Brody, J.
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April, 2006
Jacob A. Brody, M.D.,
Professor of Epidemiology and
Research Medicine
School of Public Health
University of Illinois at Chicago
1603 West Taylor Street
Chicago, Illinois60612-4394
Phone: (312) 996-6624
Fax: (312) 355-4893
DATE OF BIRTH:May 5, 1931
PLACE OF BIRTH:Brooklyn, New York
Two children born 1970 and 1973
EDUCATION:June 1948 Graduated from PolyPrepCountryDay School
June 1952 B.A. cum laude, WilliamsCollege
June 1956 M.D.StateUniversity of New York
DownstateCollege of Medicine (AOA)
CERTIFICATION:Public Health and General Preventive Medicine by
The American Board of Preventive Medicine Incorporated
LANGUAGES:Fluent in Spanish and Russian, and some knowledge of French.
19561957Intern, Roosevelt Hospital, New York
19571959Surveillance Section, Epidemiology Branch Communicable Disease CenterU.S. Public Health Service
19571958Surveillance of Arthropodborne Disease
19581959Chief, Poliomyelitis Surveillance Unit
19591961Medical Officer, Middle America Research Unit, Virus Section, Canal Zone, Panama; Laboratory of Tropical Virology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
19611962Laboratory of Tropical Virology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
1962 (6 mos.)Exchange Scientist to the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Virus Encephalitis, Moscow, USSR
EMPLOYMENT (cont'd):
19621965Chief, Epidemiology Section, Arctic Health Research Center, U.S. Public Health Service, Anchorage, Alaska
19651974Chief, Epidemiology Branch Collaborative and Field Research, National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
19741975Research Coordinator for the Unified Program, Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, Hiroshima, Japan
1976Senior Research Epidemiologist, National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
19761977Chief, Epidemiological and Special Studies Branch, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration, Rockville, Maryland
19771985 (July)Associate Director for Epidemiology, Demography, and Biometry Program, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
1985 (Aug) 1992Dean, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at
Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
1985 -Professor of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, UIC
Director, AllUniversityGerontologyCenter, UIC
Research Professor, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, UIC
2005-Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology and Research Medicine
INTERESTS:Epidemiology of health and disease in aging populations with particular interest in data requirements, research, clinical and social interrelationships and prevention/postponement strategies.
LICENSES:Physician (New YorkState)
Physician and Surgeon (Maryland)
Physician and Surgeon (Illinois)
1955-Alpha Omega Alpha (Honorary Medical Fraternity)
1970From the Guam legislature to the NINCDSResearchCenter on Guam, for its research work in ALS and PD Citation.
Invited Lecturer, Tokyo Society of Medical Sciences.
19691973From the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and the patients it serves "for distinguished service in behalf of the MS cause as a member of the Society's Advisory Committee on Research on the Etiology, Diagnosis, Natural History, Prevention and Therapy of Multiple Sclerosis 19691973."
1977From the American Medical Writers Association for contributions to Viral Infections of Humans awarded "Best Book on a Medical Subject for Physicians."
19801981American Epidemiological Society President
1981Kolker Award for service in geriatric medicine, given by the LevindaleHebrewGeriatricCenter in Baltimore, Maryland.
1981Cited as the "most highly decorated member of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps" for extraordinary service during PHS career after receiving the following:
Hazardous Duty Award, with one Gold Star and four Bronze Stars;
Foreign Duty Award, with one Gold Star and three Bronze Stars;
Isolated Hardship Award, with one Gold Star and four Bronze Stars;
Special Assignment Award, with one Gold Star and four Bronze Stars.
1981U.S. Public Health Service Distinguished Service Medal
1981U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, A Special Appreciation, National Hispanic Heritage Week
1982The PHS Citation for service on the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps Awards Board
1982Hope Chest Award highest award given by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society for service for "significant scientific and clinical leadership."
