold, Highways Manager, Direct Dial 020 8294 6879Reporting to: / Dave Green, Head of Engineering Services