Prayer Bulletin May 9, 2012
James Chatmon - is in Forsyth Medical Center, ICU.
Lester Allen - is in Forsyth Medical Center.
Eunice Priddy - The cancer has spread and there is no more the doctors can do.
Sam Cox - continued healing of his knees.
Dennis Wiggins - (Richard Carpenter’s son-in-law) in Duke Hospital with severe burns and damaged lungs.
Sherry Melton - (Andrea Melton’s mother) receiving chemo treatments for liver cancer.
Joan Whiteheart - had an MRI yesterday to find what is causing the excruciating pain. She is now using a walker and will be seeing an orthopedic specialist soon.
Sam Lawson - (Dennis Chappell’s cousin) is in Hospice.
Dave Poorbaugh - (Jennine Failing’s father) receiving treatments for pancreatic cancer.
Hadley Cash - (friend of Bill Hutchins) -health needs
Nancy Venable - (friend of Bill Hutchins) -health needs
Mohamed & Fatouma Yattara - for God’s continued provision, protection, and direction.
Joy Guiles - will be going to Campo Grande Brazil to help her uncle and aunt from June 25-July 25. Pray for her protection and financial needs for this trip, and that God will use this in her life.
Missionaries of the Week
Dexter & Jackelle Kirby - St. Vincent, West Indies
Dale & JoAnn Loftis - Retired
Frona Mattox - Retired
Andy & Becky Messer - Ivory Coast
Sam & Imna Montoya - BBI, Spanish Division
AWANA, Teens, and College Ministries
Vacation Bible School 2012 - Pray for the workers and pray for the Lord to prepare the hearts of the children who will be coming. VBS will be on Wednesday evenings June 13-July 18, skipping July 4.
Spain Mission Team will be going to minister with Tim & Pam Darling and Daniel & Karrah Darling June 21-July 3. Pray for the team as they get ready for this trip. Team members are David & Karen Peters, Lynn & Carol Greear, David Ashburn, Megan Mason, Sarah Burdett, Ashley Thomason, Savannah Pegg, Kaitlyn Archenbronn, Sara Hopkins, Mark Griffith, Collin Watson.