1982Who's Who in America (42nd Edition)
1986American Men and Women of Science (16th Edition)
1987Senior Honorary Member, National Multiple Sclerosis Society
1987Honorary Diplomate, American Veterinary Epidemiology Society
2000The Abraham Lilienfeld Award, AmericanCollege of Epidemiology for outstanding contributions and leadership in the discipline of epidemiology.
2002 Listed by ISI as among the one-half of one percent of the most cited
2006Master Teacher Award in Preventive Medicine – College of Medicine, StateUniversity on New YorkDownstateMedicalCenter
1957-70 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
1957American Public Health Association
1962Epidemiology Section Fellow
19651967Council Member Epidemiology Section
19671968Chairman, Membership Committee
19671969Chairman, Program Committee, Epidemiology Section
19681970Program Area Committee on Communicable Diseases
19701975Member of Association Nominating Committee for Elective
Councilors, Epidemiology Section
197l1974Council Member Epidemiology Section
19791982Council Member Gerontological Health Section
1984, 198586ChairpersonElect, Gerontological Health Section
1966National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Medical Advisory Board
19671979Advisory Committee on Research of the Etiology,
Diagnosis, Natural History, Prevention, and Therapy
of Multiple Sclerosis
1966-1977AmericanAcademy of Neurology
Section of NeuroEpidemiology
1967-Society for Epidemiologic Research
1967 1973American Epidemiological Society
1967American Association of Immunologists
19681977Muscular Dystrophy Association of America
Corporate Member of the Association
19711974Member of the Board of Directors
19721974Member of Scientific Advisory Committee
1968World Federation of Neurology
Commission of Geographic Neurology
1969Member of Research Committee
1969International Epidemiological Association, Inc.
World Health Organization
1969Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
1970-1985Metropolitan Washington Sports Medicine Association
1970 1985Associate in Epidemiology, The JohnsHopkinsUniversity
School of Hygiene and Public Health
19731975Muscular Dystrophy Abstracis Member of Editorial
Advisory Board
1973 1985Member of Medical Sciences Section of the American
-Association for the Advancement of Science
1973 1985Special Medical Advisor to the ALS Foundation, Inc.
19751976Foreign Lecturer, School of Medicine, HiroshimaUniversity
1976Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of America
Scientific Advisory Committee
1976International Council on Alcohol and Addictions
19761978American Medical Society on Alcoholism, Inc.
19761977Research Society on Alcoholism
1977-1985National Council on Alcoholism
Member of the Peer Review Board
Member of the Fetal Alcohol Study Group
1980National ViceChairman of the Blue Ribbon Study Commission on Alcoholism and the Aging
1977- 1985Undersea Medical Society
1977-The Gerontological Society of America
1979-1990Journal of Clinical and Experimental Gerontology
Editorial Board
1981-1985Commissioned Corps Awards Board
1982- Preventive Medicine
Editorial Board
1983-95Federation Internationale des Associations de Personnes
(FIAPA) Agees
Scientific Council
1983American Foundation on Aged Research (AFAR)
Scientific Advisory Council
1983- 1985Social Science Research Institute
- Board of Directors
1985- 2000Buck Center for Aging Research
Board of Scientific Directors
1985Illinois Public Health Association
1986Consultant, Forecasting Life Expectancy and Active Life Expectancy, Department of Medicine, Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago
1986-Distinguished Visting Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine, RushMedicalCollege, RushPresbyterianSt. Luke's MedicalCenter, Chicago
1986Delta Omega Society, Lambda Chapter (Honorary Public Health Fraternity)
1986-Metropolitan Chicago Coalition on Aging (MCCoA)
1986-1990Illinois Cancer Center (formerly Illinois Cancer Council)
Board of Trustees
1986-1992Illinois Department of Public Health
Local Health Liaison Committee
1987Illinois Department of Public Aid
Governor's Task Force on LongTerm Care, Chairman
1987American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR), Inc.
