James House Contract
This is a 3 month minimum contract (with a review for extended stay). You may be asked to submit to a drug screen upon moving in, and at random once you are here. Weekly Tuesday night house meeting is mandatory.
If you are asked to leave due to non-compliance with house rules, you will be given an immediate discharge notice to remove yourself and possessions from the property. If you do not report to your room for the evening without Directors consent you will lose your room and your possessions must be removed immediately. If you do not remove your possessions they will be packed by James House staff and stored for you for a period not to exceed 30 days. If possessions are not picked up within 30 days they will be disposed of.
James House rules
Release of information: Signed medical, probation/parole, social worker ROI must be provided upon application. A criminal background check will e conducted.
Rent of 250 dollars is due on the 1st of the month, unless an agreement is made with the director or house parent
Employment: Residents are expected to pursue and obtain gainful employment.
Guests/visitors: No guests are allowed in your room. No overnight guests unless previously authorized by Director.
Smoking policy: This is a smoke free home. Smoking allowed only in back yard or garage. No burning candles or incense are allowed in the house. Consequence, immediate discharge.
Room Checks: Random room checks will be conducted as deemed necessary by Director or house manager. Rooms will be checked for cleanliness, alcohol, drugs, and pornographic material.
Household chores: Each resident must clean his own room. Beds must be made daily. Residents will be assigned weekly chores by the house manager. Common rooms must be cleaned daily. Consequence for not cleaning room or house as directed by House Manager is to assume every ones cleaning duties for 1 week.
Absence: You must sign out and in each time you leave the house. If you do not sign out, you will not be allowed to leave the house without peer for other than work or mentor for 1 week.
Attire: Appropriate attire is expected. No clothing glorifying/advertising alcohol, drugs, unacceptable bands will be allowed. Inappropriate attire must be changed immediately, any such clothing must be taken out of the house.
Storage: make arrangements for storing your personal belongings. No storage is provided for personal items except those needed for James House living.
Privacy: Entering another resident’s room is not allowed unless invited.
Substance Abuse: James House has a zero tolerance policy for mood altering chemicals. Using them or having drugs or alcohol in your room or in your possession will result in immediate dismissal.
Respect for property: Stealing or damage of property in the house or on the grounds will result in immediate dismissal.
Meeting attendance: Residents are required to attend minimum or 1 church service, 1 Bible study, and 1 Christian Recovery meeting each week. 1 extra meeting the following week will be assessed. Extra meeting attendance will be increased for each violation with possible discharge from James House a result of continued absences.
Non-violence: There is a zero tolerance policy for physical or verbal assault. No weapons or knives will be allowed on the property or in the possession of residents. Immediate discharge.
Relationships: Intimate relationships with opposite sex are not tolerated. Any contact outside the house with opposite sex must be approved by Director. Immediate discharge for violations.
Each new resident may only leave the House with peer or mentor for the first week of stay.
Curfew is 10:00 P.M. Sunday through Thursday. Friday and Saturday is 11:00 P.M.
T.V., radio, and movies are monitored by House Manager. No T.V. past 10:00 P.M. without manager’s consent. No R-rated movies unless prior authorization is obtained from House Manager. Going to movies at the theater must be approved, you must tell which movie you are going to and who with. No Televisions or DVD players are allowed in rooms. Violations of these rules will result in severe restrictions of freedoms and possible discharge.
No cell phones. Violation will include phone restriction, loss of cell phone, and possible discharge.
No video games.
Reading material will be limited to Bible, Christian books, magazines, AA/NA literature, newspapers, Sports magazines unless authorized by House Manager.
Each resident is responsible to prepare a simple meal for incoming guests to Tuesday night meetings. Budget money accordingly. No exceptions unless authorized by Director.
Honesty is an absolute; dishonesty may result in immediate discharge or severe consequences.
Old using friends/acquaintances are not allowed in the house, on the phone with you, or spending time with them outside the house unless authorized by Director. Violation will result in severe consequences including discharge.
Other consequences for violations may include; loss of T.V. time, extra cleaning duties, extra meeting attendance, telephone restriction, loss of freedom to leave house without supervision unless for work.
Will meet one time per week with James House Chaplain for Spiritual guidance, prayer, and or Step work including fifth step.
No television sets, DVD players, or any type of video equipment is allowed in rooms.
I have read and understand these guidelines. I understand there is a zero tolerance policy for failure to comply with these rules. I agree to the conditions above.