Board of Directors
19871996AmericanCollege of Epidemiology
Board of Directors
1988-International Federation of Multiple Sclerosis Societies
International Medical Advisory Board
U.S. Public Health Service
U.S. Preventive Services Coordinating Committee,
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health
1989-Behavior, Health and Aging-
1990-Editorial Board
1990-1993American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
-Electorate Nominating Committee, Section on Medical Sciences
1990John Rankin Visiting Professor of Preventive Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin
1990-Consultant, Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research. University of Michigan
1993-1995Advisory Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and Inspection Service
1994- 2000Institute for Metropolitan Affairs, RooseveltUniversity
Board of Directors
1995- 2000Chair, Metropolitan Chicago Drug Strategy Project
1994-University of Chicago-NORC
Research Affiliate, PopulationResearchCenter
1996-The InternationalLongevityCenter
Board of Scientific Directors
Department of Public Health
Advisory Committee
1999-Chairman, Advisory Committee
1997-Suburban (Chicago) Area Agency on Aging
Board of Directors
1997-Gerontologia Mundial
Comite Cientifico International
1997- Aging; Clinical and Exponential Research
Editorial Board
1998- PoetryCenter of Chicago
Board of Directors
1.Brody JA. Medicine in rural Mexico: a student's impressions. AMA J of the Student, 1955;4:7:24.
2.Brody JA, Moore H, King EO. Meningitis caused by an unclassified Gramnegative bacterium in newborn infants. AMA J Diseases of Children, 1958;96:15.
3.Brody JA, Burns KF, Browning G, Schattner JD. Apparent and inapparent attack rates for St. Louis Encephalitis in a selected population. N Engl J Med, 1959;261:64446.
4.Brody JA and MurrayWA, Jr. Arthropodborne encephalitis in the United States, 1957. Public Health Rep, 1959;74:5:46169.
5.Dunn FL and Brody JA. Malaria surveillance in the United States, 1956 1957. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1959;8:4:44755.
6.Brody JA and DunnFL. Malaria surveillance in the United States, 1958. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1959;8:6:63539.
7.Molner JG, Brody JA, Agate GH. Detroit poliomyelitis epidemic 1958. Preliminary Report. JAMA, 1959;169:183842.
8.Thrupp LD, Forester HE, Brody JA. Poliomyelitis in the United States, 1957. Public Health Rep, 1959;74:6:53545.
9.Brody JA, Fazlul Karim ABM, Ahmed MK. Field evaluation of dry smallpox vaccine and aging glycerinated vaccine in East Pakistan. Pakistan J of Health, 1960;IX:4:20411.
10.Brody JA and Browning G. An epidemic of St. Louis encephalis in Cameron County, Texas, in 1957. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1960;9:4:43643.
11.Brody JA. Haemagglutinationinhibition and neutralization tests using whole blood dried on filter paper discs. Lancet, 1963;ii:61618.
12.Brody JA and Healey EW. Viermia causada por el virus Coxsackie, grupo A tipo 4. (In Spanish.) Arch Medicos Panamenos, 1963;XII:1:914.
13.Brody JA. Notes on the epidemiology of draining ears and hearing loss in Alaska with comments on future studies and control measures. Alaska Medicine, 1964;6:1.
- Brody JA, Chumakov MP, Levkovitch EN, et al. Virological and serological studies of tickborne encephalitis using dry whole blood absorbent on filter paper discus. (In Russian.) Problems of Virology 1964;4:398404.
15.Craighead JE, Shelokov A, Brody JA. Enterovirus infections of Panamanian children. An outbreak of poliomyelitis during a 12month population survey. Am J of Hyg, 1964;79:3:32835.
16.Brody JA, Sever JL, McAlister R, Schiff GM, Cutting R. Rubella epidemic on St. PaulIsland on the Pribilofs, 1963. I. Epidemiological, Clinical and Serological Findings. Archiv fur die Gesamte Virusforschung, SpringerVerlag, 1965;48891.
Presented:Seminaire du Centre International de I'Enfance, Paris, June 1964.
17.Brody JA. The infectiousness of rubella. Extrait des Compterendus due Symposium International sur la Standardization des Vaccines contre la Rougeole et al Serologic de la Rubeole. Lyon, France, 1964;1820.
18.Brody JA, McAlister R, Haseley R, Lee P. Use of dried whole blood collected on filter paper disks adenovirus complement fixation and measles hemagglutination inhibition tests. J Immunol, 1964;92:6:85457.
19.Brody JA, McAlister R, Emanuel I, Alexander ER. Measles vaccine field trials in Alaska. I. Killed vaccine followed live attenuated vaccine and gamma globulin with live attenuated vaccine. JAMA, 1964;189:5: 33942.
20.Brody JA and Bridenbaugh E. Prophylactic gamma globulin and live measles vaccine in an island epidemic of measles. Lancet, 1964;ii: 81113.
21.Brody JA and McAlister R. Depression of tuberculin sensitivity following measles vaccination. Am Rev Respir Dis, 1964;90:4:60711.
22.Brody JA, Emanuel I, McAlister R, Alexander ER. Measles vaccine field trials in Alaska. II. Vaccination on St. PaulIsland, Pribilofs, where measles had been absent for 2l years. JAMA, 1964;190:11:96568.
23.Brody JA, Overfield T, Hammes LM. Depression of the tuberculin reaction by viral vaccines. N Engl J Med, 1964;271:129496.
24.Brody JA. Studies of measles vaccine in Alaska by the ArcticHealthResearchCenter. I. Transactions of Conference of Medical Officers of Alaska Native Area Office, 1965.
25.Brody JA, Overfield T, McAlister R. Draining ears and deafness among Alaskan Eskimos. AMA Arch Otolaryngol, 1965;81:2933.
26.Brody JA, Sever JL, Schiff GM. Prevention of rubella by gamma globulin during an epidemic in Barrow, Alaska in 1964. N Engl J Med, 1965;272: 12729.
27.Peralta PH, Shelokov A, Brody JA. Chagres Virus: A new human isolate from Panama. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1965;14:1:14651.
28.Brody JA, Sever JL, McAlister R, Schiff GM, Cutting R. Rubella epidemic on St. PaulIsland in the Pribilofs, 1963. I. Epidemiologic, Clinical and Serologic Findings. JAMA, 1965;191:8:61923.
29.Sever JL, Brody JA, Schiff GM, McAlister R, Cutting R. Rubella epidemic on St. PaulIsland in the Pribilofs, 1963. II. Clinical and Laboratory Findings for the Intensive Study Population. JAMA, 1965;191:8:62426.
30.McAlister R, Brody JA, Overfield TM. Enteric disease due to entero- pathogentic escherichia coli in hospitalized infants in Kotzebue, Alaska. J Pediatr, 1965;66:2:34348.
31.Brody JA, Hadlow WJ, Hotchin J, Johnson RT, Koprowski H, Kurland LT. Soviet search for viruses that cause chronic neurologic diseases in the U.S.S.R. Science, 1965;147:3662:111416.
32.McAlister R, Brody JA, Hammes LM, Feltz ET, Duncan DL, Willams ML. Epidemiology of ski injuries in the Anchorage area. Arch Environ Health 1965;10:91014.
33.Brody JA. Lower respiratory illness among Alaskan Eskimo children. Arch Environ Health, 1965;11:62023.
34.Brody JA and Haseley H. A measles epidemic in an Alaskan boarding school. Northwest Medicine, 1965;64:93841.
35.Brody JA and Huntley R. Human Iymphocytes cultured in microplates. Nature, 1965;208:5016:123233.
36.Reed D and Brody JA. Use of blood collected on filter paper disks in neutralization tests for poliovirus antibody. Public Health Rep, 1965;80:12:110002.
37.Reed D, Brody JA, Sperry G, Sever JL. Methisazone for prophylaxis against chickenpox. JAMA, 1966;195:7:58688.
38.Brody, JA. Chronic sequelae of tickborne encephalitis and vilyuisk encephalitis. National Institute of Neurologic Diseases and Stroke, NINDB, Monograph No. 2 (Slow, Latent and Temperate Virus Infections) 1966;11113.
39.Brody JA. The infectiousness of rubella and the possibility of reinfection. Am J Public Health, 1966;56:7:108287.
40.Brody JA, Alexander ER, Hanson ML. Measles vaccine field trials in Alaska. III. Two year followup of killed vaccine followed by live attenuated vaccine and gamma globulin with live attenuated vaccine. JAMA, 1966;196:9:75760.
41.Brody JA, Huntley B, Overfield TM. Studies of human brucellosis in Alaska. J Infect Dis, 1966;116:26368.
42.Reed DM, Brody JA, Huntley B, Overfield T. An epidemic due to Group B meningococcus in an Eskimo village. Part I. Epidemiology. JAMA, 1966; 196:5487:38387.
43.Corbett T and Brody JA. An epidemic due to Group B meningococcus in an Eskimo village. Part II. Clinical Studies. JAMA, 1966;196:5:38890.
44.Overfield T and Brody JA. An epidemiological study of molluscum contagiosum in Anchorage, Alaska. J Pediatr, 1966;69:4:64042.
45.Reed D, Brody JA, Lunsford J. Seasonal response to oral poliovirus vaccine among Eskimo children. Arch Environ Health, 1966;13:42932.
46.Reed D and Brody JA. Otitis media in urban Alaska. Alaska Medicine, 1966;:6467.
47.Brody JA. Concluding Remarks In: Current topics in microbiology, Symposium on Chronic Infectious Neuropathologic Agents (China) and other Slow Virus Infections. New York: SpringerVerlag 1967;40:6470.
48.Brody JA. Editor of Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology Vol. 40. Symposium on Chronic Infections Neuropathic Agents (China) and other Slow Virus Infections. New York: SpringerVerlag, 1967.
49.Brody JA, Fischer GF, Peralta PH. Vesicular stomatitis virus in Panama. Human serological patterns in a cattle raising area. Am J Epidemiology, 1967;86:1:15861.
50.Brody JA and Chen KM. Recent studies of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and parkinsonismdementia on Guam. In: Proceedings of the Second Asian and Oceanian Congress of Neurology. Melbourne, 1967;5:2:33134.
51.Berger RH and Brody JA. Reovirus antibody patterns in Alaska. Am J Epidemiology, 1967;86:3:72435.
52.Chen KM, Abrams BM, Brody JA. Serial EEGs of patients with parkinsonismdementia syndrome on Guam. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1968;25:38085.
53.Koprowski H, Brody JA, Hadlow WJ, Hotchin JF, Johnson RT, Kurland LT. A new science city in Siberia. Science, 1965;149:3687:94749.
54.Brody JA, Yase Y, Chemier 0, Phillipe Y. Hyperreflexia and spastic paralysis among New Caledonian leprosy patients. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1969;18:13237.
55.Yase Y and Brody JA. Some unique neurological diseases in the Pacific region. J Neuro Soc of India, 1968;XVI:1:913.
56.Eldridge R, Rosario J, Brody JA. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and parkinsonismdementia in a migrant population from Guam. Transactions of American Neurological Association, 1968;93:20406.
57.Wilner EC and Brody JA. An evaluation of the remote effects of cancer on the central nervous system. Neurology, 1968;18:11:112024.
58.Brody JA, Harlem MM, Kurtzke JF, White LR. Unsuccessful attempt to induce transformation by cerebrospinal fluid in cultured Iymphocytes from multiple sclerosis patients. N Engl J Med, 1968;279:3:20204.
59.Brody JA, Harlem MM, Plank CR, White LR. Freezing human peripheral lymphocytes and techniques for culture in monolayers. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, 1968;129:968972.
60.Wiler E and Brody JA. The Prognosis of general paresis after treatment. Lancet, 1968;ii:137071.
61.Chen KM, Brody JA, Kurland LT. Patterns of neurologic diseases on Guam.
Arch Neurol, 1968;19:57378.
62.Wilner E, Cannon J, Brody JA. Measles, minor neurologic signs and intelligence. Dev Med and Child Neurology, 1969;11:44954.
63.Eldridge R, Ryan E, Rosario J, Brody JA. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and parkinsonism in a migrant population from Guam. Neurology, 1969;19: 102937.
64.Eldridge R, Ryan E, Brody JA, Cooper IS. Dystonia musculorum deformans:
Evidence for two hereditary forms. Vol I of Proceedings of the Second International Congress of NeuroGenetics and NeuroOphthalmology. Montreal, 1969;:77288.
65.Brody JA and Chen KM. Changing epidemiologic patterns of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and parkinsonismdementia on Guam. In: Motor Neuron Diseases, Grune & Stratton, 1969:6179.
66.Brody JA, et al. Discussion of "Treatment of SSPE." Neurology, 1968; 18:2:18292.
67.Henson TE, Brody JA, Sever JL, Dyken ML, Cannon J. Measles antibody titers in multiple sclerosis patients, siblings and controls. JAMA, 1970;211:198588.
68.Brody JA, Chase TN, Gordon EK. Depressed monoamine catabolite levels in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with parkinsonismdementia on Guam. N Engl J Med, 1970;282:94750.
69.Scott RM, Brody JA, Schwab RS, Cooper IS. Progression of unilateral tremor and rigidity in Parkinson's Disease. Neurology, 1970;20:71014.
70.Brody JA and Nemo G. Response of peripheral blood lymphocytes from multiple sclerosis patients to guinea pig basic protein, and multiple sclerosis patients' cerebrospinal fluid and brain. In: Proceedings of the VI International Congress of Neuropathology. Paris: Masson & Cie, 1970;82728.
71.Nemo G and Brody JA. Cultivation of peripheral lymphocytes of multiple sclerosis patients in the presence of basic protein and brain and cerebrospinal fluid from confirmed cases. Neurology, 1970;20:407.
72.Sever JL, Kurtzke JF, Alter M, et al. Virus antibodies and multiple sclerosis. In: Proceedings of the VI International Congress of Neuropathology. Paris: Masson & Cie, 1970;:95859.
73.Chen KM, Brody JA, Kurland LT, Elizan TS. Clinical and genetic patterns of nuerological diseases other than amyotrophic lateral sclerosis on Guam. Neurology, 1970;20:95464.
74.Scott RM, Brody JA, Cooper IS. The effect of thalamotomy on the progress of unilateral Parkinson's disease. J Neurosurg, 197O;32: 28688.
75.Scott RM and Brody JA. Benign earlyonset Parkinson's disease: A syndrome distinct from classic postencephalitis parkinsonism. Neurology, 197l;21:36668.
76.Brody JA. Genetic considerations in Parkinson's Disease. In: LDopa and Parkinsonism, edited by Andre Barbeu and Fletcher McDowell. Philadelphia: FA Davis Company, 1970:2730.
77.Hoffmann PM and Brody JA. The accuracy of mortality statistics in clinically proven amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Transactions of American Neurological Association, 1970;95:26163.
78.Brody JA, Hussels I, Brink E, Torres JM. A preliminary report on the hereditary blindness among the Pingelapese people of the Eastern Caroline Islands. Lancet, 1970;1:125357.
79.Young DF, Eldridge R, Gardner WJ, Brody JA. Bilateral acoustic neuroma (central neurofibromatosis). Clinical and genetic studies. Neurology, 1970;20:400.
80.Hoffman PM, Stuari WH, Earle KM, Brody JA. Hereditary cerebelloolivary degeneration of late onset. Neurology, 1971;21:77177.
81.Eldridge R, Edgar A, Brody JA, Cooper IS, Riklan M. Increased intelligence in recessively inherited torsion dysioinia (Dystonia Musculorum Deformans). Neurology, 1970;20:410.
82.Brody JA, Hirano A, Scott RM. Recent neuropathologic observations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and parkinsonismdementia of Guam. Neurology, 1971;21:52836.
83.Eldridge R, Brody JA, Wetmore, N. Hearing loss and otitis media on Guam. Arch Otolaryngol, 1970;91:14853.
84.Brody JA, Sever JL, Henson TE. Virus antibody titers in multiple sclerosis patients, siblings and controls. JAMA, 1971;216:144